Students of SDM MCJ and B.Voc have recreated the famous Bhajan by the 15th century poet Narsinh Mehta, ‘Vaishnava Janato’ in Kannada.The interpretation titled ‘Parahita Bayaso’ was released on 25th November on the occasion of Dr. D Veerendra Heggade’s birthday. Parahita Bayaso is based on the ideals of kindness and compassion. Dr. B Yashovarma, the Secretary of...Read More
Dr. Vandana Jain, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology, has been awarded with Indo Asian – Elizabeth Loftus Distinguished Psychologist Award in recognition of the consistent superior performance in Psychology. It was awarded on the eve of World Science Day 10 November, 2020. Award Ceremony was recognized by REd talks International and powered...Read More
A National level webinar was conducted on 12/11/2020 by the Department of Physical Education. The resource person was Dr. Gajanana Prabhu, Assistant professor Department of Physical Education, Kuvempu University. Key note address was delivered by Dr.Kumar Hegde B, HOD Department of Botany. A total of 100 students took part in the webinar from 7 states. Read More
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Adichunchanagiri Institute for Molecular Medicine, Adichunchanagiri University and Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire has signed in the month of October 2020. This MoU is intended to build capabilities of human resources (students, research scholars and faculties) through skill development programs and advanced research collaborations in the areas of...Read More
Dr. Rathnavathi K, Asst.Professor at the department of Commerce at SDMC Ujire has completed her Ph.D thesis titled “Performance Evaluation of Private Life Insurance Companies- With Special Reference to Selected Private Life Insurance Companies in Karnataka.” She has completed her thesis under the guidance of Dr.P.N.Udayachandra, Associate Professor and Dean of Commerce, SDM College, Ujire; from Tumkur...Read More
An international webinar was conducted on 2nd Nov 2020 at 6.00 PM IST, organized by P.G Department of Biotechnology, SDM College(Autonomous), Ujire, to deliberate on the topic Bioprospecting. The session was witnessed by participants active enrollment nationally & internationally. The session also witnessed special invitee honorable secretary SDME Society, Dr.B. Yashovarma. The resource person Prof....Read More