Area of Expertise : Botany and its sub disciplines
Academic Experience - 03 Years
Contact Details
Mobile : +91 – 8722427887
email :
Research Details
Co-Principal Investigator in the project entitled ‘Establishment of an Ethnomedicinal plants -based Herbal Garden at the campus of Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institutions Ujire, Karnataka State’ National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India.
Paper presented
Presented a paper entitled ‘Millet and Millet based food products in Gut health and Mental Well-being: A Run-through’ at the National Level Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Millets and Mental Health’ organised by the Department of Psychology, SDM College (A), Ujire on 9th September 2024.
Conference/seminars attended
Attended National Level Awareness Workshop on Possibilities of Entrepreneurship Development Based on MGIRI Technologies’ held at Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire on 12 th August 2023.
Participated in the National Seminar on ‘Scientific Heritage of India’ held on 26.02.2024 at SDM College (A), Ujire.
Participated in the One day National Seminar on ‘Computational Mathematics in Navigating Complex Real World Issues’ organised by the Department of Mathematics, SDM College (A), Ujire on 29th August 2024.
Participated in the National Level Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Millets and Mental Health’ organised by the Department of Psychology, SDM College (A), Ujire on 9th September 2024.
Any Other
One of the Resource person in an Orientation Program on ‘Glimpses of Western Ghats and Ex-situ Conservation’ organised in collaboration with DOS and Research in Botany, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore on 01.02.2024
Delivered a Guest talk on ‘Basics of Photography’ organised by the Photography and Media fora of SDM College (A), Ujire.