Dr.Narayana Hebbar N

Assistant Professor
  • M Sc, Ph D
  • Papers Taught : Bioinorganic chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Electrochemistry, Methods of analysis, Phase Rule,
  • Area of Expertise : Material chemistry
  • Academic Experience - 13 Years

Contact Details

Mobile : +91 77604 90391

email : dr.nahebbar@gmail.com

Research Details

  • Research Experience:  10 Years
  • Status of Guideship under Mangalore university
    No of students registered in 2022-23 : 01


  • BMPrasanna, BMPraveen, Narayana Hebbar, TVVenkatesha, H C Tandon, 2014,Ketosulfone Drug as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acidic Medium,Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 8436-8444, Impact factor:3.59.
  • Narayana Hebbar, BM Praveen, BM Prasanna, Venkatarangaiah TV Venkatesha, Abd Hamid S.B, 2014, Anthranilic acid as a corrosion inhibitor for Mild steel in Hydrochloric Acid Media, Procedia Material Science,5,712-718.
  • Narayana Hebbar, BM Praveen, BM Prasanna,Venkatarangaiah T. Venkatesha, 2014, Inhibition Effect of an Anti-HIV Drug on the Corrosion of Zinc in Acidic Medium, Transaction of  Indian Institute of  Metals, 68,543-551.(Impact factor: 2.4)
  • Narayana Hebbar, B. M. Praveen, B. M. Prasanna, T V. Venkatesha 2015,Anticorrosion potential of a pharmaceutical intermediate Floctafenine for zinc in 0.1 M HCl solution, International Journal of Industrial Chemistry,6,221-231.(Impact factor:3.59)-Springer
  • Narayana Hebbar, B.M Praveen, B.M Prasanna, Venkatarangaiah T. Venkatesha, Abd Hamid S.B, 2015, Adsorption, thermodynamic, and electrochemical studies ofketosulfide for mild steel in acidic medium, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29, 2692–2708.(Impact factor:2.07)
  • Narayana Hebbar, B.M. Praveen, B.M. Prasanna,Venkatarangaiah T. Venkatesha, 2015, The Corrosion inhibition effect of Hydralazine.HCl on the zinc in Acidic media, Moraccon Journal of Chemistry. 3, 496-506..
  • Narayana Hebbar, B.M. Praveen, B.M. Prasanna,Venkatarangaiah T. Venkatesha, 2015,Corrosion inhibition behavior of ketosulphide for mild steel in acidic medium, International Research Journal of Chemistry, 2  018-020.
  • BM Prasanna, BM Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, 2015, Anticorrosion potential of Hydralazine for corrosion of mild steel in 1M Hydrochloric acid solution, Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 7, 222-243.
  • BM Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, H.P. Sachin, K.G. Chandrappa and S.B. Abd Hamid, 2015. The inhibition effect of hydralazine hydrochloride on corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution, International Research Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences. 2, 21-25.
  • B.M. Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha 2015, Corrosion inhibitory action of mild steel in 1M HCl by Chlorophenicol, Moraccon Journal of chemistry,3, 824-837. (Impact factor:0.6).
  • B.M. Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, 2015, Experimental and theoretical studies of Hydralazine hydrochloride as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel. Anti corrosion materials and methods, Vol 63(1), (impact facor:1.12)
  • B.M. Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, H.C.Tandon, 2016, Inhibition Study of Mild Steel Corrosion in 1 M Hydrochloric Acid solution by 2- Chloro 3- formyl quinoline, International Journal of Industrial chemistry 7(2016) Volume 7, I9–19 . Impact factor:3.59).
  • B.M. Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, H.C.Tandon, S.B. Abd Hamid, 2017, Journal of Association of Arab university of Applied Science, 22, 62–69. (impact factor:1.6)
  • Praveen B. M., Prasanna B. M. Narayana Hebbar, 2017, Experimental approach of Sulfamethoxazole as a corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in 1M HCl, JNNCE Journal of Engineering and Management, 1, (1) ,1-11.
  • B.M. Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, H.C.Tandon, 2018, Experimental and Adsorption study on Inhibition effect of the Prazequantel for corrosion of mild steel in 1M Hydrochloric acid, Journal of bio and tribo corrosion,4, 21.(Impact factor:4.6).
  • B.M. Prasanna, B.M. Praveen, Narayana Hebbar, T.V. Venkatesha, 2018, Inhibition effects of sulfamethaxazole on corrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl solution: Adsorption and electrochemical analysis,Surface and Interface Analysis,50, 779-789.(Impact factor:1.8)
  • Narayana Hebbar, Praveen, B.M., Prasanna, B.M, Deepa N, 2019, Electrochemical and Adsorption Studies of Telmisartan for Mild Steel in Acidic Medium J Bio TriboCorros . 5, 40 (Impact factor: 4.6)
  • Narayana Hebbar . B. M. Praveen . B. M. Prasanna .P. Vishwanath,2020, Electrochemical and Adsorption Studiesof 4-Chloro,8-(Trifluoromethyl)Quinoline (CTQ) for Mild Steelin Acidic Medium.Journal of failure analysis and prevention 20(4),1516–1523 (2020), (Impact factor:0.93).
  • G. Banuprakash . B. M. Prasanna . Narayana Hebbar,T. S. Manjunatha 2020, Inhibitive Capability of a Novel Schiff Base for Steel in 1 M HClMedia, J Fail. Anal. and Preven. 20,572–579(Impact factor:0.93).
  • B.M. Praveen , B.M. Prasanna , N.M. Mallikarjuna , M.R. Jagadeesh , Narayana Hebbar,D. Rashmi, 2021, Investigation of anticorrosive behaviour of novel tert-butyl 4-[(4-methyl phenyl) carbonyl] piperazine-1-carboxylate for carbon steel in 1M HCl,Heliyon, 7(2),1-9,(Impact factor:2.85)
  • Narayana Hebbar .P. Vishwanath, Electrochemical and Adsorption Studiesof 4-Chloro,8-(Trifluoromethyl)Quinoline (CTQ) for Mild Steelin Acidic Medium (2021) ,Shodha-intreatioal.11(1),162-168.
  • M. M. Mohamed, B. M. Prasanna, Narayana Hebbar, RaiedahahAlsaiari, G. Banuprakash . R. Jagadessh, Moustafa A. Rizk, 2021,1,6 Corrosion Inhibitive Action of Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate (TDF) on Low Carbon Steel in 1M HCl  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 16(4), p.1-24 (Imapct Factor:1.765).
  • Praveen B M, Alhadhrami, Prasanna B M, Narayana Hebbar, Radhakrishna Prabhu, 2021, Anti-Corrosion Behaviour of Olmesartan for Soft-cast steel in 1 mol dm-3 HCl, Coatings,11(8),965-983. (Impact factor: 2.9)
  • Naveen Kumar J R, Prasad P, Narayana Hebbar, Savitha M B, Lokesh K.S,Navaneeth Gowda N A, 2021,Potential application of polyethyleneimine-reducedgraphene oxide nanocomposite sensing film coated on interdigitated electrode prepared from copper-clad for carbon dioxide detection, Materials Research Innovations, 25(6),363-371,(Impact-factor:1.4).         
  • J. R. Naveen Kumar, Abdulraheem S. A. Almalki, B. M. Prasanna, P. Prasad, Narayana Hebbar,AbdullahAlsubaie, 2022, Polyethyleneimine–Chromium Oxide Nanocomposite Sensor with Patterned Copper Clad as a Substrate for CO2 Detection, Journal of Electronic Materials volume 51, 6416–6430.(Impact factor:2.04)

Books Published

  • Narayana Hebbar, Praveen B M, Prasanna B M (2017), Ecofreindly corrosion imhibitors for steel and zinc, LAP Lambert publictions,Germany, ISBN:978-3-659-31547-3.
  • Narayana Hebbar, Praveen B M, Prasanna B M (2017),A study on the effect of organic inhibitors on the corrosion of steel and zinc,Grin Publication,ISBN:9783668542693.
  • Prasanna B M, Praveen B M, Narayana Hebbar(2017), Non toxic corrosion inhibitors for mild steel, LAP Lambert publictions,Germany, ISBN:978-3-659-50238-5.
  • Prasad Putthiyillam,Savitha Prasad,Narayana Hebbar (2018), Fundamentals of Nanomaterials,LAP Lambert Publications,Germany,ISBN:978-3-659-93009-6.
  • Narayana Hebbar,Aparna Nadumane,Prasad Puthiyillam (2018),Engineering Materials and surface coatings, LAP Lambert Publications,Germany,ISBN: 978-613-9-95618-0.
  • Narayana Hebbar,Ganavi D,Vishwanatha p, A text book of food chemistry, , LAP Lambert Publications,Germany,ISBN: 978-620-0-47133-8.


  • International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering,AMME-2014
  • International conference on "Nano Technology " held at Srinivas University Mangalore.
  • Molecular Docking & Electroanalytical National workshop on Molecular Docking & Electroanalytical Techniques(MDET-2023) jointly organized with Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) on Tuesday, 06 June 2023.Techniques(MDET-2023)
  • State level workshop on Research Design: Article writing & publication: Way forward on 03 June 2023.


  • Narayana Hebbara, Praveen B.Mb*, Prasanna B.Mc, Venkatesha T Vd, Abd Hamid S.B.eAnthranilic Acid as Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Media.


  • Innovation Patent from Commenwealth of Australia,Patent office,Australian government for his invention work titled ‘Preparation of Cyclohexane Derivative and as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel’’ for a period of Eight years from 25th August 2021 (Patent No: 20211107269).