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50.08-11-2019NAAC YOJANAA” under the “PARAAMARSH” Scheme of UGC Orientation Programme (District Level)SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K.
Sl. No. | Date | Title of the Seminar | Venue/ Organizer |
1. | 28/29/30-12-2003 | Indian History Congress (National Level)) | Mysore University Mysore. |
2. | 26/27-3-2004 | Intellectual Property Rights in Key Areas (National Level) | S.D.M. College Mangalore. |
3. | 28/29/30-12-2004 | Indian History Congress (National Level) | M.J.P. Rohilakhand University, Bareilly (U.P). |
4. | 25/26/27-3-2005 | Literature and Social History In South India (National Level) | Mangalore University. Mangalore. |
5. | 20/ 21/22-5-2005 | Karnataka History Congress (State Level) | Mysore University. Mysore. |
6. | 11-8-2005 | New Syllabus in History (District Level) | Sri Vivekananda College, Puttur. |
7. | 31-8-2005 | Tulunadasiri (District Level) | Mahaveera College, Moodbidri. |
8 | 11-12-11-2006 | Jainism in South India (National Level) | Kannada University Hampi. |
9. | 10/11-8-2007 | 150th Year’s Celebration of 1857 Movement (State Level) | Sri Viveknanda College, Puttur. |
10. | 21-8-2007 | Protection of our Ancient Cultural Heritage (Attended and Delivered a Lecture (State Level) | Government First Grade College, Vamadapadav. |
11 | 18-10-2007 | Freedom Struggle in Coastal Karnataka (University Level) | Sri Dhavala College, Moodbidri. |
12. | 5/6-1-2008 | History And Archeology of Udupi District (State Level) |
Poornaprajna College, Udupi. UdupiUdupi. |
13 | 15/16/17-2-2008 |
Karnataka History Congress (State Level) |
Tumkur University, Tumkur. |
14. | 22,23,24-2-2008 |
Epigraphy Learning Conference (State Level) |
S.D.J.M.I.M. Trust Shravanabelagola & Epigraphy Department Kannada University Hampi. |
15. | 5/6-4-2008 | Historical and Cultural Dimensions Of Coastal Karnataka (National Level) | RATA Kendra, B.C.Road. |
16. | 3-8-2008 |
Prakrit Bhasha Karyagara (National Level) |
Jain Matta, Moodbidri. |
17. | 19/20-12-2008 |
Historiography of Karnataka (State Level) |
Mangalore University, Mangalore. |
18. | 28/29/30-12-2008 |
Indian History Congress (National Level) |
Kannur University, Kannur. |
19. | 9-1-2009 |
Facts of Indian Nationalism (National Level) |
Besant Women’s College, Mangalore. |
20. | 1-2-3-2009 | Coastal Karnataka History Conference (District Level) | RATA Kendra, B.C. Road. |
21. | 3-4-4-2009 | India Sixty Years in a Nation’s Life (National Seminar) | Besant Evening College, Mangalore. |
22. | 24-4-2009 | 1857 and After (State Level) | Mangalore University, Mangalore. |
23. | 23/24-4-2010 | New trends in Nationalist Writings (National Level) | Besant Evening College, Mangalore |
24. | 23/ 24-7 2010 | N.S.S. Orientation Programme(State Level) | Sri Ramakrishna P.U. College Chikkamagalore |
25. | 25/26/27-2-2011 | Karnataka History Congress (State Level) | KSOU, Mysore |
26. | 5/6 -4-2011 | Violence and Violence Around (National Level) | Besant Evening College, Mangalore |
27. | 26-8-2011 | One day workshop on Social Science (Inter National Level) | Alva’s College, Vidyagiri, Moodbidri. |
28. | 23-12-2011 | One day Historical workshop on The contribution of Moodbidri to Indian Archaeology ( State Level) | Shree Jain Matta Moodbidri. |
29. | 10-3-2012 |
One day workshop on Cultural Heritage Challenges of Preservation (University Level) |
Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri. |
30. | 11-07-2012 |
One day Orientation Programme on Research Methodology (University Level ) |
Alva’s College Moodbidri. |
31. | 15/16-12-2012 |
Tuluva Isiri – Tulunadu – Nudiya Charitrika Avalokana (State Level) |
Kadri Sri Manjunatha Temple, Mangalore |
32. | 13-03-2014 |
Tuluva Historical& Cultural Heritage (University Level) |
Sri Dhavala College, Moodbidri |
33. | 03-09-2014 | 2014 ra Janadesha Ondu Vishleshane (University Leval) | Sri Rama First Grade Mahavidyalaya Kalladka |
34. | 16-9-2014 |
Tulu Uttejana kariyaghara (District Level) |
Alva’s Tulu Sanskrite Adhyana Kendra Moodbidri |
35. | 26/27/28-9-2014 |
Annual History Conference of Karnataka Ithihasa Academy (National Level) |
MSRS College Shirva |
36. | 09/10-10-2014 | Measures for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance in Higher education (National Level) | SDM College of Business Management & PG Center Mangalore |
37. | 23-12-2014 |
Congress Founder’s Day- Congress and the Freedom Struggle (District Level) |
Rajiv Gandhi National Academy of Political Education Thenka Yermal |
38. | 10-01-2015 | Ideologies of Swami Vivekananda and its Relevance to the Contemporary society (National Level) | Vivekananda College Puttur |
39. | 13-03-2015 | The Aspects of English Studies in Higher Education (State Level) | Alva’s College Moodbidri |
40. | 23-08-2015 | Historian Polali Sheenappa Heggade – A Commemoration (District Level) | S.V.S College Bantwala |
41. | 14/ 15- 08-2016 | Teaching Methodology(FDP) | Alva’s College Moodbidri |
42. | 16-04-2016 |
Cultural Heritage of Tulunadu (District Level) |
Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri |
43. | 12-10-2016 | Bhouthika Vastu Parikaragalu- Ithihasada Punarachane(State Level) |
RATA Kendra, B.C.Road.
44. | 19-2-2017 | Soumanasa internet journal launching programme and Yuva Sumeru inauguration function. | Sumeru Jain Fondation Jayanagara Bangalore |
45. | 03- 04-2017 | Writing Social History: Source Matters (National Level) | RATA Kendra Sanchyagiri B.C. Road. |
46. | 09-06-2017 | Basics of Research Skills (FDP) | Alva’s College Moodbidri. |
47. | 24-03-2018 | Cultural – Heritage of Tulunadu ((District Level) | Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri |
48. | 19-08-2019 | UGC Stride Project Writing A Research Proposal way forward (Inter College Level) PG Center SDM College Ujire | PG Center SDM College Ujire |
49. | 31-08-2019 & 01-09-2019 | Personality Development and Life Skills (State Level) | Bharatiya Jain Milan Valaya -8, Moodbidri Jain & Milan Excellent Education Institutions Moodbideri. |
50. | 08-11-2019 | NAAC YOJANAA” under the “PARAAMARSH” Scheme of UGC Orientation Programme (District Level) | SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K. |
51. | 21-1-2020 | Lord Mahaveera Revisited (National Level) | SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K. |
52. | 23-1-2020 | Tuluvere Parmaparika Jnana (National Level) | SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K. |
No. of workshop attended | |||
Sl. No. | Date | Title of the Workshop | Venue |
1 | 7/8-1-2005 | Aids Awareness training Programme (District Level) | District training centre, Surathkal. |
2 | 6-9-2008 | Workshop for teachers on effective teaching (District Level) | Pompei College, Aikala |
3 | 1/2-11-2008 | Redefining educational Objectives (National Level) | CLHRD Mangalore. |
4 | 12/13/14-6/2014 | ‘FEEL TEACHER’ – Learning and Development Intervention – Organized by CLHRD | Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri |
5 | 26-09-2014 | Research Methodology (State Level) | Milagres College Kallinapur Udupi |
6 | 10-01-2020. | Revised NAAC Format (State Level) | MMK & SDM Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Krishnasmurthypuram Mysuru |
Organized Seminar/ Workshop/ Guest Lecturer | ||||
Sl. No. | Date | Title of the seminar | Level | Venue |
1 |
11.07.2012 |
One day Orientation Programme on Research Methodology ( Workshop) |
University Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri. |
2 |
7/8-08-2013 |
Social Sciences – Challenges and Perspectives in the 21st Century ( National Seminar) |
National Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri. |
3 |
01-08-2014 |
Tulunadina Visita Smarakagalu |
College Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
4 |
20.08.2014 |
Ithihasika Prampare Ulisi Saptaha |
District Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
5 |
01-09-2016 |
Monumental Heritage of Tulunadu |
College Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
6 |
06-10-2016 |
Oral History and Antiquities |
College Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
7 |
09-04-2018 |
Tulunadina Devalaya Vasthushilpagalu |
College Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
8 | Tulunadina Pragaiithihasa |
College Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri | |
9 |
26 03-2019 |
Gandhiji embha Vismaya |
College Level |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
10 |
31-08-2019 & 01-09-2019 |
Personality Development and Life Skills (State Level) |
College Level |
Bharatiya Jain Milan Valaya -8, Moodbidri Jain & Milan Excellent Education Institutions Moodbideri |
11 |
08-11- 2019 |
NAAC YOJANAA” under the “ PARAAMARSH” Scheme of UGC Orientation Programme (District Level) |
College Level |
SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire, D.K. |
12 | 11-07-2019 | Kalhana’s Rajatarangini College Level | College Level | SDM College Ujire |
13 | 20-08-2019 & 28-08-2019 | Week long Programme Ithihasika Parampare Ulisi Saptaha Programme | College Level | SDM College Ujire (Autonomous) |
14 | 28-08-2019 | Conservation Historical Monument | Local Level | Govt. High School Kakkinje |
15 | 13-12-2019 | Carrier Guidance programme | College Level | SDM College (Autonomous) Ujire |
Date | Title of the Paper | Venue |
28/29/30-12-2004 | The Emergence of Social groups and Economic Changes in early Medieval South Karnataka under the Hoysalas (National Level) | M.J.P. Rohilakhand University, Bareilly. |
20/21/22-5-2005 | Important Jaina Inscription of Moodbidri. (State Level) |
Mysore University, Mysore. |
15/16/17-2-2008 | Jainism its growth and Patronage under the Hoysalas. (State Level) | Tumkur University, Tumkur. |
28/29/30-12-2008 | Feudal Elements under the Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra. (National Level) | Kannur University, Kannur. |
25/26/27-2-2011 | The Emergence of Social Groups Under the Hoysalas. 970-1342A.D. (State Level) | KSOU, University. Mysore. |
31/12/2012 | The Role of News Paper in Freedom Struggle (College level) |
Alva’s College Moodbidri |
15/16-02-2013 | Thousand Pillar Temple at Moodbidri (National Level) |
Bhandarkars’ Arts and Science College, Kundapura |
06/07-03-2013 | Protection of Women’s Human Rights-National and International Perspective (Inter National Level) |
Milagress College Kallinapur, Udupi |
12/13-03-2013 | Dakshina Bharatada Gandhi–Karnad Sadashiva Rayaru (National Level ) | Besant Evening College Mangalore |
07/08-2013 | Challenges and Perspectives of History in the 21st Century (National Level) | Alva’s College Moodbidri |
21/21-03-2014 | Swami Vivekananda and Empowerment of Women (National Level) | Besant Evening College, Mangalore |
20-04-2014 | Pujya Acharya Shree 108 Shantikirthi Muni Maharajaru (State Level) | Sumeru Jain Foundation Bangalore |
5/6-09-2014 | National Ideas of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak (National Level) | Sri Mahaveera College Moodbidri |
12/13-2014 | The Role of Women in Freedom Struggle (National Level) | University College Mangalore |
21-9-2014 | Marculiya Panchakuta Chaityalaya (State Level) | Sri Mahaveera Bhavana Hasana |
26-09-2014 | Swami Vivekananda: The Great Social Reformer (National Level) | St .Mary’s College Shirva |
11/12-12-2014 | Hindu Nationalism in Indian Literature (National Level) |
K.S.S. College, Subhramanya |
15/16-12-2014 | Restructuring of Historical Curriculum in India (National Level) | Sri Poornaprajna Evening College Udupi |
19/20-12-2014 | Regionalism and Nationalism – An Indian perspective (National Level) | Pompei College Aikala |
26/27/28-03-2015 | Gandhi of South India-Karnad Sadashiva Rao (State Level) | Mangalore University Mangalagangothri |
12/13-02-2016 | Historical Aspects of Sati in Ancient Indian Society (National Conference) | St. Aloysius College Mangalore |
06-08-2016 | Moodubidereya Ithihasika Jaina Vastushilpagalu(State Level) | Chaturmasa Samithi Bangalore |
22-23-24-10-2016 | Markuliya Panchakuta Jinalaya (National Level) | Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Dharwad |
28-29-30-12-2016 | Regionalism Vs Nationalism-An Indian Perspective( National Level) | Indian History Congress Kerala University Thiruvanantapuram |
06-07-08-01-2017 | Hale Belagola Ondu Jaina Samaraka ( State Level) |
Karnataka History Congress Mysore University Mysore |
25-02-2017 | Rastra Prajne Mattu Yuvajanate ( National Level) | VIKASA And Kannada Dept Alva’s College Moodbidri |
03-04-4-2017 | The making of a subaltern culture ( National Level) | RATA Kendra B.C.Road |
28-29-30-10-2017 | Moodubidereya Vishista Samarakagalu(National Level) | Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Koppala |
26-27-28-10-2018 | Moodubidereya Chouta Arasara Aramane ( National Level) | Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Badami |
10-08-2019 | Moodbidri : A Historical Jain Heritage Center in Medieval South Indian History ( National Level) | MSRS College Shirva |
18-19-20-10-2019 |
Shree Sadashiva Rudra Devasthana Surya ( National Level) |
Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy Humbuja Jain Mata Hosanagara Taluk |
28-29-30-12-2019 |
India. “ Protection and Conservation of Indian Historical Monuments” in Section III: Modern India. ( National Level) |
80th Annual Session of the Indian History Congress at Kannur University, Kannur Kerala, |
08-09-2021 | Humanities and Social Science (National Level ) | Government First Grade College Koppa Maddur Taluk Mandhya District |
28-06-2022 | Nayankara System under Vijayanagara in One day State Level workshop on An over view of the Revised Syllabus of History as per NEP- 2020. | Manusha Mangalore University History Teacher’s Association at Kukke Shri Subramanyeshwara College Subrahmanya. |
29-30-08-2022 | The role of women in the freedom struggle in Interdisciplinary International Seminar on Indian Independence at 75 Revisiting Indian National Movement . | Department of History Teresian College in collaboration with ICHR- Indian Council of Historical Research and Department of Archaeology Museums and Heritage Mysuru Government of Karnataka along with Social Science Departments & IQAC, Teresian College Mysore |
20-09-2022 | The issues and challenges in social science research Multidisciplinary National Seminar | International Center for Scientific Research and Development(ICSRD) Bangalore In association with TOUCAN Research and Development Bangalore. |
19-11-2022 | Bhairarasa Odeyas of Karkala presented Paper One day State Level seminar on An overview of revised Syllabus of History as per NEP-2020 | Dr. P. Dayananda Pai- P. Sathish Pai GFG College Car Street Mangalore Dakshina Kannada |
24, 25-11-2022 | Bangadiya Aramane in the 36th Annual National Conference of Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy, organized by Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy (Regd). Bangalore | Shree Kshetra Horanadu Chikkamagaluru District |
13, 14-3 2023 | Sustainable Development in Tribal Areas in Multidisciplinary International Seminar on Impact of Innovative Global Research Techniques and Methodologies to Analyze Specific Research Area (IIGRTMASRA-2023 . | A.N. College, Dumka. Aided Unit of S.K.M.U Dumka Jharkhand |
29- 30-3 2023. | Ethics in Higher Education in Two Day Multidisciplinary National Seminar on Indigenous Practices in Higher Education in India: Steps Ahead organized Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi In Collaboration with Rashtriya Samaj Vigyan Parishad (R), New Delhi | Seminar Hall Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous) Ujire |
24-25-7-2023 | Deductive and inductive Approaches to Qualitative Research in Multidisciplinary National Seminar on Collecting and Analyzing Data in Relevance of Deductive and Inductive Approaches (CADRDI- 2023) | Rosary College of Commerce & Arts, Navelim, Salcete, Goa |
03-02-2024 | Health and Education ( National Seminar) | Viksit Bharath @ 2047. Department of Economics and Rural Development in association with Research and development cell .S.D.M. College ( Autonomous) Ujire |
01-02-03-2024 | The Role of research in the development of Tribal Society of Jharkhand (National Seminar) | J.M. College Bhurkunda and IQAC Cell in Association with TOUCAN Research and Development, Bangalore |
15-16-05-2024 | Identifying the Challenges and Approaches in Social Science Research (International Seminar) | Tathagat Teachers Training College Kalyanpur Dhanbad Jharkhand |
09-10-11-11-2024 | Kokkadada Vaidyanatha Devalaya (National Seminar) | Karnataka Ithihasa Accademy(Regd). Bangalore and Kannada Vishwavidyalaya Hampi |
15-11-2024 | New Trends in Regional Historiography (National Seminar) | IQAC and Social Science Departments Vivekananada College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous ) Puttur |
16-17-11-2024 | Emerging Trends and Innovative Research in History (National Seminar) | Ram Swarath College, Tarapur Bihar in association with Toucan Research and Development, International Centre for Scientific Research and Development Bangalore |
19-20-21-12-2024 | Ethical Considerations of AI in Social Science (International Seminar) | Swami Sahjanand College, Jehanabad Bodh Gaya Bihar along within IQAC in association with International Vocational Training and Technology Research Institute Dhanbad, Jharkhand. |