As per the order No.BT/HRD/11/056/2019, dated 25/11/2019 of Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, SDM College Ujire has been recognized under Star College Scheme. The Scheme aims at strengthening basic sciences, particularly life science and Bio technology education and offering training at undergraduate level. Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Biotechnology departments are the beneficiary departments of this Scheme. A Financial support of Rs. 82 lakhs has been sanctioned for strengthening Life science and Biotechnology Education and providing training at undergraduate level under this Scheme for 3 years.
Dr Kumar Hegde B A Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (autonomous) Ujire, is the coordinator for this programme.
Under Star College Scheme departments of Chemistry, Physics Botany, and Biotechnology have to conduct seminars, workshops, training programs, field visits, research activities, science fests, invited lectures and carry out research projects for the promotion of science education.