At the 2023 Republic Day Parade held in Delhi, 6 cadets of Naval Department of college have brought honour to the institution by winning Gold Medal in Ship Modelling category. PO Cadet Sriram Marathe and PO Cadet Ananya KP bagged the gold medal in the power model category. This competition was tested by 17 Directorates of the whole country and they sated the model prepared by these students was considered to be the best and won the first place.
Similarly, another segment is the VIP model. This model, prepared by Khushi M, Raghavendra and Unite, cadets of Ujire SDM College, was selected in the Karnataka and Goa Directorates and later won the Gold Medal in the VIP Model category of the competition held in Delhi.
A model prepared by cadet Khushi M won a gold medal at the All India Now Sainik Camp held in Visakhapatnam.The Ship Modeling Cadets who represented the Karnataka and Goa Directorate deserved to receive the Admiral’s Rolling Trophy Silver Ship as a result of their outstanding performance. As a result of the special efforts of all these cadets, after 20 years, the Silver Ship has come to the Directorate of Karnataka and Goa this year. Out of 9 cadets who won medals representing Karnataka and Goa directorate in ship modeling category, 6 cadets are from Ujire SDM College.
Navy cadets of the college, Hemant MG and Muhammad Nawaz, participated in the God of Honor of the Prime Minister and VIPs. Out of the 7 cadets who represented Karnataka in this category, three were from Ujire SDM College.
Noting the special achievement of all these cadets, Air Commodore BS Kanwar, Deputy Director General (DDG) of Karnataka and Goa Directorate, honored them with DDG Commendation at a special function held at Christu Jayanti College, Bangalore.
This year 7 cadets of Navy and Army Department of Ujire SDM College participated in the Republic Day Parade in Delhi which is a unique achievement.
Associate NCC Officer Lt. Commander Sridhara Bhat, NCC Naval Department Officer of College, guided studentsin collecting modern equipment, encouraging students and providing guidance in the Ship Modelling department. Senior NCC cadets Akhilesh Suvarna and Shyamaprasad HP gave special training to the cadets. 5 Karnataka Naval Unit Commanding Officer Lieutenant Commander Bharat Rao and SMI Bhagyashree have been giving appropriate advice and cooperation.