Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work Organised Tribal study camp from 6.10.2022 to 10.10.2022 for 2nd semester students at B.R Hills ChamarajaNagara focusing on study of Soliga Tribes of B.R.Hills. This Camp was held with the support and cooperation of Vivekananda Girijana kalyana Kendra B.R Hills and ATRI Research Organisation B.R.Hills. This tribal camp mainly focused on Tribal Study(Soligas), Home visits, Interaction with soliga community, Organisational Studies, Knowing medicinal Plants, Interaction with local leaders, Study of local History, Social Work based organisation Visits, Visits to Research Institutional Visits, Camp fire, Educational talks, Recreational Visits etc. This camp was coordinated by Dr.Ravishankar K. R HOD Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work and Dr.Dhaneshwari. Asst.Professor Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work. Camp was supported by Mr.Suresh Coordinator VGKK and Dr.Madegowda Research associate ATRI. Mr.Darshan 2nd year MSW and Ms.Manjushree were the students coordinators. This camp helped students to understand the role of people’s participation in community development and also students oriented about various scopes of social work and career opportunities in social work sector.