Dr. Sanmathi Kumar

HOD of History
  • MA (History) MA (Hindi), Hindi Ratna, Sanskrit Kavya, Ph.D., PG diploma in English, PG Diploma in Archaeology Culture & Tourism, KSET
  • Papers Taught : Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, History of Karnataka, History of Tulunadu, Indology, Museology and History of Europe
  • Area of Expertise : Medieval India, Modern India, History of Karnataka, History of Arts, History of Tulunadu and Jain Art & Architecture
  • No. of Years Experience: 26 Years

Contact Details

Mobile No.: 7337626605, 9480401305

E-mail : Sanmathikumar2012@gmail.com

Research Details

  • “FEUDALISM UNDER THE HOYSALAS – A SOCIO – ECONOMIC STUDY” (A.D. 970 TO A.D. 1342) - Ph.D. topic 2010, under the guidance of Dr. B.Udaya, Professor & Chairman Dept. of Post graduate studies in History, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri.

Research Guide

  • Appointed as a Resource Person to guide the M.Phil and Ph.D. History research scholars of Kannada University Hampi form 2017.


  • The Emergence of Social groups and Economic Changes in early Medieval South Karnataka under the Hoysalas (Abstract) – National Seminar Indian History Congress Proceedings Vol.65, 2004, Bareilly, U.
  • Jainism its growth and Patronage under the Hoysalas –State Seminar Karnataka History Congress Proceedings Vol.19 2010, Hampi.
  • Protection of Women’s  Human Rights (Abstracts) – Inter National Seminar Milagress College, Kallianpur, Udupi March 2014
  • Protection of Women’s Human Rights – National and International Perspectives  – International Seminar (ISBN No. 978-81-929263-0-8) Milagress College, Kallianpur, Udupi,  May 2014
  • The First World War 1914-1918 (Volume 09) Alva’s Madhyama 18-08-2014.
  • Acharya Jo Indu –   (BOOK) (ISBN No.978-81-929720-4-6) Sumeru Jain Foundation ® Jayanagar, Bangalore September. 2014.
  • Moodubidireya Nyaya Basadi ( Article) Jina Sarathi Masa Patrike Hassan 01-09-2014
  • Nationalist ideas of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak- National Seminar (ISBN No. 978-81-930129-0-1) Sri Mahaveera College Moodbidri ,March 2015
  • Restructuring of Historical Curriculum in India –National Seminar (ISBN No.978-81-930858-0-6) Sri Poornaprajna Evening College Udupi April 2015
  • Swami Vivekananda: The Great Social Reformer –National Seminar (ISBN No-978-81-927923-3-0) St .Mary’s College Shirva September 2015
  • Historical Aspects of Sati in Ancient Indian Society(Abstract)- National Conference St. Aloysius College Mangalore. February 2016
  • Hindu Nationalism in Indian Literatures- International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies ISSN no2349-6711(p) ISSN2349-6959(E) Impact Factor 0.275(GIF)1.138(ISRA).3.24(Info base Index) ( UGC Approved) IJHSSS Karimganj, Assam July2016
  • Historical Aspects of Sati in Ancient Indian Society. Samaja Shodhana Journal of the Mangalore Sociology Association. Silver Jubilee Volume25. No.1&2, March –October 2016.
  • Dakshina Bharatada Gandhi–Karnad Sadashiva Rayaru (Book) Kadiru, Akshara Prakashana 2016. Bangalore
  • Regionalism VS Nationalism –An Indian Perspective International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research ®- ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved) IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 2(5), February 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Regionalism VS Nationalism in India- International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies ISSN no2349-6711(p) ISSN2349-6959(E) Impact Factor 0.275(GIF)1.138(ISRA).3.24(Info base Index) (UGC Approved Journal) IJHSSS Karimganj, Assam March2017
  • Women and Politics in India- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® – ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved) IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 3(7), March 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Historical Aspects of Sati in Ancient India- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved) IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 5(4), May 2017  Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Restructuring of Historical Curriculum is the Need for Indian Society- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved Journal)   IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 6(1), June 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Shravanabelagolada Rajakiya Ithihasa (A Study Material for Diploma Course 2017) Sumeru Jain Foundation ® Jayanagar, Bangalore July. 2017
  • Swami Vivekananda: As a Social Reformer – International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved Journal) IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 7(6), July 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • The Role of Women in India’s Freedom Struggle – International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved Journal) IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 8(6), August 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • A Challenge to Indian Nationalism- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved Journal)  IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 9(4), September 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Role of Land Grants in the formation of Brahmanas as a Prominent caste in South Canara during the Medieval Period- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 4.527, IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved Journal) IJMER, VOLUME 6, Issue 10(1), October 2017 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Markuliya Panchakuta Jinalaya- ITIHASA DARSANA VOLUME 32/2017 ISBN NO-978-81-921255-7-2 The Karnataka Ithihasa Academy October 2017 Bangalore
  • Women Empowerment and Politics- Research Arena- ISSN NO-2320-6232 UGC Approved Journal No 64395. Rani Chennamma University Belagavi  Vol.5 Issue 7-October 2017
  • Moodubidereya Vishista Samarakagalu ITIHASA DARSANA VOLUME 33/2018 ISBN NO-978-81-921255-8-9 The Karnataka Ithihasa Academy October 2018 Bangalore
  • Swami Vivekananda and Empowerment of Women International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.014 IC: 5.16, ISI value: 2.286. (UGC Approved Journal) Peer Reviewed & Refereed International Journal IJMER, VOLUME 8, Issue 4(1), April 2019 Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Basthihalli Neminatha Basadi  Antarvani Book ISBN No 978-81-941518-0-7 Volume 08 Chikodi Indaneelamanim Publications VOLUME 08 September 2019,Chikodi
  • Discourse of Hindu Nationalism in Indian Literatures International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.014 IC Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number:17.7.2013.49 (UGC Approved Journal) Peer Reviewed & Refereed International Journal IJMER, VOLUME 8, Issue 9(6), September 2019 Visakhapatnam, 530016  Andhra Pradesh.
  • Moodubidereya Choutara  Aramane  ITIHASA DARSANA VOLUME 34/2019 ISBN NO-978-81-921255-9-6         The Karnataka Ithihasa Academy(Regd.)  October 2019 Bangalore.
  • Dr.Sanmathi Kumar Associate Professor, Department of History, SDM College Ujire published an International Research Paper entitled “Nationalism in Literature” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.014 IC Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number:17.7.2013.49 (UGC Approved Journal) Peer Reviewed & Refereed International Journal, Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory @, ProQuest. U.S.A.International Regd. published by Sucharitha publication IJMER, VOLUME 8, Issue 12(1),December 2019,Visakhapatnam, 530016, Andhra Pradesh, on 14 th January 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Protection and Preservation of Indian Historical Monuments. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 9(1) Pp- 50-61. ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.014 IC Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286, VOLUME 9, Issue 1(6), January 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi.. Moodubidereya Ithihasika Vastushilagalu. Antarvani a book collection of research articles Indaneelamanim Publications Chikodi  Belagam. 9(1) Pp- 102-106. With ISBN No. 9788194151807  Volume 09 January 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Moodbidri – A Historical Jain Heritage Centre in Medieval South India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 9(3). Pp- 139-145. ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.514(2020); Index Copernicus Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49 Volume 9, Issue 3(10), March 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Dharmaraja Dakshina Bharatada Gandhi- Karnad Sadashivarayaru. Antarvani a book collection of research articles Indaneelamanim Publications Chikodi  Belagam 10(1) Pp- 107-112. with ISBN No. 978-81-946610-0-9 Volume 10  September 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Swami Vivekananda: philosophy, education and its relevance. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 9(9)  Pp- 199-204, ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.514(2020); Index Copernicus Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49, IJMER, VOLUME 9, Issue 9(8), September 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Gandhi’s Philosophy of Social Action International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 9(11) Pp- 222-228. ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.514(2020); Index Copernicus Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49,  Volume 9, Issue 11(2), November 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Sri Sadashiva Rudra Devasthana Surya. Itihasa Darsana Karnataka Ithihasa Academy (Regd) Bangalore. Volume  35( 33). Pp-359-361. ISBN NO- 978-81-950402-1-6.   December 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Impression of Mythology on India’s Freedom Struggle.  International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 9 (12 ). Pp- 128-132. ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 6.514(2020); Index Copernicus Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49 Volume 9 Issue 12(8), December 2020.
  • Kumar Sanmathi.. Manina Harake Kshetra Surya. Antarvani a book collection of research articles Indaneelamanim Publications Chikodi  Belagam Pp- 17-21. ISBN No. 978-81-948660-0-8. Volume 11 February 2021.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Swami Vivekananda: teaching, learning and Modern Education. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 10 (6). Pp- 52-55. — ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 7.816(2021) Index Copernicus Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49 Volume 10, Issue 6(10), June 2021.
  • Kumar Sanmathi.. The Authors of Important Hoysala Inscriptions. International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies, Scholar Publications, Karimganj, Assam. 7 (5) Pp 114-120. ISSN No: 2349-6959 Volume-VII, Issue-V, September 2021.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. The Poets of Hoysala Inscriptions. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 10 (9). Pp- 43-46. ISSN No 2277-7881 Impact Factor: 7.816 (2021) Index Copernicus Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2.286. Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49 Volume 10, Issue 9(5), September 2021.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. The History of Tamil Epigraphy. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 11 (4). Pp- 53-58. ISSN No 2277-7881 with JISRAF Impact Factor 7.816 (2022) Index Copernicus Value 5.16, International Scientific Indexing Value: 2.286, Volume 11, Issue 4(7), April 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi.A Concise history of Tamil – Epigraphy. International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences Kanpur Philosophers, Kanpur 9 (1). Pp- 179-185. ISSN No, 2348-8301 Vol. IX, Issue 1, No.10: 2022. UGC CARE Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal published biannually by New Archaeological & Genealogical Society Kanpur India on June 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Discourse of Hindu Nationalism in Indian   literatures during National Movement. Shodha Prabha Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha New Delhi. 47(1). ). Pp- 6-11. ISSN: 0974-8946 Vol. 47, Issue. 01, No.12: 2022 UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal published by Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha A Central Deemed University New Delhi India on June 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Jainism: Its growth and patronage under the Hoysalas International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® Sucharitha Publications Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh. 11 (6). Pp- 34-37. ISSN No 2277-7881 with JISRAF Impact Factor 7.816 (2022) Index Copernicus Value 5.16, International Scientific Indexing Value: 2.286, Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49. Volume 11, Issue 6(6),   June 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Sharvanabelagolada Samarasyada Ithihasa. Souharda Patha A Collection of Articles on Communal Harmony. Sufisharana Publications Kalburgi 1 (1) Pp- 451-462. ISBN No: 978-93-5701-108-2 Volume 1. Issue 1. Peer Reviewed and Referred book Kalaburgi September 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. An Analysis of Social Awareness Documentary Films in India with reference to Anand Patwardhan’s Jai Bhim Comrade. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. 27(28).Pp1-11. ISSN: 0972-0766, Vol. XXVII, No.28, UGC Care Group 1 and UGC Care List Journal. Mumbai, October 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. The Role of women in the Freedom Struggle. Toucan Research Development Regd. under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India Bangalore. 1 (1) Pp- 55-61. ISBN No.: 978-81-958888-1-8 under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India December 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Response to Indian National Movement by the Basel Mission Christians. Shodhasamhita Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research Nagpur Maharashtra. 9 (11).  Pp- 1-7 ISSN No. 2277-7067.1 Volume – IX Issue II UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, and Referred Journal, Maharashtra December 2022.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. The Emergence of Social Groups and Economic Changes in Early Medieval South Karnataka under the Hoysalas: Journal of the Oriental Institute M.S. University of Baroda  with ISSN No. 0030-5324 UGC CARE Group 1 Vol. 72, Issue No. 01, UGC CARE LIST No. 135 UGC Care Approved Group 1  Journal  Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal with  Impact factor 5.1 in The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, March 2023.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. The Issues and Challenges in Social Science Research in Multidisciplinary National Seminar Online Seminar Proceedings IIARSIC 2022 with ISBN No.: 978-81-958888-5-6 Published by International Center for Scientific Research and Development (ICSRD).  Bangalore March 2023.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Emergence of Social Groups and Economic Changes under the Hoysalas (pg.No-41-46) in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2023); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286  Index Copernicus Value 5.16, International Scientific Indexing Value: 2.286, Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49 Sucharitha Publications IJMER India , Volume 12 Issue 6(4),  Visakhapatnam, June  2023.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. The Antiquity of Libraries in Ancient and Medieval Karnataka (Pg.No.88-93) l History Research Journal Ithihasa Samshodhana Patrikha Issue No  30 , No.3, History Research Journal with ISSN No : 0976-5425 UGC-CARE List Group 1 Journal  Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal Impact Factor: 5.23 Aurangabad. Maharashtra July 2023.
  • Kumar Sanmathi Sustainable Development in Tribal Areas in Multidisciplinary International Seminar Proceedings on Impact of Innovative Global Research Techniques and Methodologies to Analyze Specific Research Area with ISBN No: 978-81-958888-4-9 on Pg No: 258-263 published  by A.N. College, Dumka Jharkhand  October 2023.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Choutra Aramane Moodubidire volume 13 issues no 4 in TULUVA Quarterly edited Journal with ISSN No. 2347-3452(Pg No 24-26) published by Rashtra Kavi Govinda Pai Samshodhana Kendra Udupi on 30th December 2023.
  • Kumar Sanmathi.Deductive and inductive approaches to Qualitative Research (Pg No 1-7) in Online Seminar Proceedings in the Multidisciplinary National Seminar on CADRDI-2023 published by Rosary College of Commerce & Arts Navelim Salcete Goa in Association with and TOUCAN Research Development, Bangalore on 20th January 2024.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Qualitative Research(pg.No-58-63) in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research® ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :8.017(2024); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 Index Copernicus Value 5.16, International Scientific Indexing Value: 2.286, Research Unique Number: 17.7.2013.49 UGC approved Journal: Serial No:41602, Peer Reviewed & Refereed International Journal IJMER, Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A published by Sucharitha Publications IJMER India , VOLUME 13 Issue 1(4), Visakhapatnam, 530003, Andhra Pradesh, on 30th January 2024.
  • Kumar Sanmathi.Ethics in Higher Education (Pg No 112-122) in Multidisciplinary National Seminar Book entitled on Indigenous Practices in Higher Education in India: Steps Ahead published by Department of Economics and Rural Development Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous) Ujire sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi In Collaboration with Rashtriya Samaj Vigyan Parishad (R), New Delhi on with ISBN No:978-93-5813-749-1, Volume 1 Issue 1on 1st March 2024
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Neminatha Jinalaya Basthihalli (Pg No 10-13) Volume 14 issue no 1. in TULUVA Quarterly edited Journal with ISSN No. 2347-3452 published by Rashtra Kavi Govinda Pai Samshodhana Kendra Udupi on 5th May 2024.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. Warfare and Military History in Ancient India (Pg No 86-92) Shodhasamhita Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, Journal of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Nagpura Maharastra A Peer reviewed Bi-annual Interdisciplinary Research Journal of the University UGC CARE Listed Journal UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, and Referred Journal Volume – XI Issue 1(2) ISSN No. 2277-7067 on 10th May 2024 .
  • Kumar Sanmathi.The Problems and Challenges in Social Science Research in India (Pg No 82-90) in Juni Khyat with ISSN No: 2278-4632,Vol.14 , Issue 1, No.1 (3) Jan -June 2024 with Impact Factor : 6.625, Journal is Indexed, Peer reviewed and listed in UGC Care Group 1 Journal published in Marubhoomi Shodha Samasthan, Baikanar Rajasthana on 18th July 2024.
  • Kumar Sanmathi. A Journey of Universalizing The Indian Education System Pg No-80-89) in Research Journal international Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences(UGC approved Multi-disciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal) Sl. No.-171under UGC Social Sciences Approved Group Journal UGC CARE Listed Journal Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, UGC CARE Listed Journal Volume -21 No 24(II) Issue No 1 ISSN 2347-4777 with IF=7.138 on UGC Care 1 Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal Published by Avantgarde Press, Tagore-Gandhi institute/ Shakespeare Society of Eastern India.146, Sarat Bose Road, Subash Nagar Dum Dum Cantonment, Kolkata on 30th November 2024.


Participation in seminars/workshops/conferences/conventions:

50.08-11-2019NAAC YOJANAA” under the “PARAAMARSH Scheme of UGC Orientation Programme (District Level)SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K.

Sl. No. Date Title of the Seminar Venue/ Organizer
1. 28/29/30-12-2003 Indian History Congress (National Level)) Mysore University Mysore.
2. 26/27-3-2004 Intellectual  Property Rights in Key Areas (National Level) S.D.M. College Mangalore.
3. 28/29/30-12-2004 Indian History Congress (National Level) M.J.P. Rohilakhand University, Bareilly (U.P).
4. 25/26/27-3-2005 Literature and Social History In South India (National Level) Mangalore University. Mangalore.
5. 20/ 21/22-5-2005 Karnataka History Congress (State Level) Mysore University. Mysore.
6. 11-8-2005 New Syllabus in History  (District Level) Sri Vivekananda College, Puttur.
7. 31-8-2005 Tulunadasiri  (District Level) Mahaveera College, Moodbidri.
8 11-12-11-2006 Jainism in South India (National Level) Kannada University Hampi.
9. 10/11-8-2007 150th Year’s Celebration of 1857 Movement (State Level) Sri Viveknanda College, Puttur.
10. 21-8-2007 Protection of our Ancient Cultural Heritage (Attended and  Delivered a Lecture (State Level) Government First Grade College, Vamadapadav.
11 18-10-2007 Freedom Struggle in Coastal Karnataka (University Level) Sri Dhavala College, Moodbidri.
12. 5/6-1-2008 History And Archeology of Udupi  District (State Level)

Poornaprajna College,



13 15/16/17-2-2008

Karnataka  History Congress

(State Level)

Tumkur University, Tumkur.
14. 22,23,24-2-2008

Epigraphy Learning Conference

(State Level)

S.D.J.M.I.M. Trust Shravanabelagola & Epigraphy Department Kannada University   Hampi.
15. 5/6-4-2008 Historical and Cultural Dimensions Of Coastal Karnataka (National Level) RATA Kendra, B.C.Road.
16. 3-8-2008

Prakrit  Bhasha Karyagara

(National Level)

Jain Matta, Moodbidri.
17. 19/20-12-2008

Historiography  of  Karnataka

(State Level)

Mangalore University, Mangalore.
18. 28/29/30-12-2008

Indian History Congress

(National Level)

Kannur University, Kannur.
19. 9-1-2009

Facts of Indian Nationalism

(National Level)

Besant Women’s College, Mangalore.
20. 1-2-3-2009 Coastal Karnataka History Conference (District Level) RATA Kendra, B.C. Road.
21. 3-4-4-2009 India Sixty Years in a Nation’s Life (National Seminar) Besant Evening College, Mangalore.
22. 24-4-2009 1857 and After (State Level) Mangalore University, Mangalore.
23. 23/24-4-2010 New trends in Nationalist Writings (National Level) Besant Evening College, Mangalore
24. 23/ 24-7 2010 N.S.S. Orientation Programme(State Level) Sri Ramakrishna P.U. College Chikkamagalore
25. 25/26/27-2-2011 Karnataka History Congress (State Level) KSOU, Mysore
26. 5/6 -4-2011 Violence and Violence Around (National Level) Besant Evening College, Mangalore
27. 26-8-2011 One day workshop on Social Science (Inter National Level) Alva’s College, Vidyagiri, Moodbidri.
28. 23-12-2011 One day Historical workshop on The contribution of  Moodbidri to Indian Archaeology ( State Level) Shree Jain Matta Moodbidri.
29. 10-3-2012

One day workshop on Cultural Heritage Challenges of  Preservation

(University Level)

Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri.
30. 11-07-2012

One day Orientation Programme on Research Methodology

(University Level )

Alva’s College Moodbidri.
31. 15/16-12-2012

Tuluva Isiri – Tulunadu – Nudiya Charitrika Avalokana

(State Level)

Kadri Sri Manjunatha Temple, Mangalore
32. 13-03-2014

Tuluva Historical& Cultural Heritage

(University Level)

Sri Dhavala College, Moodbidri
33. 03-09-2014 2014 ra Janadesha Ondu Vishleshane (University Leval) Sri Rama First Grade Mahavidyalaya Kalladka
34. 16-9-2014

Tulu Uttejana kariyaghara

(District Level)

Alva’s Tulu Sanskrite Adhyana Kendra Moodbidri
35. 26/27/28-9-2014

Annual History Conference of Karnataka Ithihasa Academy

(National Level)

MSRS College Shirva
36. 09/10-10-2014 Measures for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance in Higher education (National Level) SDM College of Business Management & PG Center Mangalore
37. 23-12-2014

Congress Founder’s Day- Congress and the Freedom Struggle

(District Level)

Rajiv Gandhi National Academy of Political Education Thenka Yermal
38. 10-01-2015 Ideologies of Swami Vivekananda and its Relevance to the Contemporary society (National Level) Vivekananda College Puttur
39. 13-03-2015 The Aspects of English Studies in Higher Education (State Level) Alva’s College Moodbidri
40. 23-08-2015 Historian Polali Sheenappa Heggade –  A Commemoration (District Level) S.V.S College Bantwala
41. 14/ 15- 08-2016 Teaching Methodology(FDP) Alva’s College Moodbidri
42. 16-04-2016

Cultural Heritage of Tulunadu

(District Level)

Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri
43. 12-10-2016 Bhouthika Vastu Parikaragalu- Ithihasada Punarachane(State Level)

RATA Kendra, B.C.Road.


44. 19-2-2017 Soumanasa internet journal launching programme and Yuva Sumeru inauguration function. Sumeru Jain Fondation Jayanagara Bangalore
45. 03- 04-2017 Writing Social History: Source Matters (National Level) RATA Kendra Sanchyagiri B.C. Road.
46. 09-06-2017 Basics of Research Skills (FDP) Alva’s College Moodbidri.
47. 24-03-2018 Cultural – Heritage of Tulunadu ((District Level) Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri
48. 19-08-2019 UGC Stride Project Writing A Research Proposal way forward (Inter College Level) PG Center SDM College Ujire PG Center SDM College Ujire
49. 31-08-2019 & 01-09-2019 Personality Development and Life Skills (State Level) Bharatiya Jain Milan Valaya -8, Moodbidri Jain & Milan Excellent Education Institutions Moodbideri.
50. 08-11-2019 NAAC YOJANAA” under the “PARAAMARSH Scheme of UGC Orientation Programme (District Level) SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K.
51. 21-1-2020 Lord Mahaveera Revisited (National Level) SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K.
52. 23-1-2020 Tuluvere Parmaparika Jnana (National Level) SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K.
No. of workshop attended
Sl. No. Date Title of the Workshop Venue
1 7/8-1-2005 Aids Awareness training  Programme (District Level) District training centre, Surathkal.
2 6-9-2008 Workshop for teachers on effective teaching (District Level) Pompei College, Aikala
3 1/2-11-2008 Redefining educational Objectives (National Level) CLHRD Mangalore.
4 12/13/14-6/2014 ‘FEEL TEACHER’ – Learning and Development Intervention – Organized by CLHRD Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri
5 26-09-2014 Research Methodology (State Level) Milagres College Kallinapur Udupi
6 10-01-2020. Revised NAAC Format (State Level) MMK & SDM Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Krishnasmurthypuram Mysuru


Organized Seminar/ Workshop/ Guest Lecturer
Sl. No. Date Title of the seminar Level Venue


One day Orientation Programme on Research Methodology ( Workshop)

University Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri.


Social Sciences – Challenges and Perspectives in the 21st Century ( National Seminar)

National Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri.


Tulunadina Visita Smarakagalu

College Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri


Ithihasika Prampare Ulisi Saptaha

District Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri


Monumental Heritage of Tulunadu

College Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri


Oral History and Antiquities

College Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri


Tulunadina Devalaya Vasthushilpagalu

College Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri
8   Tulunadina Pragaiithihasa

College Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri

26 03-2019

Gandhiji embha Vismaya

College Level

Alva’s College Moodbidri

31-08-2019 & 01-09-2019

Personality Development and Life Skills (State Level)

College Level

Bharatiya Jain Milan Valaya -8, Moodbidri Jain & Milan Excellent Education Institutions Moodbideri

08-11-  2019

NAAC YOJANAA” under the         “ PARAAMARSH Scheme of UGC Orientation Programme (District Level)

College Level

SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K.
12 11-07-2019 Kalhana’s Rajatarangini College Level College Level SDM College Ujire
13 20-08-2019 & 28-08-2019 Week long Programme Ithihasika Parampare Ulisi Saptaha Programme College Level SDM College Ujire  (Autonomous)
14 28-08-2019 Conservation Historical Monument Local Level Govt. High School Kakkinje
15 13-12-2019 Carrier  Guidance  programme College Level SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire


Paper Presentations:

Date Title of the Paper Venue
28/29/30-12-2004 The Emergence of Social groups and Economic Changes in early Medieval South Karnataka under the Hoysalas (National Level) M.J.P. Rohilakhand University, Bareilly.
20/21/22-5-2005 Important Jaina Inscription of Moodbidri.
(State Level)
Mysore University, Mysore.
15/16/17-2-2008 Jainism its growth and Patronage under the Hoysalas. (State Level) Tumkur University, Tumkur.
28/29/30-12-2008 Feudal Elements under the Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra. (National Level) Kannur University, Kannur.
25/26/27-2-2011 The Emergence of Social Groups Under the Hoysalas. 970-1342A.D. (State Level) KSOU, University. Mysore.
31/12/2012 The Role of News Paper in Freedom Struggle
(College level)
Alva’s College Moodbidri
15/16-02-2013 Thousand Pillar Temple at Moodbidri
(National Level)
Bhandarkars’ Arts and Science College,  Kundapura
06/07-03-2013 Protection of Women’s Human Rights-National and International Perspective
(Inter National Level)
Milagress College Kallinapur, Udupi
12/13-03-2013 Dakshina Bharatada Gandhi–Karnad Sadashiva Rayaru   (National Level ) Besant Evening College Mangalore
07/08-2013 Challenges and Perspectives of History in the 21st  Century (National Level) Alva’s College Moodbidri
21/21-03-2014 Swami Vivekananda and Empowerment of Women  (National Level) Besant Evening College, Mangalore
20-04-2014 Pujya Acharya Shree 108 Shantikirthi Muni Maharajaru (State Level) Sumeru Jain Foundation Bangalore
5/6-09-2014 National Ideas of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak (National Level) Sri Mahaveera College Moodbidri
12/13-2014 The Role of Women in Freedom Struggle (National Level) University College Mangalore
21-9-2014 Marculiya Panchakuta Chaityalaya (State Level) Sri Mahaveera Bhavana Hasana
26-09-2014 Swami Vivekananda: The Great Social Reformer (National Level) St .Mary’s College Shirva
11/12-12-2014 Hindu Nationalism in Indian Literature
(National Level)
K.S.S. College, Subhramanya
15/16-12-2014 Restructuring of Historical Curriculum in India (National Level) Sri Poornaprajna Evening College Udupi
19/20-12-2014 Regionalism and Nationalism – An Indian perspective (National Level) Pompei College Aikala
26/27/28-03-2015 Gandhi of South India-Karnad Sadashiva Rao (State Level) Mangalore University Mangalagangothri
12/13-02-2016 Historical Aspects of Sati in Ancient Indian Society (National Conference) St. Aloysius College Mangalore
06-08-2016 Moodubidereya Ithihasika Jaina Vastushilpagalu(State Level) Chaturmasa Samithi Bangalore
22-23-24-10-2016 Markuliya Panchakuta Jinalaya (National Level) Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Dharwad
28-29-30-12-2016 Regionalism Vs Nationalism-An Indian Perspective( National Level) Indian History Congress Kerala University Thiruvanantapuram
06-07-08-01-2017 Hale Belagola Ondu Jaina Samaraka
( State Level)
Karnataka History Congress Mysore University Mysore
25-02-2017 Rastra Prajne Mattu Yuvajanate ( National Level) VIKASA And Kannada Dept Alva’s College Moodbidri
03-04-4-2017 The making of a subaltern culture ( National Level) RATA Kendra   B.C.Road
28-29-30-10-2017 Moodubidereya Vishista Samarakagalu(National Level) Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Koppala
26-27-28-10-2018 Moodubidereya Chouta Arasara Aramane             ( National Level) Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Badami
10-08-2019 Moodbidri : A Historical Jain Heritage Center in Medieval South Indian History ( National Level) MSRS College Shirva

Shree Sadashiva Rudra Devasthana Surya

( National Level)

Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Humbuja Jain Mata Hosanagara Taluk

India. “ Protection and Conservation of Indian Historical Monuments” in Section III: Modern

India. ( National Level)

80th Annual  Session of the Indian History Congress at Kannur University,  Kannur Kerala,
08-09-2021 Humanities and Social Science (National Level ) Government First Grade College Koppa Maddur Taluk Mandhya District
28-06-2022 Nayankara System under Vijayanagara in One day State Level workshop on An over view of the Revised Syllabus of History as per NEP- 2020. Manusha Mangalore University History Teacher’s Association at  Kukke Shri Subramanyeshwara College  Subrahmanya.
29-30-08-2022  The role of women in the freedom struggle in Interdisciplinary International Seminar on Indian Independence at 75 Revisiting Indian National  Movement  . Department of History  Teresian College in collaboration with ICHR- Indian Council of Historical Research and Department of Archaeology Museums and Heritage Mysuru Government of Karnataka along with Social Science Departments  & IQAC, Teresian College Mysore
20-09-2022 The issues and challenges in social science research Multidisciplinary National Seminar International Center for Scientific Research and Development(ICSRD) Bangalore In association with
TOUCAN Research and Development Bangalore.
19-11-2022 Bhairarasa Odeyas of Karkala presented Paper One day State Level seminar on  An overview of revised Syllabus of History as per NEP-2020 Dr. P. Dayananda Pai- P. Sathish Pai GFG College Car Street Mangalore Dakshina Kannada
24, 25-11-2022 Bangadiya Aramane in the 36th Annual National Conference of Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy, organized by Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy (Regd).  Bangalore Shree Kshetra Horanadu Chikkamagaluru District
13, 14-3  2023 Sustainable Development in Tribal Areas in Multidisciplinary International Seminar on Impact of Innovative Global Research Techniques and Methodologies to Analyze Specific Research Area (IIGRTMASRA-2023 . A.N. College, Dumka. Aided Unit of S.K.M.U Dumka  Jharkhand
29- 30-3 2023. Ethics in Higher Education in Two Day Multidisciplinary National Seminar on Indigenous Practices in Higher Education in India: Steps Ahead organized Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi In Collaboration with Rashtriya Samaj Vigyan Parishad (R), New Delhi     Seminar Hall Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous) Ujire
24-25-7-2023 Deductive and inductive Approaches to Qualitative Research in Multidisciplinary National Seminar on Collecting and Analyzing Data in Relevance of Deductive and Inductive Approaches (CADRDI- 2023) Rosary College of Commerce & Arts, Navelim, Salcete, Goa
03-02-2024 Health and Education ( National Seminar) Viksit Bharath @ 2047. Department of Economics and Rural Development in association with Research and development cell  .S.D.M. College           ( Autonomous) Ujire
01-02-03-2024 The Role of research in the development of Tribal Society of Jharkhand (National Seminar) J.M. College Bhurkunda and  IQAC Cell in Association with TOUCAN Research and Development, Bangalore
15-16-05-2024 Identifying the Challenges and Approaches in Social Science Research (International Seminar) Tathagat Teachers Training College Kalyanpur Dhanbad Jharkhand
09-10-11-11-2024 Kokkadada Vaidyanatha Devalaya (National Seminar) Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy(Regd).  Bangalore and   Kannada Vishwavidyalaya Hampi
15-11-2024 New Trends in Regional Historiography (National Seminar) IQAC and Social Science Departments Vivekananada College of Arts, Science and Commerce  (Autonomous ) Puttur
16-17-11-2024 Emerging Trends and Innovative Research in History (National Seminar) Ram Swarath College, Tarapur Bihar in association with Toucan Research and Development, International Centre for Scientific Research and Development Bangalore
19-20-21-12-2024 Ethical Considerations of AI in Social Science (International Seminar) Swami Sahjanand College, Jehanabad Bodh Gaya Bihar along within IQAC in association with International Vocational Training and Technology Research Institute Dhanbad, Jharkhand.

Awards & achievements

  • Secured silver medal with II Rank in the Prakrit Diploma examination and awarded Medal and Cash Prize, certificate of Prakrit Diploma in the convocation held on 14th March 2021 organized by Bahubali Prakrit Vidyapeetha (R) National Institute of Prakrit Studies and Research, Shree Dhavalateertham, Shravanabelgola.
  • Best Paper Award & Medal. : The Role of women in the freedom struggle received Best Paper presentation award and Medal in Interdisciplinary International Seminar on Indian Independence at 75 Revisiting Indian National Movement Department of History , Teresian College Mysore on 29th and 30th August 2022.
  • Dr. Savitribai Phule Appreciation award 2023 Best paper Award for Sustainable Development in Tribal areas Dr. Savitribai Phule Appreciation award 2023 for the paper on 11th April 2023 organized by A.N. College, Dumka Jharkhand Along with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), A.N. College

Any Others

Other Noteworthy achievements

  • Delivered a Special Lecturer on Epigraphy at Shravanabelagola (Epigraphy Learning Conference) on 22, 23, 24-2-2008 organized by S.D.J.M.I.M. Trust Shravanabelagola & Epigraphy Department Kannada University, Hampi
  • Worked as a N.S.S. Programme Officer at Little Flower P.U. College Kinnigoli from 2008 to 2011.
  • Organized 7 days N.S.S. Special Camp at Sri Narayana Sanil Government P.U. College, Haleyangadi from 21 -10-2009 to 28-10- 2009
  • Attended 2 days N.S.S. Orientation Programme held at Sri Ramakrishna P.U. College Chikkamagalore on 23rd And 24th July 2010
  • Worked as a Room Invigilator in II P.U.C. examination for 6 years since 2005 to2010.
  • Worked as a Custodian for I P.U.C. examination February/March 2009 at S.D.P.T.P.U College Kateel.
  • Delivered a Lecture on Topic ‘Janapada as a Secondary literary source to study History’ at Sarapadi, Bantawal on 19-08-2007, organized by Karnataka Ithihasa Academy
  • Attended a History Satellite Programme held at St. Aloysius College Mangalore on 13- 08-2010.
  • Delivered a Lecture on Topic “The Hoysala Jain Rulers” at Ullala Jain Basadi Ullal on 16-8-2008 organized by Karnataka Ithihasa Academy.
  • Delivered a Lecture on topic ‘Tulunadina Jaina Arasu Manetanagalu’ at Panemangalore on 22nd August 2009 organized by Karnataka Ithihasa Academy.
  • Organized 7 days N.S.S. Special Camp at Sri Dhumavathi Hr. Pry. School Mukkka From 27-12-2010 to 2-01-2011.
  • Delivered a Lecture on Topic “Protection of Historical Monuments” at Govt. First Grade College Siddakatte on 16-08-2014 organized by NSS unit.
  • Delivered a Lecture on Topic “Yuva Janate Mattu Gandhi Tatvagalu” at Govt. Higher Primary School, Valpadi on 27-12-2014 organized by SDM College NSS unit Mangalore.
  • Delivered a Guest Lecturer on Gandhiji and Youth on 14-2-2015 at Alva’s College NSS Unit Moodbidri
  • Delivered a Talk on topic “Subhash Chandra Bose” at St. Aloysius Evening College on 20-02-2015.
  • Delivered a Lecture on topic “Historical Monuments of Dakshina Kannada” at Govt. First Grade College Siddakatte on 22-08-2015.
  • Delivered a Guest Lecturer on Preservation of Heritage on 05-10-2016 at S.V.S. College Bantwal.
  • Delivered a Guest lecturer on New trends in Historical Research at Sumeru Jain Foundatation® Jayanagara Bangalore on 19-02-2017.
  • The department has arranged a field visit to Manjusha museum, Dharmasthala, for the benefit of first year degree students on 20 July 2019.Students studied different category kept in museum like, pre-historic relics , music instruments, arms and weapons, images of metal and stone , household items, type writers, paintings, manuscripts. Dr. Sanmathi Kumar Assistant Professor, were the resource persons on the occasion
  • Organized a weeklong programmee Ithihasika Parampare Ulisi Saptha from 20th August 2019 to 28th August 2019 at SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire.
  • Delivered a Guest Lecturer on Conservation and preservation of historical Monuments and tradition on 28-08-2019 at Government High School Kakkinje.
  • The department of history has arranged group discussion for I year and Final year degree students on “ Is History a myth or Reality” at Seminar hall on 5 September 2019. 81 students have benefited. Dr. Sanmathi Kumar, Assistant Professor, coordinated the group discussion
  • Delivered a guest talk on “ONE NATION ONE CONSTITUTION” on 28-11-2019 at Seminar Hall organized by SDM College NSS Unit.
  • The department of history arranged a field visit to Manjusha Museum, Car Museum, Chandranatha Basadi, Gommata Betta, Dharmasthala on 14 December 2019. Dr.Sanmathi Kumarresource person of the programme.
  • The department of history has arranged group discussion for I year and Final year degree students on topic “CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) & NRC (National Register of Citizens)” at AV-5 seminar hall on 31st December 2019. 84 students have benefited. Dr. Sanmathi Kumar, Assistant Professor, coordinated the group discussion. All students are actively participated.
  • Visited Sri Ramakunjeshwara College Ramskunja as guide NAAC accreditation under the UGC PARAMARSHA scheme of UGC NAAC Orientation programme to Mentee Institutions on 02 January, 2020.
  • Dr.Sanmathi Kumar, Assistant Professor, worked as coordinator in the National level seminar “Tuluvere Parmaparika Jnana” organized by Kannada Department, Tulu Sangha, SDM, College (Autonomous) Ujire, in association with Tulu Adhyayana Peetha, PG Department of Tulu studies, Mangalore University College Mangalore, on 23 January 2020 at P. G. Seminar Hall.
  • Dr. Sanmathi Kumar Assistant Professor worked as Member of the seminar organizing committee. one day National Level Seminar on “ Economics of Lord Mahaveera Revisited” on 21st January 2020 organized by Economics Department SDM, College, (Autonomous) Ujire, in association with Mangalore University Economics teachers Association and Kannada University Hampi.
  • NAAC Visit to Mentee institution: Dr. Sanmathi Kumar Associate Professor, Department of History, SDM College Ujire Visited Sri Ramakunjeshwara College Ramakunja as a guide to NAAC accreditation under the UGC PARAMARSHA scheme of UGC NAAC Orientation programme to Mentee Institutions on 02nd January 2020.
  • Field Visit: The department of history arranged a field visit to study the newly discoveredinscription at Pajijradka and Sadashivehwara temple, Pajiradka, on 25 January2020. Mr.Tukaram Salian, Assistant Librarian and President of the temple establishment committee, Sadashiveshwara temple, Pajiradka, were the resource person. About 19 students of III BA took part in the field visit. Dr.Pundarika, Assistant Professor, and Dr.Sanmathi Kumar, Assistant Professor, accompaniedand coordinated the programme.
  • Working in the following academic committees of the college since 2011
    1. NAAC steering committee member.
    2. IQAC member of the college
    3. Criteria Coordinator of “Teaching Learning and Evaluation”
    4. Coordinator of UPSC/KPSC Coaching Class
    5. NCC Air wing In-Charge
    6. Coordinator of the Admission Committee.
    7. Convener of the Historical study tour
    8. Member of Alva’s Pragati
    9. College day committee Coordinator
    10. Coordinator of Sports Day
    11. Worked as a member of Food Committee and Discipline Committee in earlier Nudisiri and Virasat Programme.
    12. Member of Book Exhibition, Guest Receiving and Stage Committee in Alva’s Vishwa Nudisiri – Virasat 2013.
    13. Coordinator of Alva’s Nudisiri Food Committee since 2014
    14. BOE Member of B.V.A Course
    15. B.V.A. Question paper setter
    16. ST. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Question paper setter.
    17. Member of Co- Curricular Committee SDM College Ujire.
    18. Co-coordinator of Students Education Fora True Education SDM College Ujire
    19. Member of Tradition knowledge Project Committee SDM College Ujire.
    20. Member of Dharmasthala Laksha Depotasava Committee
  • Faculty Induction Programme (Online): Participated in the UGC Sponsored 3rd Faculty Induction Programme (Online) from 09-11-2021 to 06-12-2021 organized by the UGC- Human Resource Development Center, University of Mysore Manasagangothri. Mysuru
  • Refresher Course in History new Perspectives on Cultural Studies. Attended 28th Refresher Course in History 14days from 17th August 2023 to 30th August 2023. Organized by the UGC- Human Resource Development Center, University of Mysore Manasagangothri. Mysuru
  • Board of Studies for MVA and BVA courses of Mangalore University for the academic year 2020-21 to-2023.
  • Board of Studies by Mangalore University Mangalagangothri to the Member of History University Nomine Vivekananda College of Arts Science and Commerce and Academic Council Member from November 2022 to November 2025.
  • Attended as Resource Person and delivered a Guest Lecturer on Topic Bharathada Paramparika Thanagalu Mattu avugala Rakshaneyalli Namma Patra organized by Department of History & IQAC at Government First Grade College Punjalkatte,Seminar Hall on 05th February 2020.
  • Dr. B.A.Saletore Lecture on Ithihasa Nirmatragalu: Delivered an online Guest talk on Dr. B.A. Saletore Lecture Ithihasa Nirmatragalu of 45th Lecture Series on 24th May 2021 organized by Karnataka Ithihasa Academy Bangalore.
  • Mahaveera his Life and Teachings: Delivered a guest talk on Mahaveera his Life and Teachings on 18th April 2021 organized by Sumeru Jain Foundation (R) and Gandhakuti Balaga Bangalore
  • Historical Importance of Moodbidri and Venoor: Delivered a Guest Lecture online mode on topic Historical Importance of Moodbidri and Venoor on 2nd September 2021 organized by Department of History Alva`s College Moodbidri and   Dakshina Kannada  Jilla Panchayat Mangalore.
  • The Ajila Dynasty of Tulunadu Webinar lecture: Delivered a online National level Virtual Guest Lecture on The Ajila Dynasty of Tulunadu Webinar lecture on 09th October 2021 organized by Department of PG studies in History and Archaeology & IQAC in association with Manusha University College Mangalore.
  • Delivered Lecture on .Economic implications of Suez Canal traffic Jam Economic impact and Historical background of Suez Canal blockage on 7th April 2021 organized by Department of Economics and Rural Development S.D.M College (Autonomous) Ujire
  • As  coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College ( Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a field visit   to  Manjusha  Museum, Car Museum, Chandranatha Basadi, and  Gommata Betta in  Dharmasthala, as a part of Curriculum study  for the benefit  of first year degree students  on 19th February  2022.
  • As  coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College ( Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a field visit   to  Little Sister of the poor home for the aged at  Maroli, Kadri Sri Manjunatheshwara  Temple, Shri Yogishwara Jogi Matta, Kala Bhairavanatha Mandir, and Srimanthi Bhai Memorial Government Museum  Bejai as a part of Curriculum study,  to know of History of the temple and matta, and also learn  about the life history  of  old age people for the service undertaken on  humanitarian grounds. First and Second year degree BA history students on 18th  June 2022.
  • As  coordinator TULUVERA AATI: Department of History  Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara  College Ujire  and Tulu Sangha Jointly organized Tuluvera Aati Aatide Onji Dina  Day Celebration programme  on 30th July 2022 at SDM College ( Autonomous )  Ujire in  Seminar Hall .  150 BA History Students participated in the Programme. SDM College Ujire Tuluvera Aati: One week College level events conducted to College students like  Polabo Patero Elocution Competition, Saval Saduttaro , Quiz Competition,  Paritd Jodane College Making Competition, Chitroda Pantho Drawing Competition Kai Kushal Craft Competition , Tulu Thudar Eassy competition conducted from 25th July to 29th July 2022. In afternoon session there is a cultural events which is about Tulunadu tradition.  Dance Quiz, Skit Tulu songs Gade mattu,  ogaatugallu  a such variety cultural programme  organized in the afternoon session.. The Main attraction was the Tulu exhibition exhibits in seminar hall. It is purely depicted to the tulu Culture.
  • As  coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College ( Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a field visit   to  Manjusha  Museum, Car Museum, Chandranatha Basadi, and  Gommata Betta in  Dharmasthala, as a part of Curriculum study  for the benefit  of first year degree Open Elective  Museology Students on 09th  August   2022.
  • As  coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College ( Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a field visit   to  Venoor Hosangadi, Moodbidri Kodyadka and surrounding places as a part of Curriculum study,  to know of History of the temple, Jaina Basdis,  Gommatta Betta,  Hosangadi palace, Moodbidri Palace, Jaina Matta, Thousand Pillar temple,  Nyaya Basadi and Annaporneshwari Temple  Kodyadka on 30th December 2022.
  • As  coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College ( Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a field visit   to  Manjusha  Museum, Nelyadi Beedu, Car Museum, Chandranatha Basadi, and  Gommata Betta in  Dharmasthala, as a part of Curriculum study  for the benefit  of first year degree students  on 31st December  2022.
  • As a Resource person in awareness programme to How to face Competitive Exams to Social Welfare Department, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribe Welfare Department and Mooraji Desai Residential School student’s awareness programme on 11th December 2022 organized by Social welfare Committee and Department Belthangadi at C.V.C Hall, Church Road Belthangadi.
  • Participated in 14 days Refresher Course on Evaluation and Monitoring: Its Relevance to Research Methodology from 22nd November 2022 to 5th December 2022 organized by Toucan Research Development Regd. under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India Bangalore
  • As resource person and delivered guest talk on carrier guidance to the student of SSLC and PUC at St. Therese PU College Belthangady on 2nd February 2023. 120 students attend the programme. Programme has been organized by SDM-Rotary Career Guidance and Placement Cell in association with Rotary Club Belthangady.
  • Delivered Guest Lecture on topic Amazing Facts in History  on 6th April 2022 in Rotary Club Belthangady.
  • Attended National Seminar Role of Psychologist in Addressing the Social Concern on 12th April 2023 in SDM PG Center Ujire organized by Department Pg Studies and Research in Psychology and chaired the Virtual meeting Session 6. Total 8 papers presented interaction and also the Chairperson of the online presentation session
  • As coordinator Bisu Parbha 2023: Department of History Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College Ujire and Tulu Sangha Jointly organized   Bisu Parba 2023 on 15th April 2023 Day Celebration programme in  Seminar Hall.
  • As a resource person delivered talk in the workshop on Research Project in History Discipline organized by IQAC and Department of History Government First Grade College   Belthangady on 20-3-2024.
  • Invited talk delivered on Marnami  on 21st October 2023 organized by Mangalore University Shree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara  Tulu Adhyayana Pita and  Tulu PG Study center University evening College Mangalore.
  • As delivered Guest Lecture on topic Temple Heritage of Tulunadu   organized by Department of History  in association with Department of Humanities Alva`s College(Autonomous) Moodubidri  on 22-3-2024.
  • Delivered Guest Lecture on topic Mahatham Gandhi Making of Mahatham on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi organized by Siddhavana Gurukula Ujire  on 2nd  October 2024.
  • Nominated as Members of BOS History by the Mangalore University and in the Academic Council of Alva`s College Moodubidri as the member of  Board of Studies Member of History Alva`s College Moodbidri effect from  April 2024 for 3years.
  • As a coordinator of     TULUVERA AATI 2024  Department of History  Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara  College(Autonomous ) Ujire  and Tulu Sangha Jointly organized Tuluvera Aati Aatide Onji Dina  a Special  Day Celebration programme  on 10th August 2024  at Samayat Darshana Hall Ujire.  Aami Nalike Koiyyuru and his team performed Aati Kalanja on the stage. Tulu artifacts exhibition exhibits in seminar hall are the special attraction of the programme. One week  College level competitions conducted to College students like  Polabuda Patho Elocution Competition, Sabi Saval , Quiz Competition, Chadmavesha pantho Fancy dress,  Bannada Gobbu rangoli, Chitra Chitroda Pantho Drawing Competition Naddu Pattuna identify the things,  Paddana, conducted from 6th August  to 10th August 2024.Special Tulunadu Food served for all the gathered people.  In afternoon session there is a cultural events which is about Tulunadu tradition. Dance, Quiz, Skit Tulu songs Gade mattu,  ogaatugallu  a such variety cultural programme  organized in the afternoon session. The Main  attraction was that it is purely depicted to the tulu Culture.
  • As a coordinator organized students Seminar Is Indian History Real or Myth on 2nd August 2024 in Samayatdarshana Hall.
  • As a coordinator Department of History S.D. M. College (Autonomous) Ujire,& Prakrith Study Center S.D. M. College Ujire  in association with National Institute of Prakrit Studies and Research Center, Bahubali Prakrit Vidyapeetha  Shree Dhavalatheertham Shravanabelagola organized  Prakrit  Workshop and Contact  Class on 4th February 2024
  • As a coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College ( Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a  historical field visit   to  Venoor Hosangadi, Jaina Kashi, Moodbidri Kodyadka and surrounding places as a part of Curriculum study on 23rd April 2024.  To know of History of the temple, Jaina Basdis,  Gommatta Betta,  Hosangadi palace, Moodbidri Palace, Jaina Matta, Thousand Pillar temple, Old  pond. Jaina tombs,   Nyaya Basadi and Annaporneshwari Temple  Kodyadka.
  • As  a coordinator The department   of History  S.D.M. College       (Autonomous )  Ujire arranged  a field visit   to  Manjusha  Museum, Car Museum,  Nelyadi Beedu Chandranatha Basadi, and  Gommata Betta in  Dharmasthala, as a part of Curriculum study  for the benefit  of first year degree Open Elective  Museology Students on 4th May  2024. Students studied different artifacts kept in museum like, pre-historic relics, music instruments, arms and weapons, images of metal and stone, cinematography, household items, Manuscripts, Type writers, Clock, paintings, Stone Sculptures, manuscripts, Inscriptions, chariots, Stone images, Copper plates Fusels, Ceremony objects etc. Students also studied new objects recently arrived in museum related to instrument using during the time of hunting and testing human body  temperature. 
  • Participated in the International Faculty Development Program on Teaching, Learning, Education and Research with Various Tools and Techniques organized by Department of PG Studies and Research in Commerce, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire, Karnataka, India in Collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India from 25-31 January 2024.
  • Participated in Crafting winning proposals Workshop on Project Proposal writing organized by Research and Development Cell. S.D.M. College ( Autonomous) Ujire on 24th February 2024.
  • Attended in State level Jaina  Yuva Sammelana  2024 organized by Excellent Group of Institutions  Excellent Moodubidri on 6th and 7th September 2024.

Member of other institution / Associations

  • Indian History Congress Annual Member
  • Karnataka History Congress – Life Member
  • Karnataka Ithihasa Academy – Life Member
  • Manusha (History Teachers Association) Member
  • Member of Yuva Sumeru Jain Foundatation® Bangalore