“StatXplore”, the association of the PG Statistics Department was started with the view of inculcating knowledge about the benefits of statistics to daily lives as well as to provide an insight on the professional aspects of the subject. Several trainings, workshops, seminars, guest lectures, and department level events and competitions are being conducted as a part of the activities of the association.
The department provides regular training on the following:
- ‘R’ and ‘Python’ programming languages
- Advanced Microsoft Excel
- ‘LaTeX’, a document processing software
Seminars/ Conferences
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Statistical Inference and Data Analysis”.
- State Level Webinar on “Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Variables and Measurement Scales”.
- National Conference on “Statistical Insights and Data Science Trends” on April 6, 2024.
Guest Lectures
- Concepts of Testing of Hypothesis: ‘Randomized and Non-randomized test, Most Powerful Test (MPT), Uniformly Most Powerful Test (UMPT), Uniformly Most Powerful Unbiased Test (UMPUT) and Problems on Pitman Family’ (Resource person: Dr. R. N. Rattihalli, Professor of Statistics (Visiting), University of Hyderabad).
- Likelihood Inference (Resource person: Dr. K. ArunaRao, Professor of Statistics (Rtd.), Mangalore University).
- Cantelli – Glivenko – Weierstrass – Bernstein – Borel – a connection (Resource person: Dr. S. Ravi, Professor, Department of Studies in Statistics, University of Mysore).
- IAS Examination Pattern and Importance of Statistics in various Competitive exams (Resource person: Mr. Khanij Kumar, Software Engineer, Cisco, Bangalore).
- Statistical Techniques applied in Public Health and Medicine (Resource person: Dr. Haikady N. Nagaraja, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Graphical Representation of Statistical Data and Interpretation, and Kernel and Non-parametric Density Estimation (Resource person: Dr. Susham Bendre, Professor, Applied Statistics Unit, ISI, Chennai Centre, Chennai.
- Project Formulation and Report Writing (Resource person: Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, Emeritus Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, College of Fisheries, Mangalore).
Hadoop Distributed File System Basics (Resource person: Mr. Prithviraj Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SDM IT, Ujire).
- Must have skills for a Modern Statistician (Resource person: Prof. Nagaraj K. Neerchal, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Director, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Consulting, UMBC, Baltimore, USA)
- Applications of Statistical Theory in Real Life (Resource person: Dr. T. P. M. Pakkala, Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics, Mangalore University, Mangalore)
- Exploring Pathways: Navigating Careers in Statistics (Resource person: Mr. Dayananda Ubrangala, Data and Applied Scientist, Microsoft, Bangalore)
- Simultaneous Equations Model (Resource person: Dr. Satyanarayana, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Statistics & Data Science, MAHE, Manipal).
- Use of LaTeX Software for Document Processing (Resource persons: Dr. Shambhu Sharma and Ms. Supriya S. P., Department of PG Statistics, S.D.M. College PG Centre).
- SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) (Resource person: Mr. Manoj Gokhale, Cenduit Private Limited, Bangalore).
- Preparation of Questionnaire (Resource person: Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, Emeritus Scientist (Economics), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, College of Fisheries, Mangalore).
- SAS – University Edition (Resource persons: Dr. Kalyan Joshi, SAS Inc., Pune; Mr. S. V. Rajguru, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur; Mr. Manjunath, GE Digital, Bangalore; Mr. Chethan P., Assistant Manager, TCS, Bangalore; and Mr. Pradeep K., Department of PG Statistics, SDMC, Ujire).
- Python Software (Resource person: Mr. Cherala Sriharsha, Associate Analyst, Goldman Sachs, Bangalore).
- Classification using Logistic Regression and Random Forest in R (Resource person: Mr. Arthur D’Silva, Manager, Tata Consultancy Services [TCS], Bangalore).
- ‘R’ Software (Resource person: Mr. Shravan, Analyst, Sattva Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore).
- Certificate Course on “Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with Python” (Resource persons: Mr. Chandan Sinha, Lead Software Engineer, SoftwareAG, Bangalore, Dr. Thyagaraju G. S., Professor and Head, Dr. Guru Prasad M. S., Assistant Professor, Mr. Chandrappa S., Assistant Professor, and Mr. Prithviraj Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, SDM IT, Ujire).
- Machine Learning Model Development for Classification Problems (Resource persons: Mr. Dayananda Ubrangala, Senior Data Scientist, VMware, Bangalore, and Mr. Subrat Swain, Project Manager, HSBC Global Banking and Markets, Bangalore).
- Microsoft Power BI: Dashboard in a Day (Resource person: Mr. Irshad Nediyedath, Business Analyst, MPC – Modern Pharmaceutical LLC, Dubai, UAE).
- Structured Query Language (SQL)(Resource persons: Ms. Ashakiran and Mr. Satheeshchandra P. D., Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire)
- Theory of Consumer Behavior and Models for Data Analysis (Resource person: Mr. Prasanna Surathkal, Research Associate, Azim Premji Foundation, Bangalore)
- Powering up your Data: Two Days A Hands-on Power BI and Tableau Workshop (Resource person: Mr. Shailendra N. R., Assistant Manager, Data Decision Support, OSB Group, Bengaluru).
- University Level Inter-collegiate Fest “Sankhya Sangama” for the undergraduate statistics students of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts.
- Industrial Visit to Dakshina Kannada District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Societies’ Union Limited, Kulshekar, Mangalore, for the PG students of statistics.
- Educational visit to Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Vittal, for the PG students of statistics.
- Internship opportunities through online/offline platforms are provided to the students of the department.
- Organized various Alumni interactions.
- Study tour to Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Kasaragod, and College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod, for the PG students of statistics.
- World Statistics Day celebration
- Organized various Extension activities.