Ms. Shakunthala B

Assistant Professor
  • M Sc, M Phil
  • Courses Taught : Botany
  • Area of Expertise : Genetics, Plant anatomy, Cytology, Phycology
  • Academic Experience - 27 Years

Contact Details

email :

Research Details

  • Pursing Phd in "Charaterization of Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Dakshina Kannada" in Mangalore University.
  • M.Phil on Isolation and evaluation of bioactive compounds from Piper longum - an Ayurvedic medicinal plant 1992 under Dr. B Abdul Rehman of Mangalore University Bioscience Department.

Papers Presented

  • Presented a paper in an international conference on Biotechonological Advances in Medicinal Plants and Natural Products and Exibtion on Natural Products and Medicinal Research” held on september 19 and 20, 2019 Orgnaized by GCU Bangalore. titled “Study on Floristic Compositions and Formulations used in Folk Medicines”
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany and Ms Preemal Roshni Pinto of III BSc, presented a research paper on the topic: “The effect of Terrace Gardening on Psychological Well-being” in the two-days National level Seminar on “Biodiversity Conservations: Impact of Anthropogenic Activities And Climate Change.” The seminar was organised by the Department of Zoology and Botany of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College, Kunjibettu, Udupi , on 15th and 16th March 2024.
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany and Ms Nayana of
    III BSc, presented a research paper on the topic: “Role of Millets in Pre-diabetes and diabetes. ” in the one- day National level Multidisciplinary Conference on “Millets and Mental Health.” organised by the Department of Psychology in association with the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College(Autonomous),Ujire on 9th September 2024.
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany and Mr. Pratham Kalas of
    II BSc, presented a research paper on the topic: “Traditional and modern use of Millets;Enhancing human nutrition and health” in the one- day National level Multidisciplinary Conference on “Millets and Mental Health.” organised by the Department of Psychology in association with the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College(Autonomous),Ujire on 9th September 2024.
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany and Ms.Yuvika of
    II BSc, presented a research paper on the topic: “ Intergrating Millets into Modern Diets” in the one- day National level Multidisciplinary Conference on “Millets and Mental Health.” organised by the Department of Psychology in association with the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College(Autonomous),Ujire on 9th September 2024.


Seminar, Workshop, Conferences attended

  • Attended National seminar on “Natural Bioactive compounds and potential effects on health” On 27-01- 2017 at St. Aloysious college, Mangalore
  • Attended National seminar on “Medicinal and aromatic plants of western Ghats” On 27 & 28-02-2017 at Poornaprajna college, Udupi
  • Attended Mangalore University intercollegiate Cultural fest On 10-02- 2017 at Mangalore university, Konaje
  • Attended state seminar on “Edible and non edible Mushrooms of Karnataka” on 12-12- 2014 at Vivekananda college, Puttur
  • Attended state level workshop on “Tools and techniques in Bioinformatics” on 03-03- 2015 at SDM college, Ujire
  • Attended state seminar on “Challenges related to adolescents – A public health issue” on 26-8-2014 at SDM College,Ujire
  • Attended Mangalore University intercollegiate paper presentation competition on 10-01-2015 at Mahaveera college, Moodbidri
  • Attended an international conference on Biotechonological Advances in Medicinal Plants and Natural Products and Exibtion on Natural Products and Medicinal Research” held on september 19 and 20, 2019 Orgnaized by GCU Bangalore
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany participated in the two-day National level Seminar on “Biodiversity Conservations: Impact of Anthropogenic Activities And Climate Change.” The seminar was organised by the Department of Zoology and Botany of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College, Kunjibettu, Udupi on 15 and 16 March 2024
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany attended one day National Seminar on Scientific Heritage of India, organised by Department of Physics, Sanskrit and Mathematics, SDM Degree College (Autonomous) Ujire in association with Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems, IIT Kharagpur with support of AICTE-IKS division, New Delhi and Physics Teachers’ Association, Mangalore University on 26 February 2024 at SDM Degree College, Ujire
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, SDM Degree College (Autonomous) Ujire, has participated in two- day International Multidisciplinary Symposium on “ The role and future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Behavior” organized by the department of PG studies and research in Psychology, SDM College ( Autonomous), Ujire on 4th and 5th December 2023
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, SDM Degree College (Autonomous) Ujire, has participated in the Workshop on ‘ Research Proposal Writing’ organized by the Research and Development cell, SDM Degree College (Autonomous) Ujire, on 19 October 2023.
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor of Botany has participated in one- day National level Multidisciplinary Conference on “Millets and Mental Health.” organised by the Department of Psychology in association with the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College(Autonomous),Ujire on 9th September 2024.
  • Ms. Shakunthala. B Participated in One Day National Seminar on Diversity and Conservation of Medicinal Plants organized by the department of Botany SDM College ( Autonomous) Ujire on 11/ 01/ 2025.
  • Ms. Shakunthala. B, has presented a paper entitled ” Assessing The Role Of Renewable Energy In Achieving Long Term Environmental Sustainability” in a two day Multi- Disciplinary international conference on “RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN EMERGING ECONOMICS- A WAY FORWARD ” Organised by the Department of Economics and Rural Development, SDM College( Autonomous) Ujire on 17/ 01/ 2025 and 18/ 01/ 2025.

Any Others

  • Served as the Member of BOE at St. Agnes College Mangalore
  • Coordinator for SDM Eco-club

Faculty development programme

  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, SDM Degree College (Autonomous) Ujire, has attended International Faculty Development Programme on Teaching, Learning, Education and Research with Various Tools and Techniques organised by Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, in collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India from 25 to 31 January 2024
  • Ms Shakunthala B, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, SDM Degree College (Autonomous) Ujire, has participated in the Five Day Faculty Development Programme on Research and Methodology” organized by the Research and Development Cell in association with Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology and Chemistry, SDM College , Ujire from 20 th   to 24th August 2024