Dr Maheshbabu N

ORCID iD : 0000000211083935 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&authuser=1&hl=en&user=D3Y8ap0AAAAJ&authuser=1
  • M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
  • Papers Taught : Research Methodology, Childhood and Adolescent Developmental Disorders, • Areas of Counselling, Cognitive Processes, Social Psychology, •Qualitative Research methods,
  • Area of Expertise : Statistics & SPSS
  • Academic Experience - 09 Years


Research Guidance: 04 (Under Mangalore University, Mangalore)
  Research guideship
Sl. No Ph.D. M. Phil/ PG Dissertation
1 04 (Ongoing) 38(Submitted)
09 (Ongoing)
Cited by ALL ResearchGate

Research Interest Score                   26.5
Citations                                            9
h-index                                              2

Google scholar
  All Since 2020
Citations 27 12
h-index 4 2
i10-index 0 0

Contact Details

Email : madhupratihasta@sdmcujire.in

Phone No. : +91 9740623126

Research Details

Research Project entitled “Effect of remedial training intervention on mental alertness, self-concept, self-esteem and emotional intelligence of academically underprivileged performers’, Dr.Baswaraj Bappan jointly with Dr.Maheshbabu.N. ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research)-Ministry of HRD GoI, New Delhi: 2016-17


Book Publication:

  • Maheshbabu.N and Shivakumar S Chengti (2011). “Impact of Mental Health on Job Satisfaction among Nurses Working in Government and Private Hospitals”LAP Lambert Academic Publishing House Germany ISBN No: 978-3-659-25974-6.
  • Maheshbabu.N and Sushmita.J (2020). Alcoholics and dependents, Stress, marital adjustment and coping strategies.LAP Lambert Academic Publishing House Germany ISBN No: 978-6200566225.

Conference Proceedings Publication:

  • Maheshbabu.N and Shivakumar S Chengti (2014). Job Anxiety and Job Satisfaction In Relation to School Organizational Climate among Primary School Teachers: An Indian Context. “ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Stress and Resilience” on 14th& 15th November 2014. Dept. of psychology, AdikaviNannaya University, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh.ISBN: 978-9-351-96800-9.

Research Papers Publications:-

  • Maheshbabu.N and Shivakumar S Chengti, BalajiWalkhinde (2013). “Organizational Climate and Job Anxiety of Primary School Teachers”International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 06, Issue, 01, -4694-4696.
  • Maheshbabu.Nand S.G.Jadhav (2014). “Organizational Climate and Job Anxiety of Secondary School Couple Teachers”Indian Psychological Review, Vol. 82, 02. ISSN 00196215
  • Maheshbabu.N and S.G.Jadhav (2014). “Job satisfaction and mental health of Secondary School Couple Teachers”Golden research thoughts, Vol. 02, 06.
  • Maheshbabu.N, Shivakumar S Chengti and Mr.Chandrkanth.B.K (2015). Anxiety and locus of control of college going adolescents, Indian Psychological Review. Vol 85, Special issue, 223-230. ISSN 00196215
  • Maheshbabu.N and S.G.Jadhav (2016). “Job anxiety, Job Satisfaction and Mental Health among Working Teacher Couples. International journal of current research.
  • Maheshbabu.N, Chandrkanth. B. K, and Shivakumar S Chengti (2017). Adjustment and Social support of pre-university college adolescents. The international journal of Indian psychology. Vol 4, Issue 2. No 96.
  • Maheshbabu.N, Chandrkanth. B. K, Shivakumar S Chengti (2018). Impact of mental health on job satisfaction of secondary school couple teachers. The international journal of Indian Psychology. Vol 6. No 2.
  • Maheshbabu.N, and Basavaraj Bappan (2018). Mental alertness and self-esteem of underprivileged students. International journal of current research. Vol 10. Issue 1.
  • Maheshbabu.N, and Basavaraj Bappan (2018). An intervention program on mental alertness and self-concept of the underprivileged. International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education. Vol 3. Issue 1. 60-62.
  • Shilpa Mohan and Maheshbabu.N (2018). Depression among recently disabled adolescents adapting to a new reality. Indian Psychological Review. Vol 90. No 1. Pp 13-18 (UGC Approved). ISSN 00196215
  • Maheshbabu.N (2019). The differences in socio demographic factors on cyber bullying among adolescents. Indian Psychological Review. Vol 92. No 1. Pp 3-6. ISSN 00196215
  • Maheshbabu.N and Anirudh Ramesh (2020). The Role of Happiness in Young Adults of Hostelites and Non-Hostelites. Journal of the social science. Vol 48. (2). ISSN: 09758935.Scopus indexed Cosmos Impact factor: 6.120(2019).
  • Maheshbabu.N and Madhushree.S (2020). Mental Alertness, Self-esteem and Emotional Intelligence of Underprivileged Students: A Remedial Intervention Program. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science. 33(3): 15-19. DOI: 10.9734/JESBS/2020/v33i330205.pp 15-19.
  • Jini Sherly Saji and Maheshbabu.N (2020). Mental health and Optimism of Health Care worker’s During Covid-19: A Qualitative Analysis. Phonix International Journal for Psychology and Social Science. Vol 4. Issue 4. ISSN: 24565180. Impact factor: 3.489.
  • Maheshbabu.N and Shital.M (2021). Quality Of Life and Social Support in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A Gender Difference Study. Psychology and Education. 58(5): 4581-4589 ISSN: 1533-6939. A Scopus indexed journal: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/50205
  • Sudheer.K.V and Maheshbabu.N (2022). A study on specific mental health issues among single parent and their adolescents children in the post Covid-19 scenario. Shodhasamhita. Vol. IX. Isse I(V). ISSN: 22777067. UGC care Group-I.
  • Disha Rag and Maheshbabu.N (2022). The effect of yoga on mental health and mindfulness of yoga practitioners-A case study. Journal of Education Rabindra Bharati University. Vol XXIV, No. I(IXII), ISSN: 09727175. UGC Care Group-I. A peer reviewed journal.
  • Triveni S and Maheshbabu.N (2022). The self-efficacy and perceived social support among HIV-Positive adolescents: A correlational study. International journal of current research and modern education. Vol 7. Issue 2, ISSN: 24555428, Impact factor: 6.295. Internal refereed research journal.
  • Maheshbabu.N and Yuvaraja.U (2022). Athletes of rural Karnataka: An invesitagtion of psychological indicators: Published in an edited book on mental health: A global concern and conviction. Published by Department of postgraduate studies and research in psychology, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire-574240. ISBN: 978-93-54935-84-8.
  • Maheshbabu.N, Madhushree.S and Rakesh.T.S (2021). Impact of post-covid-19 lockdown on life satisfaction and mental health of college students. Modren Thamizh research. Vol. 9. ISSN: 2321984X. UGC Care listed journal. Group-I.
  • Hegde, V., & Maheshbabu, N. (2022). Impact of Media Information in the Development of Novel Coronavirus Symptoms without the Disease: Nocebo Phenomenon. International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal17(3), 29-37. ISSN: 23217235. https://doi.org/10.9734/indj/2022/v17i330205
  • Kashika R, Maheshbabu N. Exploring adoption disclosure through Indian adoptive parents: A qualitative study. Ann Indian Psychiatry 2023;7:359-65.
  • Namratha, M.; Maheshbabu, N. (2020). Perception of career and its barriers among middle class young adults. IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 2020, Vol 8, Issue 7-9, p312. ISSN2347-3797
  • Surya P S, & Dr. Maheshbabu N. (2022). Emotional Maturity and Resilience among Athletes. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.261
  • Kashika, R.and Maheshbabu, N. (2023). Exploring Adoption Disclosure Through Indian Adoptive Parents: A Qualitative Study. Annals of Indian Psychiatry 7(4):p 359-365, Oct–Dec 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/aip.aip_90_22 Web of Science

Administrative works

  • Working as office superintendent of PG Examination, since February 2022.


  • BOE Chairperson, Department of Psychology, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore University.
  • BOS and BOE member. Department of Psychology, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore.
  • BOS member, Department of Psychiatry, SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences. Ujire.
  • BOE member of Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Psychology St. Agnes College (Autonomous)’s. Dakshina Kannada
  • BOS member of Dept. of Psychology, SVJCT’s Samartha Educational Institute, Kasarwadi, Sawarde, Taluka Chiplun of Ratnagiri District, Maharastra State.
  • BOS member of Department of M.Sc Counselling, School of Social Work, Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada
  • BOE member of Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, Dakshina Kannada
  • BOS member of Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, Dakshina Kannada
  • BOE member of Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Psychology. Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
  • BOE member, Dept of Psychology, KLE’s Lingaraj college of Arts and Sciences, Belagavi.


  • Presented a paper in (IAAP) 52nd national and 21stInternational Conference titled “Adjustment and Social support of pre-University College students”. Organized by dept. of psychology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Date: 23rd – 25th February 2017
  • Poster presentation in (IAAP) 52nd national and 21stInternational Conference titled “a study of happiness among post graduate students”. Organized by dept. of psychology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Date: 23rd – 25th February 2017.
  • Participated in two day on workshop “Research project writing workshop”, organized by CIRHS nd PG Department of Social Work, SDM PG Centre, Ujire, Karnataka – India.
  • Presented a paper in ICSSR sponsored national seminar entitled “job anxiety, job satisfaction in relation to school organizational climate among primary school teachers: an Indian context” (in-absent). Stress and Resilience: IN CHILDERN, ADOLESCENTS, WOMEN AND SUPPORT GROUP. Organized by dept. of psychology, AdikaviNannaya University from 14th and 15th November 2014.
  • Presented a paper in National Conference titled “Self Confidence among Police” Organized by Dept of Psychology, “Directorate of Distance Education” S.V.University. Tirupati.A.P.
  • Presented a paper in International Conference titled “job anxiety and organizational climate of secondary school couple teachers. Organized by dept. of psychology, Karnatak University Dharwad. Date 22nd through 24th may 2013.
  • Presented a paper in International Conference titled “job anxiety, job satisfaction and mental health of working teacher couple”. Organized by dept. of psychology, Smt. Laxmiben& Shree Chimanlal Mehta (GLS) Arts College. Date 1st through 3rd march 2014.
  • Presented a paper in International Conference titled “Job Satisfaction and Mental health of Secondary School Couple Teachers” Organized by Dept of Psychology, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology, Ernakulum, Kerala-India.
  • Presented a paper in 5th Doctoral Theses Conference titled “Job Anxiety, Job Satisfaction and Mental Health in Relation to Organization Climate” Organized by Dept of Psychology & Management IBS-Hyderabad.
  • Presented a paper in 7th National Conference of Indian Association of Mental Health (IAMH) titled “Impact of Mental Health on Job Satisfaction among Nurses” Organized by, Dept of Studies in Psychology, Karnatak University Dharwad
  • Participated in the Two day UGC National Seminar on “Stress and Well-being in Adolescents Role of Psychology”, organized by Dept of Psychology. S.V. University, Tirupati. A.P.
  • Participated in UGC sponsored national seminar on emotional intelligence for youth behaviour. Organized by dept. of psychology & Indian association of human behaviour, from 22nd and 23rd November 2013.
  • Participated in two day National Conference on “Mental Health in work setting” organized by the Dept of Psychology, Osmania University.A.P.
  • Participated in international conference on “PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC AND MENTAL HEALTH” organized by the Dept of Psychology, Bangalore University Bangalore.
  • Participated in National conference of Academy of psychologists organized by the Dept of Psychology, S.V. Medical College Tirupati.
  • Participated in seminar on, “A need for counseling in improving quality of higher education”, organized by the Dept of Psychology, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga.
  • Underwent a FEEL Employable;learning and development intervention conducted by college for leadership & human resource development at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
  • Participated un the workshop on research proposal writing, organized by the Research and Development Cell, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 19th October 2023.
  • Participated in the National Seminar Organized by the Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 12th April 2023.
  • Participated in the one-day workshop on Marketing Research and Strategy, organized by the Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology on 28-03-2024.
  • Attended the MDP on Predictive analytical for Business decision making, organized by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysuru on June 3 and 4, 2019.
  • Participated in one day conference on New Education Policy held on 29th July, 2019 organised by SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.

Conference/Workshop/Seminar Organized

  • Organizing committee member of FIVE-DAY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (A hands-on experience). Organized by the Research and Development Cell in association with Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology and Chemistry, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire from 20th to 24th August 2024.
  • Organizing committee member of two days international seminar on Breaking barriers: advancing psychological well-being across border”. Organized by the dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.
  • Organizing committee member of two days national level conference on “Sambandha, Sampreethi, Sangharasha: The Dynamics of Human Relationships” held on 25th – 26th February 2019
  • Organizing committee member of one day national level conference psycho vision on “Enhancing mental health across life span: Role of Psychologists” held on 2nd March 2018
  • Organized a one day workshop on Clinical Interviewing and Basics of Psycho-social Rehabilitation, organized by the dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College Ujire, held on 29th April 2023.
  • Event coordinator and participated in one day workshop on Psychoanalytical Therapy, organized by the dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College Ujire, held on 22nd December 2022

Special Lecture/Resource Person/Chairperson

  • Inaugurator of Cognito and Delivered a talk guest talk on Importance of Psychology, Organized by the Department of Psychology, SDM College, Ujire. On 9th July 2024.
  • Delivered a talk on Stress Management, at Centre for rural excellence, SKDRDP, Belthangady, Mangalore on 30/05/2024

Journal editor member

Editorial member:

  • Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting
  • Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology
  • Asian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies

International advisory board member:

  • Review Of Research Journal (RORJ)

Faculty improvement/skill upgradation/training programme:

  • Participated in 7 days faculty development programme / Training Programme on Innovative Teaching and Learning Pedagogy, organized by Bhgawan Parshuram Institute of Technology- Delhi, Research Foundation of India & RFI-Care from 7-14 October 2024.
  • Presented a paper in Two days international conference on mental health at workplace titled “Mental health in Gen-Z. organized by the department of Psychology, Bangalore University, on 26th and 27th September 2024.

Radio Talks:

  • Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Adolescents, at AIR (All India Radio), Mangalore, on 10-03-2024.

Awards & achievements

  • Doctoral Fellow: ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research)-Ministry of HRD GoI, New Delhi: Sep 2013 to Feb 2015.
  • Research Project entitled Effect of remedial training intervention on mental alertness, self-concept, self-esteem and emotional intelligence of academically underprivileged performers’, Dr.Baswaraj Bappan jointly with Dr.Maheshbabu.N. ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research)-Ministry of HRD GoI, New Delhi: 2016-17

Any Other


  • BOE Chairperson, Department of Psychology, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore University.
  • BOS and BOE member (PhD). Department of Psychology, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Managlore.
  • BOS member, Department of Psychiatry, SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences. Ujire.
  • BOE member of Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Psychology St. Agnes College (Autonomous)’s. Dakshina Kannada
  • BOS member of Dept. of Psychology, SVJCT’s Samartha Educational Institute, Kasarwadi, Sawarde, Taluka Chiplun of Ratnagiri District, Maharastra State.
  • BOS member of Department of M.Sc Counseling, School of Social Work, Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada
  • BOE member of Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, Dakshina Kannada
  • BOS member of Dept of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, Dakshina Kannada


  • Organizing committee member of two days national level conference on “Sambandha, Sampreethi, Sangharasha: The Dynamics of Human Relationships” held on 25th – 26th February 2019
  • Organizing committee member of one day national level conference psycho vision on “Enhancing mental health across life span: Role of Psychologists” held on 2nd March 2018

Training/Refresher Course

  • TOT on Capacity building on Civics, Citizenship Parenting Adolescents & Peer Education through Life Skills Method- a Hands on Experience, Organized by RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur from 23rd July – 04th August 2012.
  • Refresher course in statistical methods for behavioural research. Organized by dept. of biostatistics, NIMHANS Bangalore from 10th – 12th September 2014.
  • Research methodology course. Organized by council for social development, “CSD” Hyderabad from 11.02.2013 to 20.02.2013.
  • Orientation programme, Organized by council for social development, “CSD” Hyderabad from 21.10.2013 to 25.10.2013.
  • “National Workshop on Research Methodology in Psychosocial Issues” organized by Dept of Psychiatric Social Work, NIMHANS Bangalore from 21st and 23rd November 2011.


  • Working as Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies and Research in Psychology SDM College, Ujire.
  • Worked as Research Assistant in the Dept. of Psychology, Jnana Prabhodini Institute of Psychology, Sadashiv Peth, Pune. MH.
  • Worked as Guest faculty in the Dept. of Psychology, Government Degree  college, Davangere
  • Worked as lecturer in Kittel Arts & Commerce Degree College, Dharwad

Membership of Professional Bodies/ Organisations:

  • Academy of Psychologist, Tirupati, A.P, India 2010 (Life Member).
  • Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, Chennai, T.N India 2014 (Life Member).
  • Indian School Psychology Association, Puducherry, India (Life Member)
  • World Congress of Psychologist, Tirupati.A.P. India (Secretary, Karnataka State & Life Member) Reg No: 78/2021