In view of the quality enhancement strategies of the college, the IQAC has initiated Academic and Administrative Audit during this year. The guidelines of NAAC specify the need to establish a functional IQAC and evolve an internal mechanism to ensure quality parameters in all the initiatives of the higher education institutions. As a part of quality steps, the IQAC of the college constituted a committee comprising of both internal and external members for the review and assessment of the departments. The AAAudit was held on 3rd October 2018. The audit took the internal assessments like IESA(institutional Educational Standard Average), PBSA(performance Based Staff Appraisal), Departmental appraisal by the students, Average students attendants, Average classes held against scheduled as a part of Departmental assessment. The other criteria for assessment includes innovations, extent of syllabus revision, certificate courses, SRPs, extension programmes, Departmental associations, professionalism in planning, lesson plans, work distribution, maintenance of records and documents, the feedback mechanism developed, the use of dept library, student supportive strategies etc.
Prof. Madhav Bhat, professor of English, Prof. TN Keshav, Principal, Prof. Girish, faculty of Sdm college of Technology Ujire and Prof. Aruna Kamath, Principal SDM College of Business Management, Mangaluru as committee members visited the Departments and interacted with the HODs and faculty the whole day. The members of the committee besides appreciating the functioning the departments gave concrete tips for quality initiatives. Prof. Aruna Kamath said, ‘it was a learning experience talking to all faculty about the academic and other activities of the departments’.