The NSS units of the college organised YOUTH DAY on account of Sri Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi in the college on 12-01-2020. The program was inaugurated by Sri. Ganapathy Shastry, Tahasildar, Belthangady Taluk and he addressed the students to contribute by joining in Swachch Bharath, Say No to Single Use Plastic programmes and other Government initiatives for the growth of the nation.
Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Associate Professor in Economics, Head, Department of Commerce, MAHE, Manipal was the resource person and he delivered a talk on ROLE OF YOUTH IN NATION BUILDING with life experiences, stories and ways in which youth can become part of a country’s growth. The program was presided over by Prof. S. Satheeshchandra. The program was attended by 150 NSS Volunteers, NCC Cadets and students.