Mrs. Prarthana J., accorded with young scientist award for the year 2020 by honourable jury members in 9th science and technology, education expo tv (eet) crs, a research & branding independent organization serving since 2011.
Completed Research project
- UGC Minor research project entitled “Microbial production of Biosurfactants for enhanced oil recovery”,2013,duration 18 months. worth 1,70,000/- .Rf:MRP(S)-0525/13- 14/KAMA009/UGC-SWRO, Principle Investigator Ms.Prarthana J.
- VGST, Science Project In College Education (SPiCE)-Completed “Analysis of used edible oil” by Ramya &Shalini(2010-2012), Principle Investigator Ms.Prarthana J
- DBT Grant of 8 lakhs from Ministry of Science &Technology ,Govt of India in partnership with Foldscope Instruments Inc. and Prakashlab(Stanford University;California)for the project entitled “Use of combinational drug targeting bacterial cytoskeletal protein for prevention of antibiotic recalcitrant strains”. The research grant aims as a twinning programme with North East Region through BCIL(Biotechnonology Consortium India Ltd) Sanction Order:No.BT/IN/Indo-US/Foldscope/39/2015 dated 20.3.18, Principle Investigator Ms.Prarthana J
- Awarded by VGST, as scientist faculty under the scheme of Research Grant for Scientist Faculty of the grant amount 5 lacs, on project entitled as” Fabricated synbiotics preparation to enhance viability of probiotic strain through micro encapsulation “. Sanction Order:No.KSTePS/VGST/RGS/F/2017-18/GRDNo.701/2017-18/157, dated 27.8.18, Principle Investigator Ms.Prarthana J
- Guided Student project programme in 44th series funded by Karnataka State council for Science & Technology, entitled ” Novel approach in tertiary water treatment by using pellets of exopolysaccharides for removal of endocrine disruptor and similar toxic compounds in wastewater treatment” . Ref.No 44S_MSC_042, April-July 2021
- Guided Student project programme in 45th series funded by Karnataka State council for Science & Technology, entitled ” Composite copper nanoparticle embedded in collagen material as effective suture threads in biomedicine”, Ref.No 45S_MSC_098, April-July 2022
- Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme – BiSEP 2nd phase of the Biotechnology Finishing Schools BTFS at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College Ujire 574 240 supported by Dept of IT , BT and S&T GoK and DBT, Govt Of India. Five years Project(2017-2022) worth 1.6 crore(GO ITD 02 ADM 2017 dated 28.7.17
- Co-PI for VGST sanctioned project entitled “Management of obesity, glycemic index and lipid profile by chilly based Indian functional foods” under the scheme Research grant for Scientist faculty. Sanction Order:No.KSTePS/VGST/RGS/F/GRDNo.966/2020-21/166, dated 26.8.21
- Seed money Grant by the SDM institution for the project entitled “ The metagenomic study of marine ecosystem influencing colonization of microbial biodiversity resilienting biodegradation of oil pollutant” Dt 28-10-2022
On-going Projects:
- As a part of project implementation group member for sanction DST FIST Level0-Ref SR/FST/COLLEGE-/2020/914 Dt. 5-3-2021
- DST WISE KIRAN CURIE ( Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence) Safe & cost effective method of water reclamation using pellets of extra polymeric substance for removing minor contaminants- Endocrine disruptor compounds and repurposing extra cellular polymeric substance for repeated usage dt 17 Feb 2024, S/O DST/CURIE-PG/2023/10(C) Rs. 6671483. (2024-2027)