Workshops Attended:
- Participated in workshop on “New avenues in social research” held at SDM College Ujire on 20th February 2009
- Attended one day state level workshop on “Methodologies in research article writing” on 26th January 2013 held at SDM College Ujire.
- Participated in a Research Methodology workshop on “Questionnaire building and Inferential Analytics” held at Govt. F.G. College Haleyangadi on 20th February 2019
- Participated in the workshop on “Dynamics of Goods and Services Tax (GST)” on 30-8-2017 held at SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire.
- Attended two day workshop on “Imactful Approach towards Research and Publications” held at Dr NSAM First Grade College, Nitte from 21st to 22nd December 2023.
Seminar Attended:
- Participated in a National seminar on “Relevance of information and communication technology in agriculture” held at SDM College Ujire on 20 and 21 st March 2009
- Participated in National Conference on “Women Empowerment – Power of the Nation ” held at PG Centre for Management Studies and Research, Mangalore on 12th February 2011
- Participated in National level Conference on “Business Sustainability through Social Value Addition” held at St. Aloysius College Mangalore on 7th April 2014
- Participated in National seminar on “ Recent Trends in Statistical inference and data analysis ” held at SDM College Ujire on 30th and 31st October 2015
- Attended a state level Seminar on “Women political leadership” in Karnataka held at SDM College on 5th February 2016.
- Participated in the 7 days Training Course for NSS Programme Officers organised by the NSS-Empanelled Training Institution for Karnataka, University of Mysore, from 2nd January to 8th January 2017
- Attended a one day workshop on “Dynamics of Goods and Service Tax” organised by SDM College Ujire on 30th May 2017.
- Attended one day state level seminar on “Goods and service tax” held at Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management on 2nd Dec, 2017
- Participated in two-day National level seminar on “Consumer Protection-Issues and Challenges” held at St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore on 16 and 17th February 2018
- Attended one day workshop on “Zero to Millionaire: Share market and Investment Analysis” – organised by the HRD cell of SDM College Ujire on 23rd December 2017.
- Participated in one day Seminar on “Bharatheeya Showrya Parampare” held at Shri Rama First Grade College, Kalladka on 10 th February 2018
- Participated in one day National Conclave on “Rejuvenating vision to transform Indian Management education in the Global context” held at Canara College, Mangalore on 25th February 2019
- Participated in One day Conference on “New Education Policy” held at SDM College Ujire on 29th July 2019
- Participated in One day National Conclave on “Social Developments in India – Challenges and Strategies” held at SDM College Ujire on 21st January 2019
- Participated in Webinar on ‘Impact of Digital and Online education over classroom learning’ organised by Vidya Sanskar Institute of Science, Commerce and Management, Bangalore on 08.08.2020
- Participated in International Level Webinar on “Unlocking Outstanding Success – 10 – Essential Skills for 10x Meaningful Growth” organized by Tumkur University, Tumkur on 4.9.2020
- Participated in State Level Webinar on “Boost Immunity with Naturopathy and Yoga” 2020 Organised by Youth Red Cross and Drug Bank on 10.9.2020
- Participated in International Level Webinar on “Global Recruitment Strategies: Talent Acquisition and Selection” organised by Dept. of B.Voc. in Retail and Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 10.5.2021
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Marketing in times of Covid – 19” organised by Dept. of Commerce, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 25.5.2021.
- Participated in a Webinar on “Companies Act – 2013 – Accounts and Auditing” organised by Dept. of Commerce, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 26.5.2021
- Participated in an International FDP on “A to Z of Research” organised by SRM Institute of Technology, Chennai from 27.7.2020 to 31.7.2020
- Participated in five days National level Faculty Development Programme on “Systematic Investment Plans – Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Government First Grade College, Vijayanagara, Bangalore from 29th May to 03rd June 2021.
Conference attended:
- Participated in State Level Conference on “World Economic Crisis: Learning and Way out” organized by SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, on 28th July 2022.
Paper Presented & Published:
- Presented a paper on “Corporate Governance an Overview” in the International seminar on Contemporary issues in ethics, governance and IFRS held at SDM College held on 24th and 25th February 2012.
- Presented a paper titled “Enhancing quality assurance through teachers’ effectiveness “in the two days National seminar on “ Lessons learnt from IQAC: Moving forward and making a difference ” held at SDM College Ujire on 27 and 28th March 2012
- Presented a paper titled “A comparative study of depreciation accounting under IAS and IFRS” in the two days National level seminar on IFRS and XBRL held at SVS College Bantwal on 7 and 8th February 2013
- Presented a paper titled “ Comparative Analysis of Indian private and public life insurance companies with reference to their market shares” in two days National seminar on “ Indian Insurance Sector: Innovation, sustainability and social impact” held at Tumkur University on 22nd November 2014
- Presented a paper titled “Digital Insurance – A study with reference to perception of Policy holders’ in Belthangady Taluk” in Two-day National Conference on “Managing Evolving Trends of Indian Economy – A new Outlook” held at Tumkur University on 27th and 28th November 2017
- Presented a paper titled “Stress factors on working women in NGO sector – with special reference to employees of NGOs in Belthangady Taluk” in the International Conference on “A Decade of Global Financial Crisis: Antecedents, Aftermath and Challenges Ahead” held at St. Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology, Beeri Mangalore on 9th April 2019
- Presented a paper titled “Role of sustainable development policy impacts on energy usage” in the 3 Day National Conference on “Indigenisation of Social Sciences in India” held at Tumkur University, Tumakuru in association with Rashtriya Samaj Vigyan Parishad from 13th to 15th December 2019
Publications of Articles
- Corporate Governance an overview ISBN -978- 93-81195- 25-3, United Publishers, 2013
- A comparative study of depreciation accounting under IAS and IFRS ISBN-978- 93- 195- – 2 Department of Commerce and Management SVS College, Bantwal, DK
- Perception of policyholders towards Digitalisation of Insurance Sector – A study with reference to Belthangady Taluk ISSN (online) – 2349-0187, Impact Factor (SJIF 2019): 8.045, Volume 7 Issue 8, September 2019 EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
- Analysis of Financial Performance of Selected Private Life Insurance Companies ISSN (online) – 2348-814X, Impact Factor (SJIF 2019): 6.473, Volume 6 Issue 1, September 2019 EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics and Educational Management.
- Stress And Working Women – A Study with Reference to Women Employees of NGOs In Belthangady Taluk “in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume, 8 Issue 1, Impact Factor 5.75, March 2021, ISSN 2349-5138.
Book Publications:
- Co-authored book titled “All in one College Scanner” for CBCS IV Semester B.Com of Mangalore University, ISBN -978- 93-85682- 21-6, United Agencies, Mangalore, February 2016
- Co-authored book titled “Corporate Accounting” for NEP III Semester B.Com of Mangalore University, ISBN-978-93-5693-066-7, Vision Book House, 2022
- Co-authored book titled “Corporate Accounting I” for NEP V Semester B.Com of Mangalore University, ISBN-978-93-5495-629-4, Himalaya Publishing House, Bangalore, 2021
- Co-authored book titled “Corporate Accounting II” for NEP V Semester B.Com of Mangalore University, ISBN-978-93-5596-310-9, Himalaya Publishing House, Bangalore, 2022
- Corporate Accounting, IV Semester, ISBN-978-93-5693-066-7, Vision Book House, 2022
Resource person
- Participated as a Rapporteur in the 4th Annual Conference on “ Indegenisation of Social Sciences in India” held at Tumkur University, Tumakur in association with Rashtriya Samaj Vigyan Parishad from 13th to 15th December 2019.
- Participated as a Guest/Chief Guest for invited programs of the college and other associations