Evolution is a necessity in a world that changes within a blink of an eye, and if there ever is a larger sector that needs to incorporate this idea, it is the educational sector. The education system shoulders the responsibility of producing competent individuals who are well in pace with the developments of the world and are capable of taking it exponentially further. SDM has been steadily adapting to modern trends in education and learning, in the direction of which ‘SDM E-Resource’ is an important step.
The brainchild of our Secretary Late. Dr. B Yashovarma, the initative ‘E-Resource’ is, simply put, a consistent process of digitally conserving formal education and presenting it to students free of cost. The YouTube channel named ‘SDM E-Resource’, currently managed by SDM Multimedia Studio, is a free source for all students to readily access syllabus based content. As of June 2020, the channel has over 1200 videos addressing a plethora of subjects ranging from Science, Commerce, Naturopathy, Arts, Languages and many more. More videos shall surface eventually and SDM E-Resource shall be a digital video encyclopaedia enabling self-learning and research for students, as well as faculty.