SDM College Ujire has produced an indigenous lockdown album track named ‘Anuchara’ which has obtained a viewership of over 6,000 on social media. The lockdown album has been created by the students of the institution belonging to different departments under the management of the department of B.Voc in Digital Media and Film Making.
The album song is created as a symbol of the small ways through which the SDM community (students and faculty) is effectively utilizing time during COVID-19 lockdown.
The song ‘Anuchara’ is written by Asst. Prof Madhava Holla and composed by Antony PJ, a student of 1st year B.Voc. Eight singers (including two rappers) have sung the song which has also been enacted by students from departments of MSW, MA-JMC, SDMIT, and SDM Naturopathy.
The album song can be viewed here –
Anuchara – Pursuit of the light within
Presenting to you 'Anuchara'- our lockdown themed album!
SDM College Ujire ಅವರಿಂದ ಈ ದಿನದಂದು ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಮೇ 11, 2020