Dr. K. R. Maruthi

Assistant Professor
  • L.L.B., M.Sc., Ph.D
  • Papers Taught : Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Plant Biotechnology
  • Area of Expertise : Plant Molecular Taxonomy
  • Academic Experience - 20 Years

Research Details

Ph.D. 2003 Biotechnology, Kuvempu University
Guide: Dr. V. Krishna, Dept. of Biotechnology, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta – 577 451, Shimoga, Karnataka.
Title of the thesis: In vitro studies on Celastruspaniculatusan endangered medicinal plant of the Western Ghats of Karnataka.


  • ShrishaNaikBajpe, K. M. Marulasiddaswamy, Ramith Ramu, Abhijeeth S. Badiger, MaruthiKatenahallyRudrappa, and RamachandraKukkundoorKini. 2022. Assessing DNA barcodesspeciesdiscriminatingability and phylogenetic relation withinEmbeliaspecies. Journal of AppliedBiology and Biotechnology. 10(3); 22-27. 2347-212x 2455-7005,. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/JABB.2022.100304
  • NehaJadhavGiridhar, VenkatappaMaruthiramaiahVyshali, BhavyaSomalapuraGangadharappa, Ramith Ramu, ShrishaNaikBajpe, Abhijeeth S Badiger, Parimala B and KatenahalliRudrappaMaruthi. Anticancer and gene expression studies of Piper nigrumextract on Colon cancer cell line. BioscienceBiotechnologyResearch Communications – An Open Access International Journal. 14(4); 1968-1974. 2021. P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/14.4.86
  • Shashank M. Patil, K. R.Maruthi,ShrishaNaikBajpe, VM Vyshali, S Sushmitha, ChagalamariAkhila&Ramith Ramu. Comparative moleculardocking and simulation analysis of molnupiravir and remdesivirwith SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp).Bioinformation. 17(11); 932-939. 2021. ISSN: 0973-2063 & 0973-8894. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6026/97320630017932
  • Abhijeeth S Badiger, Maruthi K. R.,ShrishaNaikBajpe, Ramith Ramu, and K Jayadev. Urinary Tract Infection – A Review on ItsPrevalence and RecentAdvances. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 33(468); 582-592. 2021.  ISSN: 2456-9119 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i46B32980
  • Abhijeeth S Badiger,MaruthiKatenahalliRudrappa, and ShrishaNaikBajpe,AssessingGeneticDiversity and DNA Barcodesefficiency of Salacia and relatedspeciesfrom the Western Ghats, Karnataka. Journal of AppliedBiology and Biotechnology. 9(2);67-74. 2347-212x 2455-7005, 2021. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/JABB.2021.9206
  • ShankaraNarayana K, ShrishaNaikBajpe, MaruthiKatenahalliRudarappa, Abhijeeth S Badiger. 2021. Exploration of mentorship program of SDM College, Ujire in COVID-19 pandemic. The Research Journal. 7(1); ISSN 2454-4930; 2454-7301. IF – 4.126
  • Prarthana, J. and Maruthi, K.R.Fresh Water Algae as a Potential Source of Bioactive Compounds for Aquaculture and Signifiances of Solvent System in Extraction of Antimicrobials. Asian Journal of ScientificResearch, 12(1), 18-28, 2019. ISSN: 1992-1454, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3923/ajsr.2019.18.28
  • Prarthana, J. and Maruthi, K.R. Molecularcharacterization of fishpathogens&factorsinfluencingpathogenicity. Indian Journal of AppliedResearch, 7(8), 41-44, 2017. ISSN: 2249-555X.
  • Prarthana, J. and Maruthi, K.R. Screening of phytochemicals& bioactive antibacterialactivity in Spirogyrasp. International Journal of AdvanceResearch, 5(7), 1145-1154, 2017. ISSN: 2320-5407.
  • Prarthana, J. and Maruthi, K.R. Phytochemicalanalysis of antimicrobial bioactive constituentsfromOscillatoriasp. Indian Journal of AppliedResearch, 7(2), 645-647, 2017. ISSN: 2249-555X
  • Sunil Kumar, K. N.,Maruthi, K.R.,Alfarhan, A.H., Rajakrishnan, R. and J. Thomas.Molecularfingerprinting of Helicanthuselastica (Desr.) Densergrowing on five different hosts by RAPD.Saudi Journal of Biological Science, 23(3), 335-340, 2016. ISSN: 1319-562X, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.12.002
  • Pravin R. Joshi, Harish, C.R., Bhupesh R. Patel, Anita P. Joshi (Kulkarni), Maruthi, K.R.and Sudha.Usage of DNA Fingerprint for exploring the concept of Pratinidhidravya (substitution) in Ayurveda – a ray of hope in the demarcation of substitutes and adulterants. American Journal of PharmTechResearch, 3(4), 824-830, 2013. ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • Harish B. Gowdru, SharathRajashekarappa, Kumaraswamy H. Malleshappa, Katenahalli R. Maruthi, and Venkatarangaiah Krishna. In vitro regeneration of inflorescence and callusenhancement of CelastruspaniculatusWilld. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 5(2), 147-151, 2011. ISSN: 1752-3389
  • Shivaji Bole, Shachindra, L.N., Nargund, L.V.G., and K.R. Maruthi.Production and Characterization of α-amylase from Aspergillus niger.Journal of Ultra Chemistry, 6(3), 269-274, 2010. ISSN: 0973-3450.
  • Suresh Babu, P., Krishna, V., Maruthi, K.R., Shankarmurthy, K. and Ramesh K Babu. Evaluation of acute toxicity and hepatoprotectiveactivity of the methanolicextract of Dichrostachyscinerea (Wight and Arn.) leaves. PharmacognosyResearch – A Rapid Publication Journal, 3(1), 40-43, 2010. ISSN: 0974 8490DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/0974-8490.79114
  • RavikumarPatil, H.S., H. Gurumurthy, H.K. Makari, B.M. Madhukar, K.R. Maruthi, and R.Divakar. Regeneration of rice via somaticembryogenesis and variant analysisusingRAPDBiotechnology – An Indian Journal, 2(1), 5-7, 2008. ISSN: 0974-7435.
  • Krishnamurthy, Y.L., K.R. Maruthi, Rajanaik, and Y.P. Nagaraja.  Direct and indirect organogenesisthroughbulbil explants of CurculigoorchioidesGarten. Advances in Plant Science, 18(1), 305-310, 2005. ISSN: 0970 3586.
  • Shankarmurthy, K., V. Krishna, K.R. Maruthi, Y.P. Nagaraja, and B.A. Rahiman. High frequency plant regenerationthroughleafcallus culture of EmbeliaribesBurm.-a Threatenedmedicinal plant. Plant CellBiotechnologyMolecularBiology, 5 (3&4), 115-120, 2004. ISSN: 0972-2025.
  • Maruthi, K.R., V. Krishna, Y.P. Nagaraja, B.A. Rahiman, and T. Pullaiah. In vitro regeneration of CelastruspaniculatusWilld. – a rare medicinal plant. Plant CellBiotechnologyMolecularBiology, 5(1 & 2), 33-38, 2004. ISSN: 0972-2025.
  • Shankarmurthy, K., V. Krishna, K.R. Maruthi, Y.P. Nagaraja, and B.A. Rahiman. Somaticembryogenesis and regeneration of plantletsfromleafcallus culture of Embeliaribes. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants, 5(1), 95-99, 2004. ISSN: 1511-8525.
  • Maruthi, K.R., V. Krishna, K. Shankarmurthy, and B.A. Rahiman. Micropropagation of CelastruspaniculatusWilld., throughhypocotyl explant culture. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants, 5(2), 249-254, 2004. ISSN: 1511-8525.
  • Shankarmurthy, K., V. Krishna, K.R. Maruthi, and B.A. Rahiman. RapidadvantageousOrganogenesisfromleaf segment of EmbeliaribesBurm. – a ThreatenedMedicinal Plant. Taiwania, 49(3), 194-200, 2004. ISSN: 0372-333x, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6165/tai.2004.49(3).194
  • Nagaraja, Y.P., V. Krishna, and K.R. Maruthi. RapidMicropropagation of Andrographisalatathroughleaf culture. Plant CellBiotechnologyMolecularBiology, 4(3 & 4), 117-124, 0972-2025, 2003.
  • Manjunath, B.K., V. Krishna, K.R. Maruthi, and Y.P. Nagaraja. Analysis of Vegetational pattern in Lakkavalli Reserve Forest of Central Western Ghats, India. Environment and Ecology, 19(4), 948-955, 2001. ISSN: 0970 0420.
  • Maruthi, K.R., V. Krishna, Y.P. Nagaraja, and B.A. Rahiman. TraditionalMedicinal Plants of Davanagere District, Karnataka – withreference to cure Skin disease. Environment and Ecology, 18(2), 441-446, 0970-0420, 2000.

Books & Conference Procedings

  • Maruthi, K. R., Vinayaka, K. S., and NagarajaParisara. 2023. EnvironmentalStudies (Kannada version). United Publishers, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • VasantiReena Williams, Maruthi, K. R. and ShrishaNaikBajpe. 2021. EnvironmentalStudies. Himalaya Publishing House, Bengaluru. ISBN : 9789354997482C
  • Yashovarma, B., Maruthi, K.R. and J. Prarthana. 2012. (Ed). ). UGC Sponsored National Conference – “BiotechnologicalProspecting in HerbalAnti-viral and Anti-cancerous Drug Development” Abstracts & Souvenir. Manjushree Printers and Publishers, Ujire.
  • Yashovarma, B., Maruthi, K.R. and S. Veeranna. 2011. (Ed). State LevelConferenceConference – “Mesmerizing Fields of Biotechnology” Abstracts & Souvenir. Manjushree Printers and Publishers, Ujire.
  • Yashovarma, B., Maruthi, K.R. and B.G. Harish. 2009. (Ed). UGC Sponsored National Conference – “Role of Biotechnology in development of herbal Drug and conservation of Biodiversity” Souvenir. Manjushree Printers and Publishers, Ujire.


  • One Day National Seminar on “Recent Prospective in Biotechnology Research”. Dept. of Biotechnology, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta. Poster presentation: “Species discriminating ability of DNA barcode and phylogenetic relation within Embelia species”.
  • An International Conference on Nurturing Innovative Technology Trend  in Engineering BIOscience (NITTE BIO) – 2021 Organized by Department of Biotechnology, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte on 19th& 20th Nov 2021. Paper presented on “Intigrative analysis of multi omics data of COVID 19”.
  • Two-day National Conference on “Recent trend in Biotechnology (RTBT-2018)” Organized by Dept. of Chemistry & Biotechnology, Karnataka Science College, Karnataka University, Dharwad on 23rd and 24th February 2018. Delivered invited talk “Nature’s internet tactics in modern agricultural practice”.
  • Ayurvedic Concepts and Treatment of Malignant Disorders”. Organized by S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Dept. of Ayush& N.R.H.M. Govt. of Karnataka on 15th and 16th December 2012. Delivered lead talk on “Biotechnological techniques in management of malignant disorders”.
  • International Conference on “Social Work Practice in Multicultural Context”. organized by, Department of Studies and Research in Social Work Tumkur University and Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th March 2012. Presented a paper on “A Study on Need of Basic Science Knowledge to Social Worker”.
  • National Conference on “Phytomedicine”. Organized by Dept. of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 4th and 5th October 2012. Delivered talk on “Prospectus & Problems to developHepatoprotectiveNutraceuticals”.
  • International symposium on recent trends in processing & safety of specialty and operational foods. Organized by Defence Food Research Laboratory, Mysore on 23rd to 25th November 2011. Delivered talk on “HepatoprotectiveNutraceuticals in India”.
  • National Conference on Herbal Medicine. Organized by Dept. of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 8th and 9th September 2010. Delivered talk on “Scenario of Intellectual Property Right of Traditional Knowledge & Herbal Medicine”.
  • A National Seminar on ‘Biotechnology for better future’ in 26th PTCA (I) Meeting organized by St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on 15th – 17th January 2004. Present paper on “High frequency regeneration through hypocotyl callus culture of Celastruspaniculatus”.
  • International Congress – Ayurveda 2000. Organized by SoruvparnikaAyurvedic Foundation for Research, Health & Education (SAFRHON), Chennai on 28th to 30th January 2000. Presented paper on “Traditional Medicinal Plants of Davanage District, Karnataka – with special reference to cure of skin disease”.

Awards & achievements

  • Organized UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Role of Biotechnology in development of Herbal Drug and Conservation of Biodiversity” on 24th & 25th January, 2009, at SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.
  • Organized Two day Training on ‘Personality Development Program’ on 11 & 12th April 2009 at SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.
  • Organized Two day Workshop on ‘Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Tools’ on 12 & 13th April 2009 at SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.
  • Organized One Day University level Seminar on ‘New Research Avenues in Biotechnology’ on 18th September, 2009 at SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire
  • Collaboration with Industry: MoU with Polyclone BioservicePvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
  • Organized A State Level Conference on “Mesmerizing Field of Biotechnology” on 8th & 9th April, 2012, at SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.
  • Organized UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Biotechnological Prospecting In Herbal Anti-Viral & Anti-Cancerous Drug Development” on 17th & 18th February, 2012, at SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire.

Any Others

  • Course Coordinator – SWAYAM MOOC’s – Virology. 2021-22 onwards
  • Course Coordinator – SWAYAM MOOC’s – Microbial Physiology and Metabolism. 2021-22 onwards
  • NSS Coordinator at CMRIT, Organized “Blood Donation Camp” at CMRIT, Bangalore and “Tracking cum Creating Environmental Awareness Camp” at Nandhi Hills