Papers Taught : Tactics in Retail Business, Retail Selling Skills, Computer Application in retail, Business Statistics, Organization Study, International retailing, E Commerce, Logistics s Management, Transportation Management
Area of Expertise : Finance and Marketing
Year of Experience : 6 Years teaching.
Contact Details 8746968390
email :
Research details:
Ph.D. details:
Register 2019, Srinivas university, Mangalore
Pursuing PHD at Srinivas University, Mangalore.
International publications
Shashank B.S (2021).Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Consultancy Service: A Case Study.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT).ISSN-2581-9429, 9(1), 227-231
Shashank, B. S., &SureshramanaMayya, (2021). A Conceptual Study on Performance ofSmall-Scale Industries in India. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, andEducation (IJCSBE), 5(2), 342-353.DOI:
National publications
Shashank B.S.,DMelloLaveena (2021).A conceptual study of MUDRA yojana for development of small scale industries in Karnataka. Srinivas Publication, Mangalore.ISBN:978-81-944670-7-6.Pages: 112-124
Mr.Shashank B. S Published paper on An Analysis of Pan-India Financial Intermediation Accomplished through the Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) – Literature Review International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), ISSN: 2581-6942, Vol. 6, No. 2, August 2022
Mr.Shashank B. S Published paper on A Case Study on the Impacts of the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana on the Banking Sector in India. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), ISSN: 2581-6942, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2022.
Mr.Shashank B. S Published paper on A Conceptual Study on Performance of Small-scale Industries in India International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), ISSN: 2581-6942, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2021.
Mr.Shashank B. S Published paper on Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility of Tata Consultancy Service: A Case Study. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)Volume 9, Issue 1, September 2021
Mr.Shashank B. S Published paper on Challenges Facing Indian Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Context of Globalisation. Journal pf XIAN University of Architecture and Technology, 1006-7930
Conference/seminars attended
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire has participated in 2 Days national level workshop on “Research Methodology & Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS” organized by Institute of Management & Commerce, city campus, Pandeshwar, Mangalore on 18th & 19th March 2022.
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire has participated on “Doctoral level Research (DDLR-SU)” organized by Institute of Management & Commerce, city campus, Pandeshwar, Mangalore on 12/01/2022 to 16/06/2022.
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire has participated on “Doctoral level Research II (DDLR-SU)” organized by Institute of Management & Commerce, city campus, Pandeshwar, Mangalore on 12/10/2022 to 16/03/2023.
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire has attendee in the International Symposium on Basics of IPR & Research Methods (ISIPARM-2023) Organized Virtually on 11th & 12th February, 2023 By Srinivas University, Mangalore, India & ISMASI, Azteca University, Mexico in Association with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), DST, Govt. of Karnataka, Republic of India.
Mr.Shashank B.S Assistant Professor, B.Voc in Retail and Supply chain Participated as an attendee in the International Symposium on Basics of IPR & Research Methods (ISIPARM-2023) Organized Virtually on 11th & 12th February, 2023 By Srinivas University, Mangalore, India & ISMASI, Azteca University, Mexico in Association with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), DST, Govt. of Karnataka, Republic of Ind
Papers presented at seminars/conferences
Faculty Development CentMahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education Topic on Case Discussion Methodology Bachelor of Business Case Discussion Methodology forAdministration in Rural MFrom May 18 – 22, 2020 Management’
Shashank B S of B.Voc in Retail and Supply Chain Management has presented a paper titled `integrated corporate social responsibility of Tata consultancy service: strategies for sustainability and development` at the 2 day international conference on sustainable innovative strategies for business development in the current scenario organized by Srinivas institute of technology on 2 and 3rd march 2023.
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of BVoc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire has participated & presented a paper titled “A Conceptual Study on Evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility of AMUL Company” at the 6th International Conference on Covid-19: Implications for Business held at St.Aloysius College (Autonomous)Institute of Management and IT -AIMIT, Beeri on June 8, 2022.
Mr.Shashank B.S , Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management has participated in the International Level 7 Days Faculty Development Program on “Teaching, Learning, Education and Research with Various Tools and Techniques” organized by Department of PG studies and Research in Commerce, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire in collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India from Jan 25 to Jan 31 2024.
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, has participated in the National level Faculty Development Program on “ENGAGE TO EDUCATE:THE EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING PEDAGOGY TOOL” organized by Department of B.Voc in Retail and Retail and Supply Chain Management, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire, on 18th April, 2024
Mr.Shashank B S has completed online training on the topic ‘Data Analytics’ held from February 1, 2023 to March 24/2023.
Mr Shashank B S has completed online training on the topic ‘EMPLOYEE PAYROLL AND COMPANY DATA MANAGEMENT’ held on 21 April 2023
Mr. Shashank B S has completed training on the topic ‘Project management techniques` held on 25 April 2023
Mr. Shashank B S Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in retail and supply chain management has attended online FDP organized by Shree Durgaparameshwari temple first grade college, kateel-574148 from 27/10/2022 to 05/11/2022.
Mr. Shashank B S HOD of B.Voc in Retail and Supply Chain Management Has attended webinar named `data analysis and digital skills for employblity` organized by Edutrackmeup on 21/11/2022.
Mr.Shashank B. S Assistant Professor, Dept of BVOC in Retail & Supply Chain Management has attended webinar entitled “Regression Ananylsis” on 11/12/2022 organized by GFSDE & NUJ
Any Other
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management has successfully completed the certificate course on the topic “Market Research – Research Methodology” on 05/07/2024 conducted by Infosys Springboard.
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management has successfully completed the certificate course on the topic “Company Secretary L1” on 05/07/2024 conducted by Infosys Springboard
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management has participated in the Workshop on Crafting winning Proposals; Workshop on project Proposal writing organised by Research and Development Counil , Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire on 24-02-2024.
Mr. Shashank B S, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, has participated in the National level Faculty Development Program on Social Medical aspects of crinal psycology held at Manipal law school Bangalore on 24 may 2024
Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management has attended one day National Level offline Faculty Development program on the title “Engage to Educate: The experiential learning pedagogy tool” organized by Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire on 19/04/2024.
Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management organized Debate activity on the topic Digital Advertisement Tactics for I Semester students of B.Voc in retail and supply chain management on 22/02/2024. Mr. Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in retail and supply chain management organized the event.
Dept of B.Voc in Retail & Supply Chain Management organized Alumni interaction for II Semester students of B.Voc in retail and supply chain management on 08/02/2024. Mr. PAVAN Shetty of batch 2020-2023 spoke about Future Opportunity In Retail Sectors . Mr.Shashank B S, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc in Retail and supply chain management organized the event.
Mr.Shashank B S Assistant Professor Dept. of B.bov in RSCM, SDM College Ujire, Appointed as Evaluator for subject Business Law at AdichinchanGiri University Banglore on 10/07/2023 to 11/07/2024.
Department of B.Voc in retail and supply chain management undergo Cleaning drive on behalf of Swachcha SDM abhiyaan from SDM PG Centre Bus stop to end of arboretum on daily basis from 18 March 2024 to 24 March 2024. All the retail and supply chain students participated and staff in charge Mr Shashank B.S present in cleaning drive camping.