Workshop on “Voyage- a Journey towards HR Destination” by Dept of PG Studies And Research In Social Work, SDM College, Ujire,held On 4th and 5th September 2012
A Seminar on ‘Suicide Prevention And Counselling” by Dept Of PG Studies And Research In Social Work, SDM College Held On 07 September 2012
A Workshop on “Methods & Techniques Of Social Work” organized by Dept Of PG Studies And Research In Social Work, SDM College, Ujire, held On 12th and 13th September 2012
A Seminar on “Perspectives In Community Development” Organised by Dept Of PG Studies And Research In Social Work, SDM College, Ujire held On 14 th September 2012
A National Conference on “Redefining Social Work Profession In Multicultural Contexts” held At St. Marys College, Shirva On 11th And 12th October, 2012
A National Conference on “Social Work Education in India: Issues & Concerns” organised by Dept of Studies & Research in Social Work, Tumkur University, Tumkur on 4 th & 5 th December 2012
A Workshop on “Research Methodology & Application of SPSS” held at University of Tumkur, Tumkur on 16th & 17th of February, 2012
A National Conference on “Millennium Development Goals And Social Sector Performance” by Dept Of PG Studies And Research In Social Work, SDM College Held On 22nd and 23rd February, 2013
Attended a National Conference on “Youth for Social Transformation-Involvement & Initiatives” by Department Of PG Studies and Research In Social Work, SDM College Held On 19th and 20th February, 2014
Organized State Level Seminar on understanding and Management of Childhood Disorders on 24 and 25th September, 2013
Organized State Level Seminar on Redefining Development- A way forward on 10th October 2013 Organized State Level Workshop Voyage on 2nd and 3rd September,2013
Coordinated inter collegiate seminar on Social Work and Its different paradigms on 10th October,2013
Participation in short term training courses less than one week duration in educational technology, curriculum development, professional development, Examination reforms, Institutional governance
Challenges In Higher Education By Dr. Yoganand Moolemath On 05th September 2013 held at SDM Engineering College
Participated in national level seminar on “role of non economic institutions in development “ organized by PG Dept of Economics , SDM PG Centre, Ujire on 28th March 20l5
Participated in UGC sponsored one day state level seminar on Challenges related to adolescents –a public health issue held by department of Home Science on 26th august 20I4
Organized and participated in national conference Sambhrama 20I5 on the theme “the changing face of family-implications and interventions on 5th and 6th February 20I5
Participated in Social Work rural camp organized by Dept of Social work , SDM College, Ujire from 24th to 29th January 2018 at Mala village
Coordinated and Participated in 2 day national level educational and cultural fest –Jhenkar - 2018 organized by SDM PG Centre, Ujire on 30 & 31 Jan 2018
Participated in national conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (SAMBHRAMA- 2018) Organized by MSW Dept at SDM PG Centre on 8th March 2018
Participated in Samprathi 2018 - a two day national seminar on ensuring child rights in India :a challenge held at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on 25th and 26th September 2018
Organized and Participated in an international conference on Diversity Management :Views from India and Europe organized by CIRHS, Dept of MSW and JMC, SDM College, Ujire at SDM PG Centre on Ujire on 26 and 27th Oct 2018
Organized and coordinated two days national conference on Fostering holistic responses to School Counselling at SDM PG Centre, Ujire on 23rd and 24th November, 2018
Organized one day inter collegiate workshop Voyage 2018 – a journey towards HR Destination SDM PG Centre, Ujire on 29th November 2018
Coordinated and Participated in 2 day national level educational and cultural fest -Jhenkar 2019 organized at SDM PG Centre, Ujire on 25th and 26th Jan 2019
Participated in Social Work rural camp held at kookrabettu, Marody,Belthangady from 14th to 19th March, 2019
Participated in one day workshop on Research Methodology at Kuvempu university Shimogga organized by Dept of Library Science, Kuvempu University , Shimogga
Participated in a national conference “ sambhandha, sampreethi and sangharsha – the dynamics of human relationships “ organized by dept of PG in Psychology SDM PG Centre, Ujire on 25th and 26th Feb 2019