Registered for Ph.D. in the year 2019, under the guidance of Prof. Boja Poojary at Mangalore University Research Title: “Synthesis and biological activity studies of some Pyrazoles, endowed heterocycliccompounds”
Rai PV, Ramu R, Akhileshwari P, Prabhu S, Prabhune NM, Deepthi PV, Anjana PT, Ganavi D, Vijesh AM, Goh KW, Ahmed MZ. Vasantha Kumar* Novel Benzimidazole-Endowed Chalcones as α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase Inhibitors: An Insight into Structural and Computational Studies. Molecules. 2024 Nov 27;29(23):5599.
Ganavi D, Vasantha Kumar, P. Akhileshwari, Ashwini Prabhu, N. Omantheswara, M. Mahendra, Boja Poojary,Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld, DFT, Molecular Docking, Dynamics Studies, and Anti-cancer Activity of 1-Substituted-2-(4-(diethylamino)-2-hydroxyphenyl)- 1H-benzo[d]imidazole-5-ethyl carboxylates. Journal of Molecular structure, 1314, 2024, 138657. Impact factor- 4.1
Ganavi D, Patil S M, Kumar V, Ramu R, Poojary B. Pyrazole-Imidazopyridine Hydrazones: Synthesis, α-Glucosidase, α-Amylase Inhibitory Activity and Computational Studies, ChemstrySelect., 8(30), 2023, e202300778. Impact factor- 2.1
Ganavi D, Ramu R, Kumar V, Patil SM, Martiz RM, Shirahatti PS, Sathyanarayana R, Poojary B, Holla BS, Poojary V, Kumari KN. In vitro and in silico studies of fluorinated 2, 3‐disubstituted thiazolidinone‐pyrazoles as potential α‐amylase inhibitors and antioxidant agents. Archiv der Pharmazie. 355(3) 2022, 2100342. Impact factor 4.6
Vasantha Kumar, D. Ganavi, B. Sukesh Kumar, Rajesh P. Shastry, A.H. Udaya Kumar, S. Madan Kumar, Mohammed Al-Ghorbani, P.M. Gurubasavaraja Swamy, N.K. Lokanath, K. Naveen, Boja Poojary, Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld, DFT, Quorum Sensing Inhibition and Molecular Docking Studies of N’-{(E)-[3-(3,5-Difluorophenyl)1H-pyrazol-4-yl]methylidene}-4methoxybenzohydrazide, Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 33, No. 8 (2021), 1796-1804. Impact factor 0.53
Paper presented
Presented a paper on “Synthesis of newer pyridine endowed rhodanine and thiazolone derivatives as antibacterial agents” at International Conference on Transformative Chemistry for a Sustainable Future at ST. Aloysius College, Mangalore on 15th March 2024.
Presented a paper on “Synthesis, antimicrobial and molecular docking studies of new pyrazole series of pyrazole clubbed benzimidazole hydrazone derivatives” on Two-day National Conference on Advanced Materials for Chemical and Biological Applications at SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire during March 6th and 7th, 2024
Presented a paper on “An efficient one-pot synthesis of 1,2-substitited benzimidazole-5-carboxylates as anticancer agents and molecular docking studies” at International Conference on Chemical Science (ICCS-2023) organized by Dept of Science, Christ Acadamy Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore during June 22nd and 23rd, 2023.
Presented a paper on “Imidazopyridine linked Pyrazole derivatives as potential dual inhibitors of α-Glucosidaseand α-Amylase and molecular docking studies” in Twodayinternational level conference on “International Conference on Drug Discovery 2022” at Bits Pilani campus Goa, on November 10th and 11th 2022.
Presented a paper on “synthesis, characterization and Anticancer Activities of some Benzyloxy chalcones” in Two day national level conference on “Synthetic spectroscopic & structural chemistry” at Govindadasa College Surathkal , Mangalore on March 15th and 16th 2019.
Presented a paper on “Synthesis of n-Phenylaniline Derivatives and Characterization” at National Conference on “Recent Advances in industrial engineering and Applied Chemistry” held at Sri Siddhartha institute of Technology Tumkur on 21st and 22nd October 2016.
Presented a paper, UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Analytical Techniques” held at Government Science College Hassan on 28th and 29th March 2016.
Participated in One Day National Level seminar on “Fictional writing: Translation and Performances” organised by UG and PG Studies and Research in English on 9th January 2025.
Participated in One Day National Level Seminar on "Computational Mathematics in Navigating Complex Real-World Issues" organized by the Department of Mathematics and IQAC, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire in association with Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal on 29 August 2024.
Participated in One Day State Level Symposium on "Recent Trends in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Landscape (ReTAP-2024)" organized by the Postgraduate Department of Chemistry, B.M.S. College for Women in collaboration with Vidhathri Academy, Bengaluru on 19 July 2024.
Attended a National level Faculty Development Program Titled “Engage to educate: The experiential Learning Pediology Tool” organised by the Department of B.Voc in Retail and supply chain Management, SDM College Ujire on 18th April 2024 held at SDM PG Centre Ujire.
Attended workshop on “Crafting winning proposals; Wokshop on Project Proposal Writing” organised by the Research and Developmental cell, SDM College Ujire on 24th February 2024.
Participated One Day National Level Seminar on “Scientific Heritage of India” held at SDM College Ujire on 2th February 2024.
Attended Seven day International Level Faculty Development programme on “Teaching, Learning, Education and Research with various tools and techniques” jointly organised by Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, SDM College Ujire and Cape Comorin Trust, India from 25.01.2024 to 31.01.2024
Attended seven days National Level Faculty Development programme on “Innovative teaching strategies and tools in digital age” organised by Scroll well Academy in collaboration with Ministry of Educational institution, Innovation council, Gulzar Group of Institutes, Ludhiana Panjab held from 20th to 26th November 2023.
Participated in State level Workshop on “Molecular Docking and Electroanalytical Techniques (MDET-2023) jointly organised by the Department of Chemistry and Indian National Young Academy of Sciences on 6th June 2023.
Participated in State level Workshop on “Research Design: Article Writing and Publication-Way Forward” organised by Research and Development Cell, S.D.M. College, Ujire on 3rd June 2023.
Participated in ICSSR, New Delhi Sponsored Two Days Multidisciplinary National Seminar on “Indigenous Practices in Higher Education in India: Steps Ahead” organised by S.D.M. College Ujire on 29th and 30th March 2023
Participated in State level Workshop on “Intellectual PropertyRights and Promotion of Innovations “ held at PG Centre, S.D.M College Ujire on 19 th July 2022.
Participated in Seminar on “Research Proposal Writing”Organised by Research Committee and Internal Quality AssuranceCell, S.D.M College,Ujire held at P.G Centre, S.D.M CollegeUjire on 23 rd March 2021.
Participated in Webinar on “Reference Management usingMendeley” held at S.D.M College Ujire on 18 th February 2021.
Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring” held at SDM College Ujire on 25th November 2019.
Attended national conference on Trends in materials and chemical sciences held at MIT Manipal on 4th and 5th November 2019.
Attended One Day National Level Seminar on “Current Trends in Chemical Research and Development held at Vivekananda college of Arts, Science and Commerce. Puttur on 18th September 2019.
Attended workshop on Astronomy Taara Loka held at SDM College Ujire on 24th October 2019.
Attended workshop on “Feel Teacher” Learning and Development Intervention, Conducted by College for Leadership and HRD, Mangaluru, at S.D.M College Ujire on 7th, 8th and 9th June 2019.
Attended National Level Seminar on “Modern Synthetic Methods & their Applications” held at Sri DharmasthalaManjunatheshwara College, Ujire on 27th Febrevary 2015.
Awards & achievements
Awarded Seed money grant of Rs.35,000 for the project titled “Synthesis, in-silico, Anticancer and Antimicrobial studies of Novel Benzimidazoles and benzimidazole-pyrazolyl Hydrazone Derivatives” by S.D.M College (Autonomus), Ujire during the year 2022
Completed a project entitled “Synthesis, in-silico, Anticancer and Antimicrobial studies of Novel Benzimidazoles and benzimidazole-pyrazolyl Hydrazone Derivatives” under the Seed Money grant of SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire during the year 2022.
Any Other
Rover / Ranger Co-ordinator of the college since 2022-23
Member of website committee 2019-2022
Member of the Women Grievance Redressal and Internal Complaint committee since 2021
BOE Member of Vivekananda College of Arts, Science and Commerce since 2022