Papers Taught : Fundamentals of Computer and Programming in C , Android Application Development, Fundamentals of Computers, Programming in C, Programming in JAVA, Software Testing, Software Engineering
Area of Expertise : Java, Machine Learning and Python
Academic Experience - 5.5 Years
Attended one week AICTE – VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Data Science and Analytics” between 25th & 29th April 2022 Organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre (VTU – HRDC), Centre for PG Studies, VIAT, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur (Dist.) – 562101.
Attended one week online FDP on “Emerging Trends and Advances in Computational Intelligence” Conducted by Department of Information Technology, BBDITM, Lucknow held from 28th Feb-05th 2022.
Attended National Level “e-shot on Info Arena” conducted by Department of Computer Application and Information Technology, Sri Parasakthi College for Women, Courtallam on 28.02.2022.
Attended Refresher Programme on “Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis” held during 03.01.2022 to 08.01.2022 organized by Infinity Management and Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.
Attended One Week Online Teachers Training Program on “Introduction to Python Programming and its Applications”organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Centre for PG Studies, Chikkaballapur from 13th to 17th March 2023.
Attended One Week Online Teachers Training Program on “Smart Materials and Systems” organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Centre for PG Studies, Chikkaballapur from 29th May to 02nd June 2023.
Published a paper with paper ID “IRJMETS50500263635” has published a paper entitled “MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES FOR DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND PREDICTION IN THE MEDICAL SECTOR” in the International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 05, Issue 05, May 2023.
Participated in the State Level workshop on “Research Design: Article Writing and Publication- Way forward”organised by the Research & Development Cell, SDM (Autonomous) College Ujire on 03rd June 2023.
Participated in the National Level Awareness Workshop on “Possibilities of Entrepreneurship Development Based on MGIRI Technologies”organised by SDM-Rotary Career Guidance and Placement Centre, SDM (Autonomous) College, Ujire on 12th August 2023.
Attended Seven Day Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education : Teaching and Learning Languages” organized by the Department of Languages, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-University)Bangalore from 16th to 28th November 2023.
Participated in a two-day International Multidisciplinary Symposium on “The Role and Future of Artificial Intelligence ( AI) in Human Behavior” organized by the Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM (Autonomous) College, Ujire on 4th and 5th December 2023.
Paper Publications
Ms. Bhavishya K.U and Ms. Akshatha C H Published paper – “Insights into Online Shopper Behaviour: Unravelling Customer Psychology in E-Commerce” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MOBILE COMPUTING ISSN (Online): 2320-088X, DOI Prefix from CrossRef: 10.47760/ijcsmc, Impact Factor: 7.056
Ms. Akshatha C H and Mr. Vikranth K Published paper – “Digital Transformation: Revolutionizing the Landscape of Traditional Education” in the International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM)) ISSN(Print) 2350-1812 ISSN(Online) 2350-1995.
Ms. Akshatha C H and Ms. Bhavishya K.U Published paper- ” SMART DEFENCE: LEVERAGING ARTIFICIAL
INTELLIGENCE FOR MILITARY SUPERIORITY” in International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD) An International Open Access, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journal ISSN: 2456-4184 Published in Volume 9 Issue 9, September-2024, | Impact Factor: 8.76 by Google Scholar Paper ID – IJNRD2409309
Completed the course on “Joy of Computing using Python” by Swayam NPTEL.
Completed the course on “Android Developer Course – Android Fundamentals” by Infosys Springboard.
Completed the course on “Basics of Python” course by Infosys Springboard.
Completed the course on “Market Research – Research Methodology” by Infosys Springboard.