The National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit of Ujire’s SDM College organized a seven-day special camp at the Government Primary School, starting on March 30, 2022. The camp was inaugurated by the progressive farmer and Anantha Rao Mathadamajalu. The camp was organised under the theme "For Science and Scientific Temperament among Youth".
In his address, Anantha Rao, stated that the NSS camp is a dedicated event aimed at shaping the youth’s character, and he fully supports such endeavors. He further added that he was impressed by the concept and implementation of the NSS camp and appreciated the SDM College’s NSS Unit’s efforts.
The Dean of the SDM Center for Postgraduate Studies, Dr. P. Vishwanath, praised the NSS as a wonderful program that teaches life skills to students. Speaking at a program chaired by the Dean of the Science Department of SDM College, Dr. Kumar Hedge B.E., he said that the program not only helps develop the personality of students, but also benefits the people of the town.
K. Krishna Prasad Puttila, the Chairman of the School Development and Improvement Committee, SDM College’s NSS Unit, and the school’s teachers were also present at the event. The camp was attended by 50 NSS volunteers, who participated in various activities, including tree planting, awareness campaigns on health, hygiene, and environment, and educational sessions on scientific temperaments.