“Youngsters must conduct an exhaustive research about the many opportunities available in the Indian army and aim towards grabbing them”, said the Rtd. Captain of Indian Army and Pediatrician from Mangalore, Dr. K Ganapathi Shenoy. He was speaking at the inaugural of the exhibition of Military Medals and Awards organized by the NCC wing of SDMC Ujire at the Kannada medium high school from 24-26 January.
Dr. B Yashovarma, the Secretary of SDME Society said “Being a soldier is in itself a title of utmost pride and respect. There is nothing greater than the duty of safeguarding the nation that gave us identity.”
Lieutenant Kernel Firdoush K Dubash gave the exhibition a start through the unveiling of special scenes of the Indian military. “No profession is devoid of challenges. But the challenges in the army give a sense of unmatched accomplishment”, he said.
Prof. Satheeshchandra, the Principal of SDMC Ujire and Chandrika, the Principal of SDM Kannada Medium School were present.