Mr. Vighnesha Aithal

Assistant Professor
  • M.A. in English
  • Papers Taught : British Literature: 20th Century Fiction and Drama, English Language Teaching, Modern Indian Writing in English, Postcolonial Literature, European Literature, British Literature: Medieval Period to the Restoration, British Literature: 18th and 19th Century, Victorian Literature
  • Area of Expertise : Theatre and Film Studies, Indian Writing in English
  • Academic Experience - 09 Years

Research Details

  • Registered for Ph.D in Srinivas University, Mangaluru

Paper presented

  • Co – authored a paper “The Intersection of fantasy, myth, and traditional modern philosophy in literature” and presented it at national seminar on ‘Thus Spoke Nietzsche: A National Discourse on Modern Philosophy and Literature’ at Sree Sankara College, Kalady, Kerala on 17th and 18th October, 2023.

Conference/seminars attended

  • Attended the seventh edition of ‘Mangaluru Lit Fest’, literary fest organised by ‘Bharat Foundation’, Mangaluru at Dr. T.M.A. Pai Convention Centre, Mangaluru on January 11th and 12th, 2025.
  • Attended a national seminar on “Fictional Writing: Translations and Performances”, organised by U.G. and P.G. Departments of English, S.D.M. College (Autonomous), Ujire on January 9th, 2025.
  • Attended the first edition of ‘Book Brahma Literature Festival’ organised by ‘Book Brahma’, an online literary platform Mangaluru at St. John’s Auditorium, Bengaluru from August 9th to 11th, 2024.
  • .Attended a one day seminar on English language teaching, organised by U.G. and P.G. Departments of English, Alva’s College (Autonomous), Moodbidre on May 13th, 2024.
  • Attended a one day national level F.D.P. on teaching, organised by Department of B.Voc (Retail and Supply Chain Management), S.D.M. College (Autonomous), Ujire on April 18th, 2024.
  • Attended a national seminar on “Theatre Texts at Crossroads: East – West Encounter”, organised by U.G. and P.G. Departments of English, S.D.M. College (Autonomous), Ujire on March 16th, 2024.
  • Attended a writing workshop on research at St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru on March 1st, 2024.
  • Attended the sixth edition of ‘Mangaluru Lit Fest’, literary fest organised by ‘Bharat Foundation’, Mangaluru at Dr. T.M.A. Pai Convention Centre, Mangaluru on January 20th and 21st, 2024.
  • Attended a national seminar on “Kannada Samskritika Samvardhane Mattu Bhashantarakararu”, organised by Department of Kannada, S.D.M. College (Autonomous), Ujire at Shree Siddhavana Gurukula, Ujire on November 22nd and 23rd, 2023.
  • Attended ‘Manipal International Literature and Arts Platform” – 2023, a literary and arts fest at Yelahanka campus of ‘Manipal Academy of Higher Education’ (M.A.H.E.), Bengaluru from April 6th to 8th, 2023.
  • Attended the fifth edition of ‘Mangaluru Lit Fest’,literary fest organised by ‘Bharat Foundation’, Mangaluru at Dr. T.M.A. Pai Convention Centre, Mangaluru on February 18th and 19th, 2023.
  • Attended the second edition of ‘Mangaluru Lit Fest’,literary fest organised by ‘Bharat Foundation’, Mangaluru at Dr. T.M.A. Pai Convention Centre, Mangaluru on November 29th and 30th, 2019