Dr. Akshatha K.

Assistant Professor
  • MSW,M.Phil, Ph.D
  • Area of Expertise : Training and Research
  • Papers Taught : Working with Individuals, Psychiatric Social Work, Social Work Research
  • Year of Experience : 16 years

Contact Details

E-mail : karanthakshatha@gmail.com

Research Details

Present detail of the Research Project
Position-Co-Project Director
Funding Agency-Indian Council of Social Science Research
Title of the Project-Psychosocial Distress among the survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and Need for personal Safety awareness and education programme,
Duration of the project-One year

Details of the previous projects
Child Fund India, New Delhi- Worked as a consultant in Child Fund India. Carried out Capacity Mapping of following six partner NGOs of Child Fund India, New Delhi. List of the NGOs:

  1. Kiriya Pushpa Family Helper Project,Mysuru,
  2. Vimochana CDP-Gangavathi,Myrada
  3. Child Fund India Project,Raichur Area,N.K.Jesuit
  4. Educational and Charitable Society Mundgod,Grama
  5. Vikas,Kolar,Amala’s Kutumba Abivrudhi Yojana,Tumkur,

This Capacity Mapping was done for five core dimensions of NGO functioning namely organizational Structure, External Relations, Finance and Human Resources for their Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability. This assignment was carried out both in the organization and in the project area.
This Capacity Mapping was done for five core dimensions of NGO functioning namely organizational Structure, External Relations, Finance and Human Resources for their Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability. This assignment was carried out both in the organization and in the project area.
Children’s Home Foundational Research Study. (HHWS,INDIA)
Worked as a research associate for the study on the Socio-economic assessment of the beneficiaries of Sunshine Home. The study focused on the assessment of socio-economic status of the children who are placed under the care and protection of Sunshine home, Bengaluru.
Co Project Director for the minor project Psychosocial distress among the survivors of child sexual abuse and need for personal safety awareness and education programme-ICSSR-Completed the Project.

MPhil and PhD details
Mphil from Mudurai Kamaraj University (2008) Title – “Psycho Social Problems of institutionalized Senior Citizens with special reference to Bengaluru”.
PhD From University of Mysore- “A study on the opinion of stakeholders with regard to school counselling services”
Dissertation Details
M.S.W. Dissertation: Impact of Modernization on Old Age”

Guided and provided technical support to MSW students for their dissertation work.


  • Karanth, Akshatha. & Mohan. “A study on the Girl Child Mother’s perception regarding safe schools in Bengaluru City”. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research. Volume 4, Issue 8 (4) August 2015.
  • Karanth, Akshatha. & Mohan. “A study on the opinion of mothers with regard to school counseling services”. International Journal of Preventive, Curative and Community Medicine.ISSN:2454-325X.
  • Karanth, Akshatha. & Mohan. “Parent’s opinion about the challenges faced by adolescents”. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah.ISSN-P-2394-3629.O-2350-0530.
  • Karanth, Akshatha. & Mohan.” Stakeholders’ opinion on Psychosocial issues of Adolescents”.SHANLAX INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS (ISSN:2321-788)
  • Karanth, Akshatha. & Mohan.” Psycho Social Problems among adolescent students and need for school counselling services”. Journal of Media and Social Development (ISSN Number-8244).
  • Karanth, Akshatha. & Mohan.” Need and Importance of school counselling services in Karnataka”. DEEKSHA BI Annual Journal of Social Work (ISSN 2250-3919).
  • Rohan&Akshatha. “A Study on the Role of NGO on Special Children”. Deeksha.Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal Of Social Work.Volume-17. No-1 March 2019.ISSN 2250-3919.
  • Akshatha & Arun. “Effect of Social Media on Family Relationship”. Deeksha.Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal Of Social Work.Volume-17.No-1 March 2019.ISSN 2250-3919.
  • Akshatha &Navya. Capacity Building of Non-Governmental Organizations: A Need Assessment Study. Strad Research. VOLUME 7, ISSUE 11, NOVEMBER – 2020. UGC-CARE Approved Group – 2 Journal An ISO: 7021 – 2008 Certified Journal ISSN: 0039-2049.
  • Akshatha &Navya. Effect of Training on Decision Making Skill on Teacher Trainees. VOLUME 7, ISSUE 11, NOVEMBER – 2020. UGC-CARE Approved Group – 2 Journal An ISO: 7021 – 2008 Certified Journal ISSN: 0039-2049.
  • Akshatha, Impact of Covid 19 lockdown on Mental Health of the Youth  Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry ISSN-1309-6591.ISI Thomson Reuters Impact Factor 2021=0.0.Scopus.Elsevier.
  • Varsha Malagi & Akshatha.Analyzing the Intricacies of Developmental Patterns in Adolescents-A Systematic Review of the Existing Literature. Journal of Positive School Psychology Vol.6 No.5(2022). ISSN 2717-7564). WEB OF SCIENCE AND SOOPUS 2 JOURNAL.
  • Akshatha, Impact of Online Class during Covid -19 Lockdown  International Journal of Childhood Special Early Education (INT-JECS) ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 04 2022.Scopus Journal-27277
  • Vidhya Vinuth D’souza, Akshatha,Nagesh,Swathi,Akhil Varghese Positive Youth Development in Schools-Role of Counsellor in the Book Mental Health: A Global Concern And Conviction Edited by Dr.Navyashree, Dr.Vandana Jain, Dr.Mahesh Babu, Ms.Ashwini Shetty.(ISBN 978-93-54935-84-8 ( Page No.178)-27600

Published research article in book

  • Youth Development in Schools-Role of Counsellor in the Book Mental Health: A Global Concern And Conviction Edited by Dr.Navyashree, Dr.Vandana Jain, Dr.Mahesh Babu, Ms.Ashwini Shetty.(ISBN 978-93-54935-84-8 ( Page No.178)-27600.

Program Organised

  • Organized resource talk to the First-year MSW students on the topic Behaviour Modification Therapy. The date of the talk was 04/03/2023.Resource Person was Ms.Ashwini Shetty,Asst.Professor,Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology

Paper presented

  • Relevance of Human Rights in Social Work, 10th & 11th March 2011, Sambhrama, SDM College, Ujire.
  • Mental Health and Mental Illness. 16th Sep 2011.National Conference at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi.
  • Child abuse and Child Neglect. 28 th Feb 2014.National Conference at Dr.M.V.Shetty College of Social Sciences, Mangalore.
  • A study on girl child parents perception regarding safe schools in Bengaluru. 14-16 th December 2014. International Conference on community empowerment, coping, resilience and hope. Hyderabad 2014.
  • A study on the opinion of mothers with regard to school counseling services.24-27 November 2015. First Mysuru International Conference on Medical and Social  Sciences.Organised by Department of Community Medicine, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysuru India.
  • A study on teachers’ perception on school counseling. 03-04 December 2015.International Conference, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
  • A study on psycho social issues of adolescents and need of counselling services. 16-18 November 2016. Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Mysuru.
  • Parents’ opinion on challenges faced by adolescents. 19-23, December 2016. XL Indian Social Science Congress.Mysuru University, Mysuru.
  • Attended National Seminar on Inclusive Health Care and Wellbeing.A Challenge.And co-authored paper on Healthy Life style of youth-Disability v/s Destruction.26-27 September 2017.St.Aloshiyas College(Autonomous).Mangalore.
  • Psycho Social Problems among adolescent students and need for school counselling services.16-18 February 2018.Two-Day National Conference on “Issues of Social Development-A Social Work Response”at University of Mysore.
  • Stakeholders’ opinion on Psychosocial issues of Adolescents. 25t-26 October 2017. International Conference on School Mental Health. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchrirapalli
  • Psycho Social Problems among adolescent students and need for school counselling services. 16-17 February 2018. National Conference on “Issues of Social Development-A Social Work Response”DOS in Social Work, University of Mysore, Mysore.
  • “A Study on Menstrual Hygiene Management: Knowledge and Practices Among Rural Adolescent Girls”. 26,September 2018. Samprathi 2018 “Ensuring child rights in India: A Challenge National level conference at St Aloysius college, Mangalore.
  • “School Management Opinion on School Counselling services”. 6th-8th September,2018. National Study Conference on Nurturing Environment for the Children at Madras Christian College (autonomous) Chennai.
  • “A Study on Challenges faced by Institutionalized Senior Citizens”. 6th and 7th 2018. National Conference on “Active Aging: Paradigms for Post Modern Era” organized by Center for Gerontology, Department of Social Work, Central University of Kerala,Kasargod.
  • “Impact of Media on Family Relationship”. 25th and 26th February,2019. National Conference on Sambandha,Sampreethi,Sangharsha:A Dynamic of Human Relations held at Department of Graduate Studies and Research in Psychology,SDM Ujire.
  • “Gandhi and untouchability” at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on revisitingMahathma Gandhi’s Thoughts in the Post –Independent India. 12 February 2019. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on revisiting Mahathma Gandhi’s Thoughts in the Post –Independent India. Organised by Kukke Shree Subramanyeshwara College.Subramanya.
  • “Positive Youth Development in Schools-Role of School Counsellor” at National Conference on Youth in Distress.Organised by Department of Psychiatric Social Work,DIMHANS,Dharwad on 25 and 26 October 2019.
  • “Impact Of Covid-19 Lockdown On Mental Health Of Youth” in The Online International Conference On “Mental Health: A Global Concern And Conviction”, Organized By Post Graduate Department Of Studies And Research In Psychology In Association With Paramarsh Scheme On 29th January 2021.
  • Impact of Online Class during Covid -19 lockdown in Psycho Vision -2022.An Edu Cultural Carnival on 18 July 2022 organised by Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology.
  • Sexual Abuse: Shatter the Silence: Stop the Violence at Psycho Vision -2022 An Edu Cultural Carnival on 18 July 2022 organised by Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology. She is the Second Author for the paper-27281
  • Attended Two Days National Conference organized by the Mangalore University, Department of PG Studies and Research in Sociology, Mangalagangothri Department of Sociology ,University College Mangalore, Sulabh International Social Service Organization Delhi Mangalore Sociology Association ,Mangaluru. and presented paper on A Study on Menstrual Hygiene Management(MHM):Knowledge and Practices among rural adolescent girls. The date of the program was Date-3 and 4 November 2023


Conference/Seminar/Workshop/FDP attended/Attended As Resource Person

  • Seminar on counseling in the fields of social work . 21st and 22nd October 2002. Dr.M.V.Shetty college of Social Work, Mangalore.
  • Induction Training Programme. 26th July to 30th July 2004. I.I.C.S,Bharananganam,Pala,Kerala .
  • National Seminar on Evidence Based Integrated Medicine for Lymphatic filariasis,HIV/AIDS Vitiligo and other chronic dermatomes. 8th, 9th and10th February2005. Institute of Applied Dermatology, Kasrgod.
  • Scope of social work in various fields like family with marital conflicts, cancer patients and mental health. 15 th July 2007. Kristu Jayanthi college.Bangaluru.
  • 5th Annual National Seminar on Social Work Response to HIV/AIDS. 28 th – 31 st August 2008.Indian Social Institute,Bangaluru.
  • Inter-collegiate Seminar on Counseling Services. 12 th Nov 2008. Kristu Jayanthi College, Bangaluru.
  • India court of women on Dowry and related forms of Harassment. 25 th ,26 th ,27 th July 2009. Christ University Auditorium, Bengaluru.
  • Workshop on supervision in social work. 1 st ,2 nd ,3 rd October 2009. Kristu Jayanthi college, Bangalore.
  • National seminar on Ethical Social Responsibility towards Social work practice in the era of global diversity and equity. 12th and 13th of August 2010. Jnana Jyothi Auditorium,Central College ,Bangaluru.
  • National Seminar on Curriculum Design and Development organized at CMRIMS. 5TH and 6TH August 2010. CMRIMS,Bangaluru.
  • Inter Collegiate Seminar on Beggary in India: Causes and Measures from Social Work. 26 Nov 2010. Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore.
  • SPANDANA. 27th , 28th and 29th Jan 2011. School of Social Work,Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore
  • SAMBRAMA – 2011 Relevance of Human Rights in Social Work. 10th & 11th March 2011. SDM College, Ujire.
  • National Seminar on Praxis Burgeoning Paradigm in Social Work. 16th Sep 2011. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi.
  • Workshop on ‘Child Protection Curriculum in Social Work Education’. 28th Feb 2012. Child Protection Unit, Bangalore.
  • Induction Training in HIV/AIDS supervision. 22nd December to 30th December. School of Social Work Roshani Nilaya,Mangalore.
  • National Seminar on Statistical Methods and Data Analysis. 26th & 27th September 2014. 19-23December 2016. Mysore University, Mysuru.
  • Three days workshop on Stress Management. 8-10 February 2017. Mysore University, Mysuru.
  • Attended National Seminar on Inclusive Health Care and Wellbeing.A Challenge..26-27 September 2017.St.Aloysius College(Autonomous).Mangalore.
  • Attended Workshop on orientation to Family Therapy for Social Work Trainees and Counsellors 6-7 October at NIMHANS.
  • Workshop on ‘Child Sexual Abuse” organised by P G Dept of Social Work,SDM,Ujire.20 November 2017.
  • Workshop On “Community Mental Health”organized by P G Dept of Social Work, SDM,Ujire.13-11-2017
  • Attended National Conference on “Corporate Social Responsibility”.Trends,opportunities and challenges.March 8th 2018.
  • Samprathi 2018 “Ensuring child rights in India:.  A Challenge . National level conference. St Aloysius college, Mangalore 26,September 2018.
  • Faculty Development program on life skills. SDM,IT,Ujire. 26 to 28 September 2018.
  • International Conference on “Diversity Management:Views from India and Europe. Organized by CIRHS,Department of MSW and JMC SDM PG Centre,Ujire. 26-27 October,2018.
  • National Study Conference on Nurturing Environment for the Children. Madras Christian College (autonomous) Chennai. 6th-8th September 2018.
  • National Conference on “Active Aging: Paradigms for Post Modern Era”. Gerontology, Department of Social Work, Central University of Kerala,Kasargod. 6th and 7th ,December,2018.
  • Coordinated and participated two days National and Cultural Fest. Jhenkar 2018. SDM, PG Center, Ujire.30-31 January 2018.
  • UGC Sponsored National Seminar on revisiting Mahathma Gandhi’s Thoughts in the Post –Independent India. Organised by Kukke Shree Subramanyeshwara College.Subramanya. 12 February 2019
  • National Conference on Sambandha,Sampreethi,Sangharsha:A Dynamic of Human Relations. Department of Graduate Studies and Research in Psychology,SDM Ujire. 25th and 26th February,2019
  • One day workshop- Voyage-2018. Department of P.G.Studies in Social Work. 29 November 2018.
  • Attended sensitization programme on Promoting Effective Implementation of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act,2007 in Karnataka. Organized by National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences(NIMHANS),Karnataka State Legal Service Authority(KSLSA) &Karnataka State Resource Centre for Senior Citizens at Netravati Auditorium,Zilla Panchayat. 9th March 2019
  • Attended Faculty Training Programme FEEL Teacher at SDM PG Center,Ujire on 7 to 9 June 2019
  • Attended online training program organized by Association of Psychiatric Social Work Professionals( APSWP) on Psycho Social interventions during COVID-19 Pandemic .Date-9 April 2020 to 14April 2020
  • Attended a panel discussion on Virtual Consultation on Field Work Training organized by The Department of Social Work, Christa Jayanthi College, Bangalore on May 8th 2020.
  • Attended two day online training programme on Research Trends in Social Work, organized by Department of Social Work, Bangalore University  on 25th AND 26TH May 2020
  • Attended virtual workshop on Positive Parenting organized by Saakaara Acadamy, Bengaluru.Duration-1May2020-25May2020.
  • Attended virtual workshop on Cognitive Behavior Therapy organized by Saakaara Acadamy, Bengaluru.Duration-1June 2020-29 June 2020.
  • Attended the Webinar on Navigating through Stress and Anxiety during the Pandemic organized by St.Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangaluru and Mangala Alumini Association.
  • Participated in Faculty Awareness Program on National Assessment Accreditation Council (NAAC) organized by Department of BBA,Shri,Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya,Newasa,Ahmednagar on 12-05-2020
  • Attended National Webinar on Mental Health First Aid organized by Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.on 24 June 2020
  • International Webinar on Effective Skills for Research and Publication in Social Sciences organized by Dep.of PG Studies and Research in Sociology Rani Channamma University,Belgavi on 26 June 2020
  • Attended webinar on Reverse Migration and Agrarian Economy organized by College of Social Work (Autonomous) Nirmala Niketan on 27 June
  • Attended an International Webinar on Mindfulness as an intervention in Social Work and Helping Profession on 27th July 2020.
  • Participated in a Two Days online National Webinar entitled “Social Work Intervention: A Holistic Approach” organized by the Department of Social Work, Bangalore University on July  24th-25th2020.
  • Participated in the International Panel discussion on Social Work in Health Care during Pandemics: Indian and Global perspectives on 18th July 2020 0rganised by All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP) in collaboration with Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers (KAPS).
  • Participated in the webinar on “How to write and Publish Books”  by Ms.Satvinder Kaur, Publishing Editor(Books),Humanities and Social Sciences,Springer,New Delhi, organized by the Center for Social Research, Department of Sociology and Social Work, CHRIST(Deemed to be University)Bangalore, on 16 July 2020.
  • Attended webinar on Issues and Concerns of online Mode of Teaching and Evaluation organized by IQAC, SDM College,Ujire on 6th August 2020
  • Participated in Virtual Symposium on Happiness at Work organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University and Indian Psychiatric Society on 7 August 2020
  • Participated in the International Webinar on identifying your strength organized by the Department of Psychology Internal Quality Assessment Cell on 10-8-2020
  • Participated in the International Webinar on Spiritually Sensitive Social Work in a diverse world-A framework of values, knowledge and skills organized by the Indian Institute of Social Work, Sacred Heart College, Tirpattur.
  • Participated in the National Level Webinar on Migration and its impact on Women: Sociological and Social Work Perspective.Organised by Departments of Sociology, Social Work&IQAC, SBRR Mahajana First Grade College (Autonomous) and Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre Mysore.
  • Participated in the state level webinar on “Role of man in Natural Disasters” organized by      Kukke Shri Subrahmanyeshwara College,Subrahmanya, Kadaba Taluk D.K., Karnataka – 574238on 21st August 2020.
  • Dr.Akshatha.k.  attended online training program organized by Association of Psychiatric Social Work Professionals( APSWP) on Psycho Social interventions during COVID-19 Pandemic .Date-9 April 2020 to 14April 2020
  • Attended a panel discussion on Virtual Consultation on Field Work Training organized by The Department of Social Work, Christa Jayanthi College, Bangalore on May 8th 2020.
  • On 25TH AND 26TH May 2020,Dr.Akshatha.K.attended two day online training programme on Research Trends in Social Work, organized by Department of Social Work, Bangalore University.
  • Attended virtual workshop on Positive Parenting organized by Saakaara Acadamy, Bengaluru.Duration-1May2020-25May2020.
  • Attended the Webinar on Navigating through Stress and Anxiety during the Pandemic organized by St.Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangaluru and Mangala Alumini Association.
  • Attended National Webinar on Mental Health First Aid organized by Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, on 24 June 2020
  • Attended International Webinar on Effective Skills for Research and Publication in Social Sciences organized by Dep.of PG Studies and Research in Sociology Rani Channamma University,Belgavi on 26 June 2020
  • Attended webinar on Reverse Migration and Agrarian Economy organized by College of Social Work (Autonomous) Nirmala Niketan on27 June 2020
  • Participated in the Webinar on Use of digital platforms in-e teaching organized by IQAC SDM College, Ujire on 09.07.2020
  • Participated in the National Level Webinar on Creating Investment Awareness among salaried employees with focus on financial planning “organized by City College, Bangalore on 07-07-2020
  • Participated in the National Level Webinar series on Covid-19 Lockdown and the vulnerable Population organized by P.G. Department of Social Work and IQAC, Govt.First Grade College, Krishnarajasagar, Mysore On 1, 2, 3 and 4th July 2020.
  • Participated in the Certificate course on Cognitive Behavior Therapy organized by Saakar Academy, Bengaluru on July 1 to July 30,2020
  • Attended National Webinar on Mental Health First Aid organized by Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru on  24 June 2020
  • Attended an International Webinar on Mindfulness as an intervention in Social Work and Helping Profession, organized by Indian Institute of spirituality of Social Work and Helping Professions,Bengaluru  on 27th July 2020.
  • Participated in a Two Days online National Webinar entitled Social Work Intervention: A Holistic Approach organized by the Department of Social Work, Bangalore University on July  24th-25th2020.
  • Participated in the International Panel discussion on Social Work in Health Care during Pandemics: Indian and Global perspectives on 18th July 2020 0rganised by All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWP) in collaboration with Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers (KAPS).
  • Participated in the webinar on How to write and Publish Books by Ms.Satvinder Kaur, Publishing Editor(Books),Humanities and Social Sciences,Springer,New Delhi, organized by the Center for Social Research, Department of Sociology and Social Work, CHRIST(Deemed to be University)Bangalore, on 16 July 2020.
  • Participated in the Webinar on Use of digital platforms in-e teaching organized by IQAC SDM College, Ujire o n 09.07.2020.
  • Participated in the National Level Webinar on Creating Investment Awareness among salaried employees with focus on financial planning organized by City College, Bangalore on 07-07-2020.
  • Attended webinar on Issues and Concerns of online Mode of Teaching and Evaluation organized by IQAC, SDM College on 6th August 2020.
  • Participated in Virtual Symposium on Happiness at Work organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University and Indian Psychiatric Society on 7 August 2020.
  • Participated in National level Webinar on Working Together to Prevent Suicide, 2020, organized by PG Department of Studies & Research in Psychology and IQAC, SDM College, Ujire on 10.09.2020.
  • Coordinated & attended National level Webinar on An Awareness of Voluntary Donation – Body, Eye & Blood: Have a Heart, save a Life organized by Department of PG Studies in Social Work and NSS Units, SDM College, Ujire in association with Kasturba Hospital, Manipal on 11.09.2020.
  • Participated in the National Level E-Quiz on World Suicide Prevention-2020 organized by the Department of Psychology in association with IQAC on 10-9-2020.
  • Pledge for prevention of suicide in an event conducted on the account of World Suicide Prevention Day, organized by SPARK WELLNESS HUB in association with Yuvavahini Central Council, Mangalore on 10 September 2020.
  • Attended webinar on Issues and Concerns of online Mode of Teaching and Evaluation organized by IQAC, SDM College on 6th August 2020.
  • Attended the webinar on Online Resources for Academic Research: A Preorganized by SDM College (Autonomous)Ujire in association with IQAC (Paramarsh Scheme) on 28 October 2020.
  • Attended International Webinar on Therapeutic Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder “organized by Roshni Nilaya (Autonomous) Mangalore on 20 October 2020.
  • Participated in the National Webinar on the topic Implications of National Education Policy 2020 on Professional Social Work organized by India Network of Professional Social Workers Associations on 6th Nov, 2020.
  • Participated in the Webinar on Awareness on Plagiarism Software on 11th November 2020.Organised by PG Department of Social Work of SDM College Ujire in association with Research Comitteee,IQAC.
  • Participated the National Webinar titled Vulnerability in Children jointly hosted by Rainbow Homes Program, Department of Sociology and Social Work Association, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) on 19 November 2020.
  • Participated in the consultation of National Council for Social Work (Education & Practice Bill) Expectations and Promises.Organised by AIIMS Medical Social Service Officers Association and Department of Social Work Madras Christian College,21 November 2020.
  • Participated in the Web Shop on Balancing Relationships Through Therapeutic Interventions organized by PG Department of Social Work of SDM College Ujire and counselling cell, PG College Ujire.
  • Participated in panel discussion on Promoting hearing care in senior citizens. Organized by National Institute Of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru. Bengaluru on 4 December.
  • Participated in online webinar titled how yoga works and which yoga works for older adults, Organized by National Institute Of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru on 21 December.
  • Participated in online webinar titled Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Elderly is not a Myth Organized by National Institute Of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru on 28th December 2020.
  • Participated in online webinar titled successful aging Organized by National Institute of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru on 11January 2021
  • Participated In The Online International Conference On Mental Health: A Global Concern And Conviction Organized By Post Graduate Department Of Studies And Research In Psychology In Association With Paramarsh Scheme On 29th January 2021.
  • Department of PG Studies in Social Work, SDM PG Center, Ujire in association with State Tobacco Control Cell, Department of Health and Family Welfare Magadi Road Bengaluru conducted a campaign on COTPA 2003 draft amendment’. First year MSW students had visited all the classes of Post-Graduation Department. Introduced the purpose of the campaign and motivated the students to participate in the campaign.Dr. Akshatha.K, Assistant Professor PG Department of Social Work coordinated the Program.
  • Attended the state level webinar on Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Variables and Measurement Scales organized by Department of PG Studies in Statistics and IQAC on 27-2-2021.
  • Attended one day workshop on Decoding the Labour Codes Post, Present and Future, organized by Department of Post Graduate Studies in Social Work SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire-22406 on 26 March 2021.
  • Attended Workshop on Holistic Management of Substance Use Disorders organized by Department of Psychiatry KS Hegde Medical Academy NITTE On 17 March 2021
  • Attended a seminar on Research Proposal Writing. Organized by Research Committee and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (PARAMARSH Scheme), SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 23 March 2021.
  • Attended International Webinar on Global Recruitment Strategies Talent Acquisition and Selection organized by BVOC in Retail Supply Chain Management, SDM College Ujire on May 10 2021.
  • Attended two-day online workshop entitled Therapeutic Interventions and Clinical Social Workers response to Covid 19. organized by Department of Social Work held on 24-25 May 2021.
  • Attended webinar on Social Welfare Strategies, guidelines for emerging social workers organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 29-5-2021.
  • Attended webinar on Role of Community Worker in Gos and NGOs-An overview, organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 3/6.2021
  • Attended webinar on Human Resource for Hiring Happiness on organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 5/6/2021.
  • Attended webinar on Role of Medical and Psychiatric Social Worker in Community, organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 1 June 2021
  • Attended An International E-Symposium on Redefining Human Resources Skill set in New Tech Era-a HR buffet. organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire.
  • Attended Weight Management Workshop whichwasheldfrom10/05/2021to05/06/2021 organized by Sakar Academy Bangalore.
  • Participated National level Webinar on Decoding the National Commission for Allied and Health Care Professions Act 2021 organized by the Department of PG Studies and Research in psychology on 16 June 2021.
  • Participated National Level Webinar on Cultural Cognizance- The Diversity In Karnataka And Uttarakhand organized by National Service Scheme and Literary and Fine Arts Committee in association with DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand on 19th June 2021.
  • Participated in National Level Webinar on Right Based Approach towards Oppressed: Challenges for Social Work Practice organized by St. Aloysius College Autonomous Mangalore and PG Department of Social Work in collaboration with CANNOSSIAN Daughters Social Service Society Visakhapatnam on 25th June 2021.
  • Participated in the Webinar on Prior Art search Engine patent Structure and Claim Drafting Organized by SDM College Ujire (Autonomous). Research Committee and IQAC (PARAMARSH)Scheme on 26th June 2021.
  • Attended International Webinar on Global Recruitment Strategies Talent Acquisition and Selection organized by BVOC in Retail Supply Chain Management, SDM College Ujire on May 10 2021.
  • Attended two-day online workshop entitled Therapeutic Interventions and Clinical Social Workers response to Covid 19 organised by Department of Social Work held on 24-25 May 2021.
  • Attended webinar on Social Welfare Strategies, guidelines for emerging social workers organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 29-5-2021.
  • Attended webinar on Role of Community Worker in Gos and NGOs-An overview, organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 3/6.2021
  • Attended webinar on Human Resource for Hiring Happiness organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire on 5/6/2021.
  • Attended webinar on Role of Medical and Psychiatric Social Worker in Community on 1 June 2021
  •  Attended An International E-Symposium on Redefining Human Resources Skill set in New Tech Era-a HR buffet organized by PG Department of Social Work SDM College Ujire.
  • Attended Weight Management Workshop whichwasheldfrom10/05/2021to05/06/2021 organised by  Sakar Academy Bangalore.
  • Participated National level Webinar on Decoding the National Commission for Allied and Health Care Professions Act 2021 organized by the Department of PG Studies and Research in psychology on 16 June 2021.
  • Participated National Level Webinar on “CULTURAL COGNIZANCE- THE DIVERSITY IN KARNATAKA AND UTTARAKHAND” organized by National Service Scheme and Literary and Fine Arts Committee in association with DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand on 19th June 2021.
  • Participated in National Level Webinar on Right Based Approach towards Oppressed: Challenges for Social Work Practice organized by St. Aloysius College Autonomous Mangalore and PG Department of Social Work in collaboration with CANNOSSIAN Daughters Social Service Society Visakhapatnam on 25th June 2021.
  • Participated in the Webinar on Prior Art search Engine patent Structure and Claim Drafting, Organized by SDM College Ujire (Autonomous). Research Committee and IQAC (PARAMARSH)Scheme on 26th June 2021.
  • Organized and attended webinar on role of Social Worker in Prison Setting for MSW Students of PG Department of Social Work,NSS students of SDM College Ujire and  people from various NGOs participated in the webinar.  Resource Person of the webinar was Mr. Lokesh T.K. Jail Superintendent, District Prison, Haveri. On the date 24.6.2021
  • Attended Faculty Development Program on Global Vision for Academic Excellence organized by School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangalore on from 5/7/2021 to 11/7/2021-22996.
  • Attended workshop on PERSON -CENTERED THERAPY held on 5th December 2022,organized by the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Psychology.
  • Attended  National Level workshop on Mental Health and Counseling: Nurturing the skills organised by  Department of Psychology in association with IQAC SDM College (Autonomous)Ujire on 10/10/2023.
  • Attended Two Days National Conference on Backword Classes, Sanitation and Social Development organized by the Mangalore University, Department of PG Studies and Research in Sociology, Mangalagangothri Department of Sociology, University College Mangalore, Sulabh International Social Service Organization Delhi   Mangalore Sociology Association, Mangaluru on the date 3rd and 4th 2023.
  • Attended two days. International Multidisciplinary Symposium on “The Role and Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Behaviour”. Organised by the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on the date 4 and 5 December 2023.
  • Organized and attended a webinar on role of Social Worker in Prison Setting for MSW Students of PG Department of Social Work,NSS students of SDM College Ujire and  people from various NGOs participated in the webinar.  Resource Person of the webinar was Mr. Lokesh T.K. Jail Superintendent, District Prison, Haveri. 24.6.2021
  • Organized and attended a webinar on Social Work Practice of Children with Hearing Impairment. Resource Person of webinar was Dr.Margaret Lavina Fernandes ,Research Scientist, Division of ENT St.Jhon’s Research Institute,Bengaluru.Webinar is for the MSW students of SDM College on the date 10 June 2021
  • Conducted and attended Webinar for the MSW students. The title of the webinar is Inclusive Education. Resource Person is Mr. Ganesh Bhat, Administrative Officers Mangala Jyothi Integrated School, Vamanjoor, Mangalore. The date of the Web shop is 19July 2022.
  • Attended Five days faculty development program on Research Methodology organized by Research and Development Cell In association with Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology and Chemistry of SDM College Ujire.
  • Attended one day workshop on one day faculty development program on Crafting winning proposals: Workshop on Project Proposal writing organized by the Research and development Cell, SDM College(autonomous), Ujire. The date of the program was 24 February 2024.The place of the program was SDM PG Center.
  • Attended one day National Conference on “Mindful Minds “Confronting Mental Health Issues in the Digital Age”. The place of the program was School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya (Autonomous) Mangaluru.The date of the program was 6/04/2024.
  • Attended one day National Level Workshop on Mental Health and Counseling: Nurturing the skills.Dr.C.R. Chandhrashekar, Retd.Senior Psychiatrist & Professor NIMHANS, Founder of Samadan Kendra, Arekere, Bengaluru was the resource person of the workshop. The date of the workshop was 10/10/2023.The place of the program was Department of Psychology in association with IQAC SDM College (Autonomous)Ujire

Attended as Chairperson for paper presentation

  • Co-Chairperson for the paper presentation during   National Seminar titled Role of Psychologists in addressing Social Concerns organized by the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology SDMC Ujire on 12 April 2023
  • Chaired the session for the paper presentation during National Conference on Sustainable Environment-Youth as Catalyst for change organized by Dr.M. V Shetty Institute of Professional Sciences and Management, Mangaluru   held on 25 June 2024.
  • Attended National Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Faculty Development Program

Any Others

Awards & achievements

A study on the opinion of mothers with regard to school counseling services.24-27 November 2015. First Mysuru International Conference on Medical and Social  Sciences. Organized by Department of Community Medicine, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysuru India. (This paper is awarded as one of the best papers)

Training Conducted

  • Delivered a talk on “Women and Mental Health” for Self-help group members on 14-11-2017      at Kalmanja Gramapanchayat, Ujire.
  • Delivered a talk on Mental Health for Degree Students on 28-08-2017 at KSS College Subramanya
  • Delivered a talk on School Mental Health for Primary and Secondary school Students on 26-01-2018 at Shree Gurukula aided primary school, Karkala Taluk, Mala
  • Delivered a talk on Significance of Women’s day for General Public on 10 March 2018 at Shivalli Brahmin Sabha, Arippadi Matha, Ujire.
  • Delivered A talk on Domestic Violence for Self-help group members on 9-3-2018 at The Dakshina Kannada Rural Development Society.JanaNilayaBelthangady.
  • Delivered a talk on women empowerment for 50 women members of Rotary club for Womens’Group on 21-07-2018 at Rotary Installation Program Subramania
  • Conducted a Workshop on need and importance of school counselling services at Primary School level. The target groups were primary school teachers of Belthangadi Taluk at Vimukthi Organization Lila, Belthangadi on 23-3-2018.
  • Conducted Workshop on Ethics of counselling, Personal and professional qualities of school counsellor and need of school counselling services. The target groups were MSW Students at Central University Kasaragod, Kerala on 17-9-18.
  • Conducted Workshop on Ethics of counselling, Personal and professional qualities of school counsellor and need of school counselling services. School Counsellors of Kasaragod District at Central University Kasaragod, Kerala on 24-9-18.
  • Conducted Workshop on Positive mental health for SSLC students in association with Alvas College Mudabidri and  Live, Love and Laugh Foundation, Founded by Deepika Padukone.
  • Conducted Workshop on Need and Importance of Life skills for college students for B.A. Students at KSS College Subramanya on 11-01-2019
  • Conducted Workshop on Life Skill Education for 8 to 10 standard boys at Rathna Manasa Hostel Studedents,SDM,Ujire on 13-04-2019
  • Attended as Resource person for Vasantharathna Foundation and delivered a talk on Effects of Pandemic on Education and Mental Health among youth for fifty youth  students on 15 January 2021
  • Organised and attended a Webinar On ‘Role of Educational Institution in advancing Tobacco Control Program’ in association with on 28th Jan 2021-01-27
  • Attended as resource person for KSS College Subrahmanya and spoke about Adolescents and Mental Health for Batular of Arts students..Date.12-6-2021.
  • Attended as resource person and conducted workshop at Anughraha School Ujire on the theme “understanding the behavioural issues of the adolescents” on 17-12-2021
  • Conducted training program for the parents on the need for understanding the children on 23 February 2022 at SDM State School Dharmasthala.
  • Conducted three sessions for the parents of children of  1 to 3 ,4 to 6   an 7 to 9 on the topic Need for Understanding the Children and  Mental health of Adolescence   on 3 March 2022 at SDM State School Dharmasthala.
  • Conducted training program for the teachers on the role of stakeholders in understanding the children on 18.3.2022  at SDM English Medium  State School Ujire.
  • Conducted sessions for the parents on the topic Need for Understanding the Children on 19 March 2022 at SDM English Medium  State School Ujire.
  • Conducted workshop for the teachers of SDM English Medium School  (State Syllabus) on SWOC Analysis on 8July 2022.
  •  Conducted workshop for the teachers on Disorders of psychological development and behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence for the SDM English Medium (State Syllabus) Ujire on the date  9/07/2022.
  • Conducted session for the parents of children of Lower Primary and Upper Primary. The topic is role of parenting on children on 1 July 2022 at SDM English Medium School Dharmasthala
  • Conducted orientation program for the parents of the students of 1to 5 standard on 25th June 2022 held at SDM English Medium School (C.B.S.E.) Ujire
  • Attended as resource Person for the Workshop Adolescence and Personal Hygiene on 29July 2022 at SDM English Medium School Dharmasthala
  • Attended as resource person and conducted workshop on Life skill Education for the Degree students of KSS College Subramanya on 28-12-2022.The program was organized on behalf of NSS camp organized at Sri.Durgamba P.U.College Alankaru
  • Attended as resource person to the parent teacher association at SDM PU College Ujire and delivered a talk on Parenting to adolescents on the date 21/10/2023
  • Attended as resource person and conducted a session for the 28 women employees of   Centre for the Rural Exallence, Belthangady.The theme of the session is habits and day schedule on the date 18/12/2023
  • Attended as resource person to the parent teacher association at SDM PU College Ujire and delivered a talk on parenting to adolescents. Date of the program was 21/10/2023
  • Attended as resource person and delivered a talk on Adolescence Mental Health at Anugraha English Medium School, Ujire for the Secondary school students. Date of the program was 30/10/2023
  • Attended as a resource person and gave awareness program for the parents of 5 to 7 standard students. Place of the program was- SDM English Medium School (State Syllabus) Ujire. The date of the program was 26/06/2024.
  • Attend as a resource person and conducted awareness program for the HIV infected children and adolescents on the theme how to remain motivated during difficult times. Place of the program was D.K.R.D.S. Belthangady and the date was- 17/05/2024.
  • Attend as a resource person and conducted awareness program for the parents’ of SSLC students on the theme role of parents during SSLC exam and their role after the SSLC exam.  The place of the program was SDM English Medium School Dharamshala and the date was 7/03/2024.
  • Attended as a resource person and gave awareness program for the parents of 8 to 10 standard students..The  place of the program was Government Secondary School Nidle and the date of the program was 24-06-2024.
  • Attended as a resource person and delivered a talk on POSCO ACT and Good Touch and Bad Touch for the 6 to 10 standard students of SDM English Medium School, Dharmasthala. The place of the program was SDM English Medium School,Dharmasthala.The date of the program was 14 August 2024.
  • Role of Gram Panchayats during COVID-19Pandemic Crisis. Amount-3Lakhs 50 thousand Organisation-Azim Premji University Covid-19 Research Funding Programme 2020. Date-5/9/2020. Role -Investigator
  • Mental Health of Women Employees. Organisation- National Commission for Women. Amount- 19.00 Lakh. Date-21/07/2020. Role- Investigator
  • Perception of Women on domestic violence. Organisation -Muktha Foundation, Bengaluru. Amount -50.000. Date-31/10/2020. Investigator
  • Skill development and beyond subject specific approaches of teaching and learning methods in schools. Organisation- Azim Premji University. Amount- 18,52,000. Date-29/10/2020. Co-Investigator
  • Impact of Career Choices on Reproductive Choices Women. National Commission for Women. Amount-935000. Date-30/07/2021. Co- Investigator.
  • Psycho Social issues of survivors of Sexual Abuse. ICSSR. 500000. 8/09/2021. CO Investigator
  • Opinion of women on domestic violence. Organisation- ICSSR. Amount-5Lakh. Date-6/09/2021. Investigator
  • Stakeholder’s Participation in Gram Panchayat. Azim Premji Foundation. Amount- 6Lakh. Date-30/09/2021.
  • The Barriers Faced by Elected Women Representatives In Gram Panchayats With Special Reference to Karnataka State. Organisation-Azim Prmji Foundation. Amount-7.50.000. Date-30/09/2021. Co-Investigator
  • Project Completed
  • Coinvestigator for the minor project entitled “Psychosocial Distress Among the Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and Need for Personal Safety Awareness and Education Programme”. The project was sponsored by ICSSR.The amount sanctioned wasRs. 3,50,000. /-. The status of the project-Completed.