
Department of Commerce

Established in 2008

The department aims at contributing effectively to the society by nurturing commerce professionals with knowledge, competence, commitment and integrity. It offers two Post Graduate programs: M.Com. and M.Com. (Insurance & Bank Management). These programs present multiplicity of paradigms before the students and strike a balance between theoretical inputs and professional practices. This programme lays strong emphasis on the analytical and administrative aspects in the field of finance, insurance and banks. The department imparts student centric teaching-learning with advanced specialization in the field of financial management and investment science, Human resource management and development, insurance and bank management. The department is adaptable to the variations required for the professional development of the students through research and other personality development programs. The department is recognized by Tumkur University as Research Centre.

Highlights of the Department

  • The department focuses on progressive learner-centered teaching approach which includes case studies, group discussions, personality development, seminars, field visits, role play, business games, quiz, study circle and project work.
  • To bridge the gap between academia and industry, the course curriculum is rationalized with the switching needs of commerce, trade and industry

Elective subjects offered by the department

Sl. No. Name of the Department Semester Title of the
Title of the
Certificate Course
1. PG Commerce Mcom II
  1. CMOE2.1 – Essentials of  Management
  2. Corporate Communication
  3. Digital Marketing
Application of Python in Financial Analysis
2. Mcom III
  1. CMOE3.1 -Entrepreneurship Development and Startup
  2. Ethics in Business
  3. Human Resources Management And Development
3. Mcom (IBM)  II
  1. IBOE 2.1-  Personal Finance and Budgeting
  2. Intellectual Property Rights
  3. Introduction to Insurance
4 Mcom (IBM) III
  1. IBOE 3.1 – Banking Practices
  2. Project Management
  3. Serivces Marketing

Did You Know ?

"Commerce education was started in the year 1886 by establishing a commercial institute by the Government of Madras".

Association & Activities
Community Orientation
Research Output
Scheme & Syllabus

The Department of Post Graduate Studies in Commerce organizes various student development activities through the student Fora “Master’s Passion”. The Master’s Passion consists of student representatives, whose responsibility is to organize, co-ordinate and execute the various activities which sets a platform for the students to exhibit their talents, develop their skills with respect to confidence, leadership, enhanced inter personal relationships, better decision making and also personal and professional ethics required for their career development.

Activities organised under Master’s Passion-

  • Guest Lectures from expertise on challenging business scenarios.
  • National Conference
  • Micro-lab orientation by Rudseti.
  • Industrial and Field visits.
  • Coaching for competitive exams.
  • Current affairs and value talk.
  • Alumni interaction.
  • Research promotion through student paper presentations.
  • Workshops on Entrepreneurial development and soft skills.
  • Seminars and article reviews.
  • Career guidance program.
  • Case analysis, role plays, brainstorming and other business games.
  • Intra-departmental competitions.
  • Study circle.
  • Virtual classes.
  • YouTube lectures and Ted Talks.
  • Encouraging students to enroll and pursue MOOC (online courses).
  • Student summer internship program.
  • Court Visits.
  • Organising Mock interviews.
  • Intercollegiate Management fests.
  • Certificate course on GST.
  • Extension programs.

Community Orientation

  • Awareness program on financial products and services.
  • Interaction with Self-Help Group members on rural financial inclusion.
  • Self-Awareness program for school students.
  • Demat and passport campaign.
  • Awareness program on Dengue in Anganawadi’s.
  • Say no to plastic- awareness program.

Research Output

Minor Research Projects- 4

  • Udayachandra P.N has successfully completed the project on “Diagnostic Study on Entrepreneurial capital with special reference to Dakshina Kannada”.
  • Suresh Babu K.N has successfully completed the project on, “Non-Performing Asset Management in Co- operative Societies with special reference to BPCARD” under UGC grant Rs. 80,000 during the period 2012 –2014.
  • Priyakumari S.V has successfully completed the project on, “A Comparative Study of SHGs Organized and Promoted by SKDRDP and Kudumbashree in Dakshina Kannada District and Kollam District, Towards Empowerment of Rural Women. Funded by UGC 90,000 MAY-JUNE 2015
  • Chidananda H.L has successfully completed the project on, “Evaluation of Training and Development Practices of selected N.G.O’s in Micro Finance Sector- with special reference to Karnataka” Order no- MRP (H)-0846/13- 14/KAMA009/ UGC-SWRO Date of approval- 15-Feb- 2014 Amount sanctioned- Rs 60000




  • Priya Kumari, S.V. & Karthik (2019). Microfinance and Women Empowerment: A Comparative Study on Impact of Self Help Group in Select District of Kerala and Karnataka, International Journal For Research in Engineering Application and Management, 4(12), 306-311
  • Muruganandan S (2020)  Testing the Profitability of Technical Trading Rules across Market Cycles: Evidence from India, Colombo Business Journal: International Journal of Theory & Practice, Vol.11, No1, 24-46
  • Maheshbabu, N., & Madhushree, S. (2020). Mental Alertness, Self-esteem and Emotional Intelligence of Underprivileged Students: A Remedial Intervention Program. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 33(3), 15-19.


  • Chidananda, H. L., & Udayachandra, P. N. (2018). Relationship of Training Design and use of Transfer Strategy with Transfer of Training. International Journal of Management Studies, V(4(4)), 32–37.
  • Chidananda H. L., & Udayachandra, P. N. (2018). Relationship between Trainee Characteristics and Transfer of Training, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management, 04 (09), 370–374.
  • Suresh Babu KN (2018). A Study on green banking an initiative for sustainable development with special reference to Belthangady Taluk, DK District, International Journal of Exclusive Management Research,8(2), 217-222,
  • Suresh Babu KN (2018). Impact of Natural Disasters on Common man – A case study of Coorg District, International Journal of Economics,      6(1), 14-19,
  • Madhushree. S (2018). Retailers’ Perception towards Local Soft Drinks against MNCs Soft Drinks with Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada (D), Karnataka, Shodha, 8 (1), 153-168.


  • Priyakumari, S, V., & Karthik (2017). Microfinance through Neighborhood Group-Empowerment Mantra for the Sustainable Development, Journal of Advanced Research In Dynamical & Control Systems, Management, 05, 409-413.
  • Priyakumari, S,V., & Karthik (2017). Impact of Self Help Group in Economic Empowerment of Rural Women-A Study, Journal of Advanced Research In Dynamical & Control Systems, Management 7, 56-61.
  • Rakesh.T.S , Madhushree.S& PriyaKumari SV (2017, Nov),“A study on financial literacy among young graduates in Belthangady Taluk”, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman & Dr. Venkatraja B, 3rd International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends(pp.1-8), SDM Research Center for Management Studies, SDMIMD, Mysore.
  • Rakesh.T.S , Madhushree.S& PriyaKumari SV (2017, Nov),“ A Study on Effects of Demonetization on Retailers In Belthangady Taluk”, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman & Dr. Venkatraja B, 3rd International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends(pp.1-7), SDM Research Center for Management Studies, SDMIMD, Mysore.
  • Muruganandan, S., Vijayakumar, N. & Dharani, M. (2017). Impact of US Stock Market and Oil Price on BRIC Stock Markets and Their Interdependency, Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, 12(4), 75-87.
  • Muruganandan, S., Santhi, V. & Arunkumar, J. (2017), Calendar Anomalies: Before and After the Global Financial Crisis in Emerging BRIC Stock Markets, HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities & Social Sciences, 4(1), 26–30.
  • Muruganandan S. (2017). Week End Effect: Evidence from Indian Stock Market, ABBS Management Business and Entrepreneurship Review, 8(1), 19-29.
  • Suresh, B. K. N. (2017). Trend and magnitude of NPA in Cooperative Bank, International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, 07(7), 61-65.
  • Rakesh.T.S& Madhushree. S (2017). Consumer Perception and Satisfaction towards Internet Banking and Mobile Banking with Reference to Nationalized Banks in Rural India, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 8(4), 29-40.
  • Rakesh.T.S , Madhushree.S& Priya Kumari SV (2017, Nov),“A study on financial literacy among young graduates in Belthangady Taluk”, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman & Dr. Venkatraja B, 3rd International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends(pp. 1-8), SDM Research Center for Management Studies,, SDMIMD, Mysore.
  • Rakesh.T.S , Madhushree.S& Priya Kumari SV (2017, Nov),“ A Study on Effects of Demonetization on Retailers In Belthangady Taluk”, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman & Dr. Venkatraja B, 3rd International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends(pp.1-7), SDM Research Center for Management Studies, SDMIMD, Mysore.
  • Ashoka M L, Rakesh.T.S& Madhushree.S (2017, Feb), “A Study on Domestic Soft Drinks Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Selected District of Karnataka”, SasiMisra, Sunil Shukla & Ganapathi Batthini, Twelfth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship(Vol 2, 1025-1033,), EDII & Bookwell publishing – Delhi.


  • Muruganandan, S., Vijayakumar, N. & Padmasani (2016). Performance Persistence of Indian Fund of Mutual Funds, Finance India, 30(3), 883-908.
  • Dharani M., Vijayakumar, N & Muruganandan, S. (2016). A Study on the Relationship Between Price and Net Asset Value of the Exchange Traded Funds in India, Smart Journal of Business Management Studies, 12(2), 31-40, DOI : 10.5958/2321-2012.2016.00011.7.
  • Suresh Babu KN (2016). Management of Non-performing Asset in selected Co-operative Bank with special reference to DK District, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management , 5(1), 40-44,
  • Suresh Babu, K.N. (2016). Non-performing Asset Management in cooperative societies with special reference to BPCARD, International Journal of Research in Commerce , Economics and Management, 2 No.3,PP 202-207,
  • Ashoka M L, Rakesh. T.S. & Madhushree.S (2016, Oct). Consumer Perception towards Domestic Soft Drinks in Belthangady Taluk, D.K (D), Dr. H. Gayathri, Prof. Jayakrishnan S , Prof. R Sugant& Dr. M.R. Suresh, Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Marketing(pp. 1-8), SDM Research Center for Management Studies, SDMIMD, Mysore.
  • Ashoka M L, Rakesh.T.S& Madhushree.S (2016, Nov), “Investors Perception towards Stock market with Special reference to Dakshina Kannada (D)”, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman & Dr. Venkatraja B, 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development(pp. 1-11), SDM Research Center for Management Studies, SDMIMD, Mysore.


  • Vijayakumar N., Dharani M & Muruganandan S (2015). Impact of Weather on Return and Volatility: Evidence from Indian Stock Market, International Journal of Financial Management,5(2), 44-51.
  • Muruganandan S. (2015). A Comparative Study on Financial Strength of Tata Steel Ltd and SAIL, The Management Accountant, Vol. 50, No. 8, pp.72-75.
  • Madhushree.S (2015). Consumers Perception towards Online Shopping With Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada(D), International Journal of Online Marketing, 5(3), 38-46, DOI: 10.4018/IJOM.2015070103.
  • Madhushree. S (2015). Opportunities and Challenges Faced By Domestic Packaged Drinking Water Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Mysore District, Karnataka, Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(3),00-00.
  • Madhushree. S (2015). Impact of Microfinance in Belthangady Taluk – A Case Study on SKDRDP, International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, 5(3), 00-00
  • Rakesh.T.S, Suma V & Madhushree.S (2017, Oct), “A Conceptual study on Human Capital move from BPO to KPO in India”, Department of Commerce & IQAC(Eds), National level Seminar on Contemporary Research Issues in Business and Management(pp. 17-22), Mangalore Academy of Professional Studies (MAPS College)-Mangalore.
  • PriyaKumari S.V & Asha V (2014). Women Empowerment through Microfinance – A Study of SKDRDP in Belthangady Taluk, Vijayakumar D& Nagendra (Eds.). Role of microfinance in sustainable social development(82-87),ChannankeshvaPrakashana.
  • PriyaKumariS.V.,Narasimha Nayak & Mohammad Masood M (2014),Green Marketing in India-An overview,Dejamma A & Seema Prabhu S.,(eds.),The Green Umbrella:Green Business Opportunities(pp 65-67)CFGC,Mangalore.
  • Muruganandan, S. & Sivaprasad (2013). Performance persistence of Indian fund of mutual funds: With special reference to bull and bear market. ISOR Journal of Economics and Finance, 36(2), 18-27.
  • Suresh Babu KN& Dr. PN Udayachandra (2014),“The role of self -help groups in economic empowerment of rural women – A case study of BelthangadyTq”. With reference to SKDRDP,Dr.TT Devasia (Eds.) Explorations Vol: 4 Issue2.1, p-p 250-256, ISSN 22229-4783. Prakash Publications,


  • PriyaKumari S.V & Asha V (2013),The ethical dimension of microfinance,Yashovarma B & Udayachandran P.N(Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Governance and IFRS((162-165), United Publications.
  • PN Udayachandra & Suresh Babu KN (2013)“IFRS Implementation in India- Issues and Challenges” , Yashovarma B & Udayachandran P.N(Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Governance and IFRS((468-472), United Publications
  • Suresh Babu KN, (2013),IFRS Implementation in India: Opportunities and Challenges in India,Dr. Seetharama Mayya, BV Raghunandan and Dr. Panduranga Nayak (Eds), International Financial Reporting Standards and Extensible Business Reporting Language,(61-68) Dept of Commerce and Management
  • Suresh Babu KN (2013), “Comparative study on Customer perception towards Super markets and Kirana shops with special reference to Ujire”Dr. Paramashivyya& Dr. Sudharshan Reddy(Eds),Indian Retail prospects and challenges,(242-246,) Himalaya Publications,


  • Chidananda, H. L., Udayachandra, P. N., & Devaraja, T. S. (2012). BC model for inclusive growth-study on performance of SKDRDP. International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research1(10), 254-262.
  • Padmasani., Muruganandan, S. & S. Vidhya (2012). Determinants of Capital Structure: A case Study on Selected CNX Sectoral Indices, ENQUETER: a Research Journal on Management, 2 (1), 8-13.
  • Vijayakumar. N., Muruganandan. S., & Chandra Sekhara Rao. K (2012). Relationship between Fund Performance and Fund Characteristics: Evidence from India, The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 18(2), 5-18.
  • Padmasani., S,Muruganandan, S., & Yazhini, M. (2012). A case study on attitude of rural and urban customers of khadi products. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management2(9), 231-242.
  • Padmasani& S. Muruganandan (2012). An Analysis of Ups and Downs in the Return of IT Sector Scrip’s- With Special Reference to the Period of Sub-prime Financial Crisis. Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2(5), 30-39.


  • Padmasani., S. Muruganandan& M. Yazhini (2011). Rural Consumers’ Attitude towards Khadi Products, The Journal of Management and Science, 1(2), 14-23.
  • Padmasani& S. Muruganandan (2011). A study on application of market power trade credit theory, International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, 2(3), 12-21


  • Muruganandan, S., Sengottuvel, E. P. & Malabika Deo (2010). Prospects of Fund of Mutual Funds (FOFs) in India. Journal of Management Trends, 7(2), 97-103.

List of Board of Studies Members 2022-23

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