
Department of Botany

With more than five decades of experience in the field of teaching and research, we offer Botany as an undergraduate subject in B.Sc. The department is supported with a museum and a well-furnished laboratory. Botanical Tours and Field visits organized by the department provide practical knowledge to the students. The Department is organizing seminars, conferences and bio-fests regularly for the benefit of the students. The department has been sanctioned financial support for strengthening of Life Science and Biotechnology Education and training under the STAR COLLEGE SCHEME of DBT, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

Highlights of the Department

  • Regular botanical study tours to familiarize the students with different plant species in their natural environment
  • Regular field visits to study the flora in their natural habitat
  • Sasysourabha – The Botanical Association to cater the requirements of the students for their all-round development
  • Eco Club – An organization to co-ordinate the eco-friendly conservation related activities
  • Regular skill based hands on training workshops
  • Students centric participative mode of learning
  • Student Research Projects
  • Celebration of International days of environmental significance
  • The department maintains herbal garden
  • Department maintains a museum having a collection of wide variety of plant specimens
  • Department maintains herbaria having a collection of 300 varieties of plant specimens
  • The students of the department have excelled in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  • The department has been recognized by the STAR scheme of DBT, New Delhi for conducting programs to strengthen the basic science.

Elective subjects offered by the department: NEP

Title of the elective papers
Plants and Human Welfare
Plant Propagation, Nursery Management and Gardening
Landscaping and Gardening
Landscaping and Gardening

Star College Scheme


Did You Know ?

‘The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago. The second-best time to plant a tree is today’

Association & Activities

The department runs an association called ‘SasyaSourabha’ to create awareness among the students regarding the flora in specific and environment in general. The association organizes activities such as promotion of the use of medicinal plants, eco planning, wall magazines, environmental awareness, campus cleaning, promotion of the use of eco-friendly materials and student centric activities regularly.

Community Orientation

  • Natural Resource Study Centre (NRSC): It intends to address the vital issue of degradation of natural habitats and conservation strategies through research, documentation, education and training modes.
  • Arboretum: It is an outreach program of the department which intends to conserve the RET-plants. NGOs, Forest officials and students gain the benefit of knowledge related to the Ex-situ conservation.
  • Herbal Garden: It is a sight where plants belonging to diverse taxonomic families are conserved. It is a Bio-centre to study the flora in their natural habitat.
  • Environmental awareness programs: The Department regularly conducts awareness programs related to the conservation of nature and natural resources in and around Ujire.
  • Periodic field visits, Interaction with local community and sharing of ideas.
  • ‘Lab-in-cab’ a unique outreach programme to educate the high school students on Practical oriented facts of plant science.

Research outputs

The Department is actively associated with theme based research activities and the thrust areas of Research are;

  • Environmental Science & Biotechnology
  • Plant – Microbe Interactions
  • Phyto-Chemistry
  • Plant Tissue Culture
  • Medicinal Plant Studies


  • Pooja R., Ramachandra Y.L., Padmalatha S. Rai, Kumar Hegde B. A., and Vedamurthy A.B. 2022. Evaluation of in-vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of leaf and twig endophytic fungal extract from Mappiafoetida. Journal of Science and Technology. 7(3); 68-79.
  • Pooja R., Ramachandra Y.L., Chandrappa C. P., Kumar Hegde B. A., Nagaraju G., and Mona. 2020. Diversity and Cytotoxic activity of fungal endophytes of an Endangered plant Mappiafoetida. Plant Archives. 20(2); 4374 – 4381.
  • Pooja R., Mona,Kumar Hegde B. A., and Ramachandra Y.L. 2020. Anti-oxidant activity of Secondary metabolites produced by Fusariumoxysporum: An endophytic fungus isolated from an Endangered plant Mappiafoetida. Indo-American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 7(9); 537 – 543.
  • IshtapranSahoo, YashasDevasurmutt, UmashankarThippeswamy, PadmalathaRaiSatwadi, YarappaLakshmikanthRamachandra, Kumar HegdeBiliyaruAnanda, GovindappaMelappa. 2018. In silico Anti-HIV and Anticoagulant Activity of (60) Fullerene conjugated Coumarin and p-Coumaric Acid Isolated from Endophytic Fungi, Alternaria species-1. International Journal of Microbiology and Application, Open Science. 5(4); 81 – 92.
  • Kumar Hegde B. A., PadmalathaRai S., AshaJyothi, C., and Ramachandra Y.L. 2015. Physico-chemical and Bacteriological investigation on the River Nethravathy of Dakshina Kannada District”, Karnataka state in India. International Journal of Scientific Research. 4(2); 28 – 35.
  • Kumar Hegde B. A., G. Suresha, K. Ramada, and B, Yashovarma. 2006. Studies on Limnological Characteristics of Guruvayanakere Pond near Belthangady S.K. District. Ecobiology of Polluted Waters, Aravind Kumar (Ed.). Daya Publishing House, Delhi. Chapter 23.
  • ShrishaNaikBajpe, K. M. Marulasiddaswamy, Ramith Ramu, Abhijeeth S. Badiger, MaruthiKatenahallyRudrappa, and RamachandraKukkundoorKini. 2022. Assessing DNA barcodesspeciesdiscriminatingability and phylogenetic relation withinEmbeliaspecies. Journal of AppliedBiology and Biotechnology. 10(3); 22-27. 2347-212x 2455-7005,. DOI:
  • NehaJadhavGiridhar, VenkatappaMaruthiramaiahVyshali, BhavyaSomalapuraGangadharappa, Ramith Ramu, ShrishaNaikBajpe, Abhijeeth S Badiger, Parimala B and KatenahalliRudrappaMaruthi. Anticancer and gene expression studies of Piper nigrumextract on Colon cancer cell line. BioscienceBiotechnologyResearch Communications – An Open Access International Journal. 14(4); 1968-1974. 2021. P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007. DOI:

Scheme & Syllabus

List of Board of Studies Members

Department Gallery