The ninth installment of the monthly dialogue series "SDM Nenapingala" (Dialogue with an Alumnus) of SDM College of Ujire was held on January 29th at the college.
The event was organized by the SDM College Alumni Association with the aim of providing a platform for alumni to share their experiences and insights with current students. In this edition of the program, the chief guest was Manorama Bhat, an alumna of the college and a press alternative consultant in Tokyo, Japan. She spoke about her experiences as a student at SDM College and her journey to becoming a successful professional in Japan. She emphasized the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance in achieving one’s goals. She also stressed the importance of values such as honesty, integrity, and compassion in leading a meaningful life.As part of the program, a scholarship of Rs. 5,000 was awarded to meritorious student Jahnavi Hegde, a second-year BSc student, by Manorama Bhat.
The college principal, Dr. B.A. Kumar Hegde, delivered the introductory speech. The program was attended by Prof. Abhilash and Prof. Shakuntala.