
Department of PG Studies and Research in Statistics

Established in 2013

The department was established to foster analytical thinking as well as scientific temperament among individuals by offering a Post Graduate programme in Statistics. The programme imparts logical reasoning and trains the students in qualitative and quantitative analysis, and advanced statistical methods. Specialized courses in Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence enhance students’ technical and computational skills, preparing them for the evolving job market. Having a strong flair for research and statistical applications, the department equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for successful careers in research, industry, and data science.

Highlights of the Department

  • Workshops by experts on statistical softwares such as R, Python, Power BI, SQL, SAS, SPSS, and LaTeX, a document processing software.
  • Specialization papers on Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics have been introduced in the syllabus of M.Sc. Statistics to broaden computing and statistical skills.
  • Industry-oriented regular training on ‘Advanced Microsoft Excel for Data Science’ and ‘R for Advanced Statistical Methods & Machine Learning’.
  • Interactions with industrialists and guest lectures by eminent statisticians.
  • Provision of internship opportunities and study tours.

Elective subjects offered by the department

Semester Electives
  1. STST 501: Linear Algebra
  2. STST 502: Elements of Statistical Computing
  1. STST 551: Data Management and Statistical Computing with Python
  2. STST 552: Actuarial Methods
  1. STST 601: Stochastic Processes
  2. STST 602: Stochastic Finance
  1. STST 651: Statistical Modelling
  2. STST 652: Operations Research
  3. STST 653: Big Data Analytics
  4. STST 654: Artificial Intelligence

Did You Know ?

"Feeling of confidence is central to decision making, and, despite ample evidence of human fallibility, the subjective feeling relies on objective calculations".

Association & Activities

“StatXplore”, the association of the PG Statistics Department was started with the view of inculcating knowledge about the benefits of statistics to daily lives as well as to provide an insight on the professional aspects of the subject. Several trainings, workshops, seminars, guest lectures, and department level events and competitions are being conducted as a part of the activities of the association.


The department provides regular training on the following:

  1. ‘R’ and ‘Python’ programming languages
  2. Advanced Microsoft Excel
  3. ‘LaTeX’, a document processing software

Seminars/ Conferences

  1. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Statistical Inference and Data Analysis”.
  2. State Level Webinar on “Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Variables and Measurement Scales”.
  3. National Conference on “Statistical Insights and Data Science Trends” on April 6, 2024.

Guest Lectures

  1. Concepts of Testing of Hypothesis: ‘Randomized and Non-randomized test, Most Powerful Test (MPT), Uniformly Most Powerful Test (UMPT), Uniformly Most Powerful Unbiased Test (UMPUT) and Problems on Pitman Family’ (Resource person: Dr. R. N. Rattihalli, Professor of Statistics (Visiting), University of Hyderabad).
  2. Likelihood Inference (Resource person: Dr. K. ArunaRao, Professor of Statistics (Rtd.), Mangalore University).
  3. Cantelli – Glivenko – Weierstrass – Bernstein – Borel – a connection (Resource person: Dr. S. Ravi, Professor, Department of Studies in Statistics, University of Mysore).
  4. IAS Examination Pattern and Importance of Statistics in various Competitive exams (Resource person: Mr. Khanij Kumar, Software Engineer, Cisco, Bangalore).
  5. Statistical Techniques applied in Public Health and Medicine (Resource person: Dr. Haikady N. Nagaraja, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  6. Graphical Representation of Statistical Data and Interpretation, and Kernel and Non-parametric Density Estimation (Resource person: Dr. Susham Bendre, Professor, Applied Statistics Unit, ISI, Chennai Centre, Chennai.
  7. Project Formulation and Report Writing (Resource person: Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, Emeritus Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, College of Fisheries, Mangalore).
  8. Hadoop Distributed File System Basics (Resource person: Mr. Prithviraj Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SDM IT, Ujire).

  9. Must have skills for a Modern Statistician (Resource person: Prof. Nagaraj K. Neerchal, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Director, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Consulting, UMBC, Baltimore, USA)
  10. Applications of Statistical Theory in Real Life (Resource person: Dr. T. P. M. Pakkala, Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics, Mangalore University, Mangalore)
  11. Exploring Pathways: Navigating Careers in Statistics (Resource person: Mr. Dayananda Ubrangala, Data and Applied Scientist, Microsoft, Bangalore)
  12. Simultaneous Equations Model (Resource person: Dr. Satyanarayana, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Statistics & Data Science, MAHE, Manipal).


  1. Use of LaTeX Software for Document Processing (Resource persons: Dr. Shambhu Sharma and Ms. Supriya S. P., Department of PG Statistics, S.D.M. College PG Centre).
  2. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) (Resource person: Mr. Manoj Gokhale, Cenduit Private Limited, Bangalore).
  3. Preparation of Questionnaire (Resource person: Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, Emeritus Scientist (Economics), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, College of Fisheries, Mangalore).
  4. SAS – University Edition (Resource persons: Dr. Kalyan Joshi, SAS Inc., Pune; Mr. S. V. Rajguru, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur; Mr. Manjunath, GE Digital, Bangalore; Mr. Chethan P., Assistant Manager, TCS, Bangalore; and Mr. Pradeep K., Department of PG Statistics, SDMC, Ujire).
  5. Python Software (Resource person: Mr. Cherala Sriharsha, Associate Analyst, Goldman Sachs, Bangalore).
  6. Classification using Logistic Regression and Random Forest in R (Resource person: Mr. Arthur D’Silva, Manager, Tata Consultancy Services [TCS], Bangalore).
  7. ‘R’ Software (Resource person: Mr. Shravan, Analyst, Sattva Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore).
  8. Certificate Course on “Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with Python” (Resource persons: Mr. Chandan Sinha, Lead Software Engineer, SoftwareAG, Bangalore, Dr. Thyagaraju G. S., Professor and Head, Dr. Guru Prasad M. S., Assistant Professor, Mr. Chandrappa S., Assistant Professor, and Mr. Prithviraj Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, SDM IT, Ujire).
  9. Machine Learning Model Development for Classification Problems (Resource persons: Mr. Dayananda Ubrangala, Senior Data Scientist, VMware, Bangalore, and Mr. Subrat Swain, Project Manager, HSBC Global Banking and Markets, Bangalore).
  10. Microsoft Power BI: Dashboard in a Day (Resource person: Mr. Irshad Nediyedath, Business Analyst, MPC – Modern Pharmaceutical LLC, Dubai, UAE).
  11. Structured Query Language (SQL)(Resource persons: Ms. Ashakiran and Mr. Satheeshchandra P. D., Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire)
  12. Theory of Consumer Behavior and Models for Data Analysis (Resource person: Mr. Prasanna Surathkal, Research Associate, Azim Premji Foundation, Bangalore)
  13. Powering up your Data: Two Days A Hands-on Power BI and Tableau Workshop (Resource person: Mr. Shailendra N. R., Assistant Manager, Data Decision Support, OSB Group, Bengaluru).


  1. University Level Inter-collegiate Fest “Sankhya Sangama” for the undergraduate statistics students of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts.
  2. Industrial Visit to Dakshina Kannada District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Societies’ Union Limited, Kulshekar, Mangalore, for the PG students of statistics.
  3. Educational visit to Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Vittal, for the PG students of statistics.
  4. Internship opportunities through online/offline platforms are provided to the students of the department.
  5. Organized various Alumni interactions.
  6. Study tour to Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Kasaragod, and College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod, for the PG students of statistics.
  7. World Statistics Day celebration
  8. Organized various Extension activities.

Community Orientation

  1. Organised awareness and interaction programmes, in the sphere of extension activity and social responsibility, for the high school students of the following schools:
    • Morarji Desai Residential School, Machina
    • SDM Kannada Medium School, Ujire
    • DKZP Govt. Higher Primary School, Kanyadi – II
    • SDM English Medium School, Dharmasthala
  2. Students of the department are encouraged to take up research projects on community-oriented issues.

Research outputs

Research Projects

  • UGC approved Minor Research Project entitled “Investment for Conservation of Western Ghats: Perception of People’s Representatives” has been sanctioned to the department in the year 2016 and was completed and submitted in the year 2019. The Principal Investigator was Dr. K. M. Shambhu Sharma and Co-investigator was Prof. Shanthiprakash. The total grant sanctioned was Rs. 1,40,000.


  1. Rao K S M, M Raghunath, 2016,  A Simple Nonparametric Test for Testing Treatment versus Control,  Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications, 16(1), pp. 133-162.
  2. Rattihalli R N, M Raghunath, 2018,  Some Count Based Nonparametric Tests for Circular Symmetry of a Bivariate Distribution, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation,  48(3), pp. 922-943.
  3. S V Priya Kumari, S P Supriya,  2022,  Impact of Online Education during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study with Multidimensional Perception,  Journal of Education, Rabindra Bharati University, XXIV(1(XX)), pp. 17-23.
  4. S V Priya Kumari,  K Shwetha, 2022,  Role of Skill Enhancement Training Programmes for Rural Women Empowerment: A Study with Reference to SKDRDP in Belthangady Taluk.  Dogo Rangsang Research Journal. 13(8), pp. 36-43.
  5. S V Priya Kumari,  S P Supriya,  2022,  Role of RUDSETI in Self-Employment Creation among Rural Women: A Comparative Research with Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada and Chikmagalur Districts. Journal Shodhasamhita,  IX(8(VI)), pp. 82-102.
  6. S V Priya Kumari, S P Supriya, K Shwetha, 2023, An Exploratory Study on Impact of Self Help Group (SHG) on Economic Empowerment of Rural Women. Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS), 6(3), pp. 24-32
  7. S V Priya Kumari, K Shwetha, S P Supriya, 2023, A Study on Effectiveness of Financial Literacy Programmes towards Women Empowerment. Harvest: An International Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Research Journal, III(VIII), pp. 6-16
  8. S V Priya Kumari, S P Supriya, K Shwetha, 2024, A Study on Effectiveness of RUDSETI towards Sustainable Development of Women in Southern Region of Karnataka, Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 1, No. 2, pp 8-13, ISSN 2319-829X.
  9. S V Priya Kumari, Masuda, S P Supriya, 2024, Empowering Women, Strengthening Communities: Financial Literacy among Rural Muslim Women in Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS), Volume 07, No. 03(II), pp 92-100, ISSN :2581-7930, Impact Factor: 6.986

Paper Presentations

  1. Raghunath M,  R N Rattihalli  delivered an invited talk on “Estimation of Parameters in a Hazard Regression Change-point Mode” in the UGC Sponsored National Conference on ‘Applied Statistics and Informatics’ organized by the Department of Statistics, Savithribai Phule Pune University, Pune on 10 and 11 March 2017.
  2. R. N. Rattihalli delivered an invited talk on “Generation of Statistical Models” in the National Conference on ‘Recent Advancements in Statistics and their Applications to Society’ organized by the Department of Statistics, Savithribai Phule Pune University, Pune from 23 to 25 March 2017.
  3. Raghunath M, 2017,  Testing for Bivariate Symmetry about a Known Point” at the International Conference on ‘Mathematics – 2017’ organized by Providence College for Women, Coonoor, Tamilnadu on 4 and  August..
  4. R. N. Rattihalli, 2018,  delivered an invited talk on “Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Non-regular Family of Distributions” from 7 to 9 February at the Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandershinder, Ajmer.
  5. Raghunath M., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, delivered an invited talk on “A Class of Skew-symmetric Distributions: Tests for Symmetry” from 7th to 9th  February 2018 at the Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandershinder, Ajmer.
  6. R. N. Rattihalli, Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, delivered an invited talk on “Multivariate Skew-Symmetric Models” at UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Statistical Modelling and Applications’ organized by the Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra on 23rd and 24th February 2018.
  7. Raghunath M., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Power Skew-Symmetric Distributions” at UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Statistical Modelling and Applications’ organized by the Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra on 23rd and 24th February 2018.
  8. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Commerce, and Ms. Supriya S. P., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Impact of Online Education during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study with Multidimensional Perception” and won consolation prize in the 134th Dr. John Matthai Memorial Lecture and National Webinar on ‘Impact of Covid-19 on the Transforming Indian Economy’ organized by the Department of Economics, University of Calicut, Dr. John Matthai Centre, Thrissur, on January 12 and 13, 2021.
  9. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Commerce, and Ms. Supriya S. P., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Women Economic Empowerment through Capacity-Building Training Programmes: A Study with Special Reference to RUDSETI, Ujire” in a Three-Day International Virtual Conference on ‘Gender Studies’ organized by the Department of English, in association with IQAC & UBA Cell, Bishop Kurialacherry College for Women, Amalagiri, Kottayam, Kerala, in collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust & Cape Comorin Publisher, India, from August 26 to 28, 2021.
  10. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, and Ms. Supriya S. P., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, jointly presented a research paper titled “Role of RUDSETI in Self-Employment Creation among Rural Women: A Comparative Research with Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada and Chikmagalur Districts” in the 6th International Conference on ‘Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends’ (Online) organized by SDMIMD, Mysore, on November 25 and 26, 2021.
  11. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, and Ms. Shwetha Kumari, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, jointly presented a research paper titled “Role of Skill Enhancement Training Programmes for Rural Women Empowerment: A Study with Reference to SKDRDP in Belthangady Taluk” in the 6th International Conference on ‘Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends’ (Online) organized by SDMIMD, Mysore, on November 25 and 26, 2021.
  12. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, Ms. Supriya S. P., and Ms. Shwetha Kumari, Assistant Professors, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, jointly presented a research paper titled “An Exploratory Study on Impact of Self Help Group (SHG) on Economic Empowerment of Rural Women” in the International Conference on ‘Advent Trends and Practices in Multidisciplinary Research & Innovations (ICATP 2023)’ organised by Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on July 28 and 29, 2023.
  13. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, Ms. Shwetha Kumari, and Ms. Supriya S. P., Assistant Professors, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, jointly presented a research paper titled “A Study on Effectiveness of Financial Literacy Programmes towards Women Empowerment” in the International Virtual Conference on ‘Social Sciences, Law and Humanities’ organised by Mindanao State University – Sulu, Philippines, in collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India, on July 30 and 31, 2023.
  14. Dr. Priya Kumari S. V., Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, Ms. Supriya S. P., and Ms. Shwetha Kumari, Assistant Professors, Department of PG Studies in Statistics, jointly presented a research paper titled “A Study on Effectiveness of RUDSETI towards Sustainable Development of Women in Southern Region of Karnataka” in the Two Day National Seminar on ‘Sustainable Innovative Ideas for Global Business’ organised by the Department of Studies in Commerce, Davangere University, in association with Indian Council for Business Education (ICBE), Bengaluru, on August 18 and 19, 2023
  15. Ms Shwetha Kumari, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies & Research in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Testing the Equality of Coefficients of Variation of Bivariate Lognormal Distribution” in the One Day National Seminar on ‘Recent Developments in Statistical Sciences’ organised by the Department of Statistics, Karnatak University, Dharwad, in collaboration with First Convention of Karnataka State Statistics Association (KSSA), January 20, 2024.
  16. Dr Priya Kumari S V, Head, Ms Masuda, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies & Research in Commerce, Ms Supriya S P, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies & Research in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Empowering Women, Strengthening Communities: Financial Literacy among Rural Muslim Women in Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka” in the International Conference on ‘India’s Internal Security Artificial Intelligence & Future Perspectives’ organised by Rajasthan Police Academy, Government of Rajasthan, BORDERMAN, Institute of Border Security Studies, New Delhi, and Nirwan University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, on July 26 and 27, 2024.
  17. Mr Pradeep K, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies & Research in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Effect of Social Media on Adolescent Academic Accomplishment and Everyday Activities” in the Two Day International Seminar on ‘Breaking Barriers: Advancing Psychological Well-being Across Borders’ organised by the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, sponsored by ICSSR, on December 13 and 14, 2024.
  18. Mr Pradeep K, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies & Research in Statistics, presented a research paper titled “Discovering the Influence of Social Media Addiction on Sleep Quality and Psychosocial Wellness among Adolescents: A Cross-sectional Study” in the Two Day International Seminar on ‘Breaking Barriers: Advancing Psychological Well-being Across Borders’ organised by the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, sponsored by ICSSR, on December 13 and 14, 2024.

List of Board of Studies Members

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