Natural Resources Study Centre

Natural Resources Study Centre

Natural Resources of all forms and sources are becoming increasingly threatened today. Plants, animals & minerals-and their products are all being affected by current indiscriminate use, at the unprecedented rate. This is putting unbearable pressure on both the ecological and economic capital of the nation. The degradation of natural habitats like forests, rivers and agricultural landscapes are leading to reduction in flow of ecosystem services and goods! And the economic progress is also, therefore, getting halted because of lack of regular and sustainable flow of natural resources like water, timber, minerals, agriculture produce and so on. Hence, conservation of natural habitats and ensuring equilibrium in natural resources production cycle have become the need of the hour to sustain growth and ensure livelihood security for all.

Natural Resources Study Centre (NRSC) wishes to address this vital issue though research, documentation, and education & training modes. It is an institutional facility created by SDM College, Ujire, being coordinated by Dept. of Botany & Biotechnology. It is a recent initiation, in fact, which is carrying forward the works taken up by Technical Resources Centre (TRC) for over a decade. Earlier, TRC was focusing only on the farming issues of Belthangady Taluk, but the NRSC has now expanded the scope to accommodate all stakeholders and natural resources issues of this coastal district and also the adjacent Western Ghats region. NRSC has been initially focusing on taking up the tasks of survey & documentation and research & extension works on agriculture based natural resources.

The current focus areas of NRSC are:

  • The ecological, therapeutic, socio-economic and agricultural aspects of medicinal plants
  • Alternative uses of different agriculture produce and byproducts.

NRSC considers students, academicians, farmers, entrepreneurs, professionals, Govt. and  Non-Government Organizations – all as stakeholders of this task of conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Suggestions, feedback and participation from all those who are concerned are welcome.

NRSC, Dept of Botany & Biotechnology
SDM College, Ujire -574240
Phone: 08256-236221