Dr. Dhaneshwari

Associate Professor
  • MSW, K-SET, Ph.D
  • Courses Taught : MSW
  • Area of Expertise : Medical and Psychiatric social Work
  • Academic Experience - 14 Years

Contact Details

email : dhanumstk@gmail.com

Research Details

  • Completed UGC founded Minor Research on Role of ASHA Workers in Enhancing Rural Women Health Special Reference to Belthangady Taluk
  • Completed PhD - Maternal Mental Health and Development. Special reference to Working Womens of South canara District (2018) from kannada university HAMPI

Research Project:

The Haas School of Business University of California Berkeley CA  94720-1900 and Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College, have been collaboratively working on the research project titled “The Effects of Free Trials and Social Learning on the uptake of Menstrual Cups.” This project is coordinated by Dr. Dhaneshwari Associate Professor, Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work, and David I. Levine, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley as lead investigators. We are partnering with Project Head, Jnana Vikasa SKDRDP Dharmasthala. The budget is US$13140 over 11 months for our research in Dakshina Kannada District. Dr.Dhaneshwari Associate Professor Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work  working as lead Research Head in the project.


  • “Maternal Mental Health ,Issues and Concerns , Women’s mental health” –Today Edited by Noor Mubasheer C.A, ISBN:978-93- 5258-164- 1
  • “Enhancing the life of Individual who are in to life style modification through multi model approach with special reference to clients of counseling at nature cure hospital, Dharmasthala” International Journal of Psycho Social Research , ISSN 2320-6381 Global Impact Factor –o.541
  • “A study on Psycho Social conditions of lactating mothers with special reference to working women in Belthangady Taluk” Proceedings of “maternal and child health care in India ; Issues , concerns and Policy Initiatives held on 22 nd and 23 rd may 2014 at JSS Dharwad
  • “Women Empowerment through Micro finance Special Reeference SKDRDP Dharmasthala” Published in Proceedings of National Level Conference on Role of Micro Finance in Sustainable Development Rural Development and Maternal Mental health ISBN- 978-93- 82877-00-4
  • Paper Presented “Maternal Mental Health and Social Work.Needs, Challenges and intervention, National Seminar on Social Work Education in India towards 2050 , NMC Sullia 15th March 2018
  • Maternal Mental Health ,Issues and Concerns , Women’s mental health” –Today Edited by Noor Mubasheer C.A ISBN:978-93-5258-164-1 2016
  • Working Women motherhood and occupation challenges International Journal of Kannada Research ISSN: 2454-5813, Impact Factor June 2017
  • Working mothers and Breast feeding ,Attitudes Practices and constraints International Multilingual Research Journal ISSN- 23199318 Issue 19, Vol-03,July to Sept 2017

Paper Presentation

Attended International symposium on Validation of Family Centered social Work Method: Contemporary Challenges on 5.10.2023 to 6.10.2023 and presented a paper on Family Matters: A strengths Based Family Resiliency Perspective for Improving Women’s Maternal Health organized by Roshni Nilaya School of Social Work Mangalore.
Attended and presented a paper on ‘ICT Enabled student Psychology library utilisation analysis – A technology enabled attempt to promote library use’ in the International symposium 0n ‘The Role and Future of Artificial Intelligence AI in Human Behaviour’ organised by Dept of PG studies and Research in Social Work SDM College Ujire held during 4 th to 5 th December 2023


Participation in seminars/workshops/conferences/conventions:

  • Attended UGC Sponsored workshop Research Methodology for Social Scientists School of Social work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore
  • Attended District level workshop on Child Protection curriculum in Social work education School of Social work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore
  • Attended University level workshop VOYAGE -2012 Dept. of P.G.Studies & Research in Social work, SDM College, Ujire
  • Attended University level workshop Suicide prevention & Counselling approaches Dept. of P.G.Studies & Research in Social work, SDM College, Ujire
  • Attended University level workshop Perspectives in Community Development Dept. of P.G.Studies & Research in Social work, SDM College, Ujire
  • Attended University level workshop Methods & Techniques of Social work Dept. of P.G.Studies & Research in Social work, SDM College, Ujire
  • Attended University level workshop Research Methodology & Report writing, SDM College, Ujire
  • Attended Sponsored National seminar SAMBHRAMA -2013 Millenium development goals & Social sector performance Dept. of P.G.Studies & Research in Social work, SDM College, Ujire
  • Attended National level seminar Human Rights Advocacy: An avenue for social change St.Aloysius College, Mangalore. And presented paper on Child Rights & Advocacy
  • Attended National level seminar Journalism & Society P.G Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism and presented paper on Rural Development & Maternal mental health(Paper presented)
  • Attended National level conference Redefining Social work Profession in multicultural context St.Mary’s College, Shirva and presented a paper on Issues of Transgenders(Paper presented
  • Attended UGC Sponsored seminar Recent trends in Professional Social Work-Service, Training and Research School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore
  • Attended National level workshop Rights based perspectives for development Development Studies Kannada University Hampi
  • Attended National level seminar Banking on the Youth for Development :Opportunities Post Graguate department of Social Work ,Philosem -2015
  • Attended National Seminar Maternal and child Health care in India ;Issues,Concerns and Policy Initiatives” Institute of Economic Research and Population research center , JSS Dharwad.and presented a paper on “A study on Psycho Social conditions of lactating mothers with special reference to working women in Belthangady Taluk”
  • Attended Attended workshop in Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, on “ Psychiatry Update “ on 17/11/2013, organised by Dept of Psychiatry
  • Attended Attended national seminar on Role of Micro finance in Sustainable development 15th March 2014 ,Gurushree college of commerce and social Work .and presented a paper on Women Empowerment through Micro finance Special Reeference SKDRDP Dharmasthala”
  • Attended Attended Workshop on “Effective Search Strategy and reference Management System” organized by SDM Engineering College, Ujire on 26 th September 2016
  • Attended and Presented a Paper during International Conference on “Counseling and Psychotherapy –Diversity in Training and Practice” held at Montfort College Bangalore on May 1st and 2nd 2015 . “Enhancing the life of Individual who are in to life style modification through multi model approach with special reference to clients of counseling at nature cure hospital, Dharmasthala”
  • Attended and presented a paper on Maternal Mental Health-Issues and Concerns held at St. Philomina College, Mysore during the eve of National Conference on “Women’s mental Health” on October 9th and 10th 2015. Maternal Mental Health ,Issues and Concerns , Women’s mental health
  • Attended Workshop on World mental health day – K.S.HEGDE Medical Academy 12th October 2017
  • Attended Workshop on World mental health day K.S.HEGDE Medical Academy12th October 2017
  • Attended Workshop on “ Labor Laws & Community Mental Health for potential Excellence Dept of PG Studies in Social Work, SDM College ,Ujire13thNovemeber, 2017
  • Organised state level workshop on suicide prevention counseling at SDM PG College.2014
  • Organised One day Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse-Inform , Educate, Empower Dept of PG Studies in Social Work, SDM College ,Ujire 24th November
  • Working as a Counselor at Nature cure Hospital Dharmasthala and handled more than 1000 cases of Psychological Counseling till date
  • Expert in Conducting Participatory Rural Appraisal ( conducted more than 10 PRA)
  • Experience of delivering in giving Resource talk in various areas like HIV/AIDS, Women empowerment, Child Rights and other areas
  • Experience of training in various areas
  • On 2nd February 2014 for BSW & BA Students at Uppinangady Fist Grade College on Orientation About Future Prospect of Social Work
  • 18th March 2014 in Belathangady Taluk during Womens Day Progaramme Adderesed Womens Club Members About Role of Women for Healthy Society
  • Conducted PRA during the Social Work Camp 2012, 2013, 2014
  • Organized National conference on Fostering Holistic Responses to School Counseling On 23 and 24 November 2018
  • Attended Two days international conference on “Diversity Management: Views from India and Europe. Organized by Department of MSW ,SDM Ujire in association with JMC and CIRHS 26-27 October 2018
  • Attended Alva’s Reach-2019: A National Seminar on “ Current Challenges and Emerging Trends: The Future of Social Work profession Organized by Department of BSW, Alva’s College, Moodubidri18th & 19th January presented Paper :Maternal mental health and development. Understanding the needs and importance of counseling at
  • Attended Two days National Level Conference on “Sambandha,Sampreethi,Sangharsha:Tha Dynamics of Human Relationships” Organised by Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Psychology,SDM P.G.Centre,Ujire,Karnataka25 &26th February presented paper on Significance of relationship for Maternal Mental Health
  • Attended one day workshop on Research writing in social sciences SDM PG Centre Ujire. 3rd November 2018
  • Attended two days national conference on women issues Department of Psychology,St.Agnes college Mangalore21st and 22nd March 2019.and presented a paper on “Maternal mental health and challenges faced by working women”
  • National Conference Spandana School of Social Work,Roshni Nilaya Mangaluru 14th and 15th February 2019and presented paper on “Maternal mental health and challenges faced by working women”
  • On 29-11-2018 Department of Social Work Organized One Day Workshop on Voyage-2018 ‘A Journey towards Hr Destination’ The one day workshop on Voyage -2018 ‘A journey towards HR destination’ held on 29-11-2018 at SDM PG College, Ujire conducted by Social work department
  • Conducted Participatory rural appraisal Conducted at Kookrabettu Village during social work Camp 2019 at kookrabettu village5-3-2019
  • Attended Faculty Training Programme FEEL Teacher SDM PG Center,Ujire. 7 to 9 June 2019
  • Coordinated SAMBHRAMA 2019 national seminar on civic consciousness
  • Attended as a panel member on topic suicide prevetion organized by dept of Psychology at PG centre Ujire
  • On 29th July, 2019 attended one day Conference on “New Education Policy” at Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College, Ujire
  • On 9th August, 2019 attended one day International Conference on “School Social Work” organized by department of BSW, Alva’s College, Moodabidri
  • On 24-07-2019 Assistant Professor, PG Department of Social Work, had attended One Day International conference held on Globalization and its impact on Social Work held at School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore
  • Attended as a resource person at SIRI Belthangady on 21/07/2019 and 27/07/2019 on topics Counseling children and adolescents – dealing with Psychological disorders and Working women and work life balance for Jnana Vikasa coordinators of various districts of Karnataka state and trained them in work life balance and counseling aspects
  • Attended as a panel member during state level one day workshop on literature review and analysis of novel “Pumsthree” written by Dr.Prabhakara Shishila on 25/07/2019 at SDM College Ujire
  • Attended as a resource person of the awareness programme on “ Good touch & Bad touch” which was organized for Government High School girls of Kalmanja by students of I MSW as part of extension activity on 21/11/2019
  • Attended as a chief guest of the awareness programme on “ Social security schemes for women group ” which was organized by students of I MSW as part of extension activity on 23/11/2109
  • Attended as a resource person to deliver training on STD/STI/RTI on 23/11/2019 at SIRI Belthangady for taluk coordinators of Jhnana Vikasa association
  • Attended as trainer at Adani Wilmar,Mangalore for employees on Emotional Intelligence18-08-2017
  • Conducted Work Shop on “Enhancement of life skill Vivekananda College, Puttur2-03-2018
  • Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights and Promotion of Innovations Research proposal writing organized by Dept of PGChemistry , Sponsored by Karnataka science and Technology Academy(KSTA) Bengaluru on 19.07.2022
  • Attended day workshop on corporate Train the Traine Swasthika Consultancy Services Mangalore, 18.03.2022
  • Attended a workshop on person centered therapy on 5th December organized by Dept of Psychology.
  • Attended two days’ workshop on child and Adolescent Psychiatryorganised by St.Johns Medical academy Bangalore on 8th and 9th April 2023.
  • Attended one two days workshop on “Bhashanthakaarara mooraneya samsveshamathu kananada samvardhane mathu bhashanthakararu “organized by Dept of Kannada and Dr.Ha.MA.NAResearch Centre SDM College Ujire on 21st Novemebr to22nd November
  • Attended one day National Workshop on Empowering the art of Research and Publication organized hy Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work St,Philomena’s College Mysore on 1.09.2023
  • Attended a day Workshop on Research proposal Writing organized by Research and Development cell, SDM College Ujire on 19.10.2023
  • Dr.Dhaneshwari Associate Professor Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work attended a day National Conference on Harmony in Action: Cultivating sustainable lives through Environmental Policies held on 22nd March at the School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangalore
  • Dr.Dhaneshwari Associate Professor Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work attended and Delivered session on Promoting Inclusivity and equality through Gender Sensitization for College students on 12.03.2024 held at GFGC Vittal. 100 students attended the talk.
  • Selco Solar distributed menstrual cups for 150 women as a part of their CSR activity for women of Jnana Vikasa Kendra and Dr.Dhaneshwari Associate Professor Dept of PG Studies and Research in Social Work attended and Delivered session on use of Menstrual Cups for Women of JVK SKDRDP on 15.03.2024 held at KDRDP, Amrutha Varshini, Dharmasthalala as a part of women’s day celebration. More than 50 women benefited by programme. Officials in charge of the project and Ms.Sangeetha state Coordinator, Taluk Coordinators were present during the programme.

Awards and Achievements

  • Faculty invited as a resource person on 01-12-2012 during World AIDS Day , organized by JC Club, Ujire.(400 Participants includes Public, Students and JC members)
  • Faculty attended Social work Camp 2013 in Banjara Male, Neriya, Belthangady & conducted Participatory Rural Apprisail (PRA) on 27th January 2013
  • Presented a paper on Women Empowerment through Microfinance with Special Reference to SKDRDP, Dharmasthala a Case Study during national seminar on Role of Micro finance in Sustainable dvelopment 15th March 2014 ,Gurushree college of commerce and social Work
  • Presented a paper on “Youth Initiatives for Development” SAMBRAMA-2104, 19th & 20th February
  • Presented a paper on “Social Work Methods & Challenges” during national level seminar organised by St.Philomina college ,Puttur on 1st March 2014 at St.Philomoina Colleg,Puttur
  • Attended Programme in Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, on “ Psychiatry Update “ on 17/11/2013, organised by Dept of Psychiaty

Any Others

Articles Published

  • Coping with emotions – Udyavani
  • Maternal Mental Health problems – Udyavani (27/11/2015, 4/12/2016 , 11/12/2016)

Attended as Resource Talks/ Panel Member:

  • Attended as a guest lecturer and delivered session on leadership on 17.12.2022 at PUC college SDM College ujire for NSS students.
  • Attended as Resource person at CRE Belthangady and delivered a session on Workplace behaviour and coping with Emotions at CRE Belthangady for a group of women employees. on 9.12.2022
  • Attended ttended as a resource person on one day national Webinar on Neuro Linguistic programming organised by Global sanskrit forum and S.R kanthi college of education ilkal on 2/05/2021 and delivered session on Neuro Linguistic programming.(online)
  • Attended as resource person on personality Development at GFGC Vamadapadavu Bantwal Taluk for BSW students on 25.11.2021.
  • Attended as Resource person for guest lecture on Importance of Social Education for women of Koraga community organized by Department of Tribal Welfare, ZillaPanchayath, Dakshina Kannda on 12 th April 2022.
  • Attended as a resource person on 29.06.2022 at SDM CBSE English Medium School and delivered resource talk on Role of parents in developing social interactions among children during Parent Teacher meeting.
  • Attended as a resource person and delivered talk on Understanding family mental health and need of counseling for employees of SKDRDP at centre for potential excellence institute Laila Belthangady on 14.07.2022
  • Delivered talk on personality development for School children of 9th STD at SDM CBSE SChool Ujire 0n 3.07.2022
  • Attended as Resource person at CPRE Bel thangady and delivered a session on Workplace behaviour and coping with Emotions at CPRE Belthangady for a group of women employees. On 9.12.2022.
  • Attended as a resource person to deliver talk on STI/RTI at SIRI belthangady on 9.12.2020
  • Attended as a resource person to give training on participatory Rural appraisal at Inchara foundation Mangalore on 23.12.2020
  • Delivered resource talk on “Importance of Govt. Kannada Medium Schools” in occasion of Youth Day Celebration” program held at Govt. higher primary school, Kallaje organized by Department of PG Studies in Social Work, SDM College, Ujire on 11 th January 2021.
  • Resource person on 29.01.2021 for Ist year BVOC students of SDM College on topic Coping with emotion life skill.
  • Resource person and delivered talk about women and importance of health on 8th March during international womens day celebration at aladangady organised by jhnana vikasa sangha skdrdp dharmasthala.
  • Delivered resource talk on family counseling in a webinar organized by dept of Social work NMC sullia on 21.06.2021.(Online)
  • Attended as a resource person on Mental Health Act during Intercollegiate Online Guest Lecture Series for SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS organized by Department of Studies in Social Work, Manasagangotri, Mysore in Association with DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK SBRR Mahajana First Grade College PG Wing Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Centre K.R.S. Road, Metagalli, Mysore – 570016 (online)
  • Attended as panelist in panel discussion on“Challenges of Women in Accessing Equal Opportunity” organized by Women Development Cell in association with student welfare committee on 16.11 2022.
  • Delivered session on Workplace behaviour and coping with Emotions at CPRE Belthangady for a group of women employees. on 9.12.2022.
  • Delivered session on “Effective leadership” on7.12.2022 at PUC College SDM College Ujire for NSS students.
  • Delivered session on “OneWoman Many Roles” on 08.03.2023 at Vivekananda law college Puttur.
  • Attended a programme as a resource person at NSS Camp organized by Dept. Of Social Work, Government First Grade College Vittla at Puttur and delivered a session on “Youth and Health” on 30.03.2023.
  • Attended a programme as a Resource person on 10.06.2023 at SDMCBSE School Ujire and addressed on “Family roles in Empowerment of Children”during the eve of PTA meeting.
  • Attended a programme as a Resource person on 14.06.2023 at SDMCBSE School Ujire and addressed parents on &Understanding Teenager and theirneeds”
  • Attended a training programme as Resource Person and conducted training programme on “Use of Menstrual Cups for better Women Health” for women members of JnanaVikasa Kendra under SKDRDP project on 13th June to15th June. (3 programmes)
  • Attended a programme as Resource person at CPRE BELTHANHADYon 31.05.2023 and conducted session on “Knowing Counselling” for JVK officials.
  • Attended a programme as a resource person and delivered talk on “Awareness about Menstrual Cups” to JVK members at Nala community on 7.07.2023.
  • Attended as resource person on “Participatory Rural Appraisal” at Sulkeri Grama Panchayat on14.07.2023.
  • Attended as Resource Person to address Guest Talk on Gender Sensitization on 6.11.2023 at SDM College.
  • Delivered resource talk on Knowing and using Menstrual Cups among Jnana Vikasa women groups in Kukkavu village and Laila Village on 08.10.2023. organised by Jnana Vikasa Centre Belthangady Taluk. A total 100 women Respondent from Jhnana Vikasa attended the resource talk which is also a part of a Community Research project on Promoting Menstrual Cup Usage through Training and Free Trials Among Self-Help Group (SHG) Members in Dakshina Kannada District in collaboration with School of Business University of California

Resource Talk given

  • On 2nd February 2014 for BSW & BA Students at Uppinangady Fist Grade College on Orientation About Future Prospect of Social Work
  • 18th March 2014 in Belathangady Taluk during Womens Day Progaramme Adderesed Womens Club Members About Role of Women for Healthy Society
  • Conducted PRA during the Social Work Camp 2012, 2013, 2014,2015.2016, 2017,2019
  • Conducted Participatory rural appraisal for 150 NSS Students and Community members of Indabettu village. Indabettu village. organized by SDM college ujire during the eve of NSS camp 22/11/2018
  • Land slide disaster affected area Madikeri –To get the practical exposure of rehabilitation and after care services of land slide affected area. To interact with the victims of disaster affected area on various issues which they are facing after the disaster and to see the rehabilitation work of Malekudiya Tribes Students from MPSW and CD development Specialization 11.10.2018


Special Activity:

  • Coordinated Field Visits of Mr.David I Levine Trefethen Professor of Business Administration Haas School of Business University of California from 7.10.2023 to 10.10.2023 to Belthangady Taluk to study the Jnana Vikasa(SKDRDP) Project and Community Health Organisations. Along with the above meetings, we met our president Dr.D veerendra Heggadeji , Dr.Hemavathi Heggadeji and Dr.L H Manjunath at Project office SKDRDP Dharmasthala . This Visits were incorporated with the Research work on Promoting Menstrual Cup Usage through Training and Free Trials Among Self-Help Group (SHG) Members in Dakshina Kannada District.

Seminar /Workshop/Conference organised

  • Organized interaction on Role of Social Worker in Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients on 27.07.2021 by Ms.Aishwarya Social work- Executive (department of oncology)
  • Organized awareness talk on “Sexual abuse shatter the silence stop the violence” through women grievance redressal cell and internal compliant committee on 8.09.2021.
  • Organised One day Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse-Inform, Educate, Empower Dept of PG Studies in Social Work, SDM College, Ujire 20th November2017
  • Organized National conference on Fostering Holistic Responses to School Counselling On 23 and 24 November 2018
  • Organized guest lecture on Psychometry on 24.05.2021 lecture was delivered by Ms.varsha Malagi Asst.Professor, Dept of PG Psycholoy SDM PG centre Ujire
  • Coordinated programme on distribution of wheel chair for spinal cord injury people which was sponsored by Rotary E club Thane, Mumbai Seva Dhama at Rehabilitation centre for spinal cord injury people, kokkada during the eve of Independence day celebration. on 10.07.2021.
  • Organized one day Webshop on & Balancing Relationships through Therapeutic Interventions& on 27.11.2020
  • Coordinated one day youth development programme jointly organized in association with Rotary club Thane Mumbai on 28.05.2021
  • Webinar about Social welfare strategies .Guidelines for an emerging social worker on 29.05.2021 for MSW students
  • Oranised one day webinar on Role of NGO’s during pandemic for MSW students on 25.06.2017.
  • Organized one day webinar on Need and scope of Industrial Counseling on 22.07.2021.through Counselling Cell.
  • Organized webinar on Gelathi Family counseling centre SKDRDP Dharamasthala 22.07.2021.Talk was delivered by Ms.Chaithanya.Counselor.Gelathi family counseling centre,SKDRDP Dharmasthala
  • Coordinated and organized 5 days Tribal Study Camp with Soliga tribes of BR Hills at Chamarajanagara, Mysore from 6.10.2022 to 10.10.2022.
  • Organized SAMBHRAMA – 2023, One Day National Conference on “Youth and Social Concerns”on 26 th May 2023.
  • Organised a talk on Clean and Environmentally Sound Technologies for Health Development – Knowledge Sharing from Global Health Research Perspective on 09.10.2023 and the session was addressed by Dr.David I Levine Trefethen Professor of Business Administration Haas School of Business University of California and Students from Various PG Centre attended the same.