The Department of Chemistry observed World Water day on 01-04-2021. Ms. Spoorthi of Second B.Sc spoke about “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain”, new campaign of the central government launched in New Delhi on 22nd March to 30th November – the pre mansoon and mansoon period covering both rural and urban areas with the theme ‘Catch the Rain, where it falls, when it falls. Ms. Anagha of II B.Sc also made presentations on “Sewage Water Treatment” and “Rain Water harvesting” as measures for conservation of water. II B.Sc (PCM) students presented a skit on the theme. World Water Day, is held on 22 March every year since 1993, and focuses on the importance of freshwater. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis. The theme for this year 2021 is “Valuing water”. The programme was anchored by Ms.Ananya Rao of III B.Sc. Ms.Swathi of III B.Sc (PCM) welcomed the gathering and Mr.Vishnu of III B.Sc (PCM) presented vote of thanks