Established in 1970
It is engaged in teaching (Sanskrit both as a language and as an optional subject) and research pertaining to Sanskrit language and literature. Sanskrit is taught at Undergraduate level as a second language for BA, BCom, BSc, BBA, BCA students and is also taught as one of the optional subject for B A. Language students learn Sanskrit prose, poetry, drama and contemporary Sanskrit literature where as optional students study Sanskrit literature, Grammar, Nyaya, Philosophy, Aesthetics, Prosody, Vedic Hymns etc.
Semester |
Electives |
I |
Samskruth Bhasha Parichaya Ththa Kathasahitya |
II |
Vyavaharika Samskrutam |
क्षेमकुतूहलम् & रामायणम्महाभारतं च । [Kshemakuthoohalam & RamayanamMahabharatham Cha] |
IV |
स्वास्थ्यसंरक्षणम्, आयुर्वेदसुभाषितानिनाट्यशास्त्रपरिचयः [Swaasthyasamrakshanam AyurvedasubhashitaaniNaatyashastraparichayaha] |
Association & Activities
“SUBODHINI”Every year we conduct following programmes