Onam, a unique festival of Kerala was celebrated by the Keralite students studying in SDM College on 14 September 2019. The festival is celebrated for 10 days in Kerala. The Malayalam speaking community of Kerala, Malabar region has shared their joy and festivity by celebrating it. The Onam celebration was inaugurated by Prof. Satheeshchandra S, the Principal, by lighting the lamp at 9 am. The students made a beautiful Pookalam in the entrance. JIbin of III B.com welcomed the gathering. He spoke about how the story of Bali Chakravarthy is associated with Onam. Principal, addressing the gathering, wished all the students of Kerala and others a Happy Onam. He said that the festival like Onam unites everyone and develops fraternity. Student dressed as Maveli was centre of attraction. Prof G. R. Bhat, Student Welfare Officer, the committee members and other faculty were present in the programme. After the inauguration the students distributed sweets to the students and staff members. In the afternoon the students organize cultural programmes and conducted games for the staff and the students.