B.A. programme is designed to enable the students with the required knowledge, skills and competencies such as thinking ability, linguistic skills and reasonable knowledge, analytical skills and critical understanding of social, political, economic and cultural processes in the global and the local contexts.This programme aims at creating plenty of opportunities for learners to experiment and learn to develop the right perspectives of life.
Programme Outcomes
PO1: Acquire the knowledge of specific subjects such as History, Kannada, English, Home Science, Economics, Political Science, Journalism, Home Science, Languages, etc.
PO2: Possess a broad, liberal arts foundation and an understanding of how developments in social and intellectual history shape and affect human values and institutions.
PO3: Understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and various theories in the concerned subjects.
PO4: Gain the analytical ability to analyze the social issues and suggest the improvements for better results.
PO5: Demonstrate a more advanced working knowledge of at least one social science discipline.
PO6: Participate in various social and cultural activities voluntarily.
PO7: Articulate thoughts and ideas in both written and oral modes.
PO8: Demonstrate the competencies to function efficiently in social/ science related career
PO9: Emerge as independent and self reliant person
PO10: Involve in discussions to spread the messages of equality, nationality, social harmony and other human values
PO11: Work effectively in groups to meet a shared goal with people
The Bachelor of Science Programme has been designed with the objective of preparing young graduates who embody attributes such as generic skills, thinking ability, linguistic skills and reasonable knowledge, analytical skills and ethical values
Programme Outcomes
PO1: Apply their broad knowledge of science across a range of fields, while performing as professionals in the local or global contexts in which science is practiced
PO2: Articulate the methods of science and explain why current scientific knowledge is both useful and contestable on account of possibility for further inquiry
PO3: Apply appropriate methods of research, and investigation to solve problems in science, mathematics, technology and engineering.
PO4: Recognize the need for information in scientific investigation and scholarly debates
PO6: Employ highly developed conceptual, analytical, quantitative and technical skills
PO7: Articulate the relationship between different science communities of practice, the wide scope of scientific knowledge and methods, and the contributions made by people of diverse perspectives, cultures and backgrounds
PO8: Evaluate the role of scientific knowledge in addressing current issues faced by the local and global communities, for example climate change, health and disease, food security, sustainable energy use, environmental hazards
PO8: Work effectively in groups to meet a shared goal with people of diverse cultural backgrounds
PO9: Communicate clearly and convincingly about scientific and technological ideas, practical use and new discoveries to expert and non-expert audiences
PO10: Undertake need based significant projects concerning issues like water shortage, climate change, the use of plastics
The under graduate degree in commerce aims at exposing the learners to domain specific knowledge through contemporary and comprehensive syllabus on commerce and accountancy from I to VI semesters covering relevant topics required for higher studies/professions.
The subsidiary objective is to complement the commerce studies with allied and supplementary subjects like Business Law and Indian Corporate Law, Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Communication, Cost and Management Accounting, Taxation (Direct, Indirect and GST) and Modern Banking
Also to provide hands on experience through research projects, internships and interdisciplinary subjects like Business Statistics and Mathematics and General Economics
The programme has scope for the development of learners’ ethical and linguistic skills as the curriculum is blended and integrated with language subjects
Programme Outcomes
PO1: Undertake independently or jointly any enterprise as full- fledged professional
PO2: Apply ztheories and concepts in the workplaces through the techniques of problem solving skills, financial management skills, analytical skills, synchronizing skills, decision making skills, presentation and reporting skills, juxtaposing skills, numerical skills, writing skills, language skills,
PO3: Employ highly developed conceptual, analytical, quantitative and technical skills
PO4: Articulate the contributions made by people of diverse perspectives, cultures and backgrounds
PO6: Evaluate the role of business management, commerce and accountancy in addressing current issues faced by the local and global communities, for example unregulated market, price fluctuation affecting the farmers, unsecured small entrepreneurial ventures, risky investments,
PO7: Articulate the contributions made by people of diverse perspectives, cultures and backgrounds
PO8: Work effectively and efficiently in groups to meet a shared goal with people of diverse cultural backgrounds
PO9: Communicate clearly and convincingly about commercial laws, tax relating issues, ideas, saving and pension schemes to expert and non-expert audiences
PO10: Undertake need based significant projects concerning public and private sectors, banking and other financial organizations
PO11: Recognize and demonstrate higher level of ethical concerns in every walk of life
PO12: Engage in self directed study and research confidently through the extensive use ICT and collaborations
BCA Degree was designed with the objective of providing the young boys and girls the computer knowledge and skills to undertake rewarding professions
The curriculum’s main objectives are to impart students with an understanding of the basics of computer science, to develop proficiency in the practice of computing, and to prepare them for continued professional development
It also aims at bringing computer education to the rural students, besides exposing students in information communication technology
Programme Outcomes
PO1: Serve as the Programmers or the Software Engineers with the sound knowledge of practical and theoretical concepts for developing software.
PO2: Serve as the Computer Engineers with enhanced knowledge of computers and its building blocks.
PO3: Work as the Hardware Designers/Engineers with the knowledge of Networking Concepts.
PO4: Work as the System Engineers, System integrators the System Administrators with thorough knowledge of DBMS.
PO5: Work as the Support Engineers and the Technical Writers
PO6: Work as Consultant and Management officers for system management.
PO7: Work as IT Sales and Marketing person.
PO8: Serve as the IT Officers in Banks and cooperative societies.
PO9: Work as DTP Operator in small-scale firms and business organisations
PO10: Serve as the Web Designers with latest web development technologies Improve their computer literacy, their basic understanding of operative systems and a working knowledge of software commonly used in academic and professional environments.
PO11: Develop criteria to organize and present different type of works in academic and professional environments.
PO12: Organize information efficiently in the forms of outlines, charts, etc. by using appropriate software.
PO13: Present ideas effectively and efficiently in Academic and Professional Presentations
PO14: Use the Systems Analysis Design paradigm to critically analyze a problem.
PO15: Solve the problems (programming networking database and Web design) in the Information Technology environment and function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal and demonstrate professional behavior.
PO16: Develop IT-oriented security issues and protocols.
The BBA Programme was designed:
To provide adequate basic understanding about management/administration among learners,
To prepare students to undertake careers in the field of management,
To train students in job and other general skills
To give a thorough exposure to professional ethics
Programme Outcomes
PO1: Demonstrate the ability and competency in management professions
PO2: Handle appropriately crucial situations in workplaces with appropriate measures
PO3: Apply skills and professional competency to maximize the results
PO4: Articulate and manage challenges successfully
PO5: Engage productively through the effective use professional tools
PO6: Define the business processes, their interactions and distinguish their specifics
PO7: Choose and apply the market research methods as per the business needs
PO8: Analyze market information and apply it appropriately for the growth
PO9: Analyze any business, identify the strengths and weaknesses and determine the scope for improvement.
PO10: Show the operational ability especially the continuously changing business environment
Programme Outcome
PO1: To equip the students with Qualitative and Quantitative Research method used in Psychology.
PO2: To enhance the students counselling skills.
PO3: To expertise the students in developing psychological tests.
PO4: To orient the students regarding biological basis of Human behaviour.
PO5: To orient students regarding psychopathology among children, Adolescents and Adults.
PO6: To enable the students understand different perspectives of personality.
PO7: To learn the principles of cognitive abilities among human behaviour.
PO8: To equip the students with the skills of Human resource management and development.
PO9: To enable the students in understanding dynamics of Psychotherapeutic techniques.
PO10: To give hands on experience in Counseling, training and Research.
Programme Outcome
PO1: To impart education and training in Professional Social work to those desirous of making a career in the fields of Social work.
PO2: To provide inter-disciplinary collaboration for better understanding of human problems, services and issues related to human development.
PO3: To provide opportunities through intensive field practicum to work with variety of people in their development and provide service to those who are in need of it.
PO4: To promote among social work trainees a sense of dedication and commitment for appropriate service to the cause of the poor, under privileged and disadvantaged sections of the society.
PO5: To acquire knowledge and skills in undertaking practice-based social work research and to administer human service organizations
Programme Outcome
PO1: Adoption of value based and student centric approach in imparting curriculum and extra-curriculum activities, as a part of life-long learning organisation.
PO1: To comprehend advanced theoretical inputs in strategic management, Human resources management, Entrepreneurial development, Labour legislation.
PO1: To enhance practical skills through corporate accounting, costing methods and management accounting.
PO1: To encompass the horizon of knowledge in the emerging field of commerce e-commerce, retail management, risk management in service sector.
PO1: To enrich the quality of research designing, research applications and research outcomes.
PO1: To impart and motivate leadership and entrepreneurial skills.
PO1: To develop qualitative analysis to promote business decision and business environment.
PO1: To encourage students to organise commerce fests, conferences and involve them for industrial visits, student internship programmes, training and placement which establishes an integrated learning environment.
PO1: Focus on motivating socially responsible team of professionals.
Programme Outcome
PO1: To inculcate the knowledge of business and the techniques of managing the business with special focus on Insurance and Banking sector
PO2: To impart the knowledge basic accounting principles and the latest application oriented corporate accounting methods
PO3: To create awareness in application oriented research through research for business decisions.
PO4: To enlighten the students regarding the new concepts introduced in the banking and Insurance system.
PO5: To provide in-depth understanding of all core areas specifically Advanced Accounting, Security analysis and portfolio management , Risk Management in Banks and
PO6: To encourage students to organise commerce fests, conferences and involve them for industrial visits, student internship programmes, training and placement which establishes an integrated learning environment.
PO7: The outlook of the course offer number of value based and job oriented courses ensures that students are trained into up-to date in the field of Banking and Insurance Sector.
PO8: Capability of the students to make decisions at personal & professional level will increase after completion of this course.
Programme Outcome
PO1: Assess students with adequate knowledge of Mass Communication and Journalism
PO2: Prepare for communication research, teaching and media profession.
PO3: Evaluate the emerging communication technology
PO4: Produce the students to become socially conscious and concerned with media Profession
PO5: Prepare more opportunities to ambitious rural students to become post graduate in Mass Communication & Journalism
PO6: Provision to construct discourses on mass media and their experiments
PO7: The planned approach to inculcate pioneering academic proficiency
PO8: Guiding framework to acquire communication skills
Programme Outcome
PO1: Plan, design and carry out scientific experiments as well as accurately record and analyse the results of such experiments.
PO2: Show the Problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning when applied to scientific problems.
PO3: Apply green chemistry techniques in daily life
PO4: Appreciate the central role of chemistry in our society and use this as a basis for ethical behaviour in issues facing chemists including an understanding of facing our society in energy, health and medicine.
PO5: Handle safely chemicals, environmental issues and key issues
PO6: Undertake professions in teaching, industries and research
PO7: Clear the UGC/NET/KSET and Civil service examinations.
PO8: Start small scale industries with the available resources.
Programme Outcome
PO1: Demonstrate bimolecular knowledge and analytical skills at an advanced level.
PO2 : Show skills to qualify for a broad range of positions in research, industry, consultancy, education and public administration, or for further education in a doctoral program.
PO3 : Undertake further Study on biotechnology and its related disciplines such as genetics, animal biotechnology, food technology, plant biotechnology, etc.
PO4 : Work in the capacities such as Sr. Associate Scientist, Research Biochemist, Sr. Regulatory Affairs Associate, Biotechnology Researcher, Associate Engineer, Quality Controller and Regional Manager and in industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Research Organisations, and FMCG besides colleges and universities as teachers.
PO5 : Undertake research projects on the leading edge in a chosen Specialised area of biotechnology, based on own research experience from a master’s project and international literature.
PO6 : Apply the concepts, terminologies and various methods and approaches in the analysis of diverse areas in Bio technology
Programme Outcome
PO1: MSc Physics program imparts value added education among students who are the future prospect of the nation.
PO1: The students will be able to find opportunities in national and international PO1: research organizations such as IIT, IISc, DRDO, ISRO, NPL etc.
PO1: Students will gain sufficient knowledge to qualify state and national level entrance exams such as NET, KSET, JEST, GATE, TIFR etc.
PO1: Physics post-graduates can find ample carrier openings in government as well as private sectors (education and industrial).
PO1: MSc Physics program generates manpower for various public sectors such as power generating companies, laboratories, manufacturing sectors, aviations, instrumentation etc.
PO1: MSc Physics program provides the platform for the young physicists to showcase their talents in the field of Physics.
PO1: This program also motivates the students to become start-ups in the field of application of Physics for the betterment of the society.
Programme Outcome
PO1: Use the knowledge on theoretical foundations for the development of various statistical concepts and procedures.
PO2: Develop technical skills in probability modelling and statistical inference for the practical application of statistical methods in their future employment.
PO3: Find solutions to real world problems by applying quantitative modelling and data analysis techniques.
PO4: Use computational and statistical software to develop and execute various statistical techniques and statistical computing algorithms.
PO5: Demonstrate theoretical knowledge and applications of parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric testing procedures.
PO6: Design experiments and surveys with a view of providing solutions to real life problems.
PO7: Use statistical reasoning, formulate a problem in statistical terms, perform exploratory analysis of data, and carry out a variety of advanced inferential procedures.
PO8: Tackle emerging problems through applications of statistics.
Programme Outcome
PO1: Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the health of the Economy
PO2: Show preparedness to face and manage the competitive world
PO3: Review the emerging communication technology
PO4: Undertake social and economical responsibilities through their commitment and competence
PO5: Compare and contrast the urban and rural life to evolve proper remedies to reduce the divides.
PO6: Undertake research oriented experimental studies in the field of Economics
PO7: Make effective academic presentations in various academic meets and conferences.
PO8: Apply the learnt skills in assessments and other crucial situations for better economic measures.
Programme Outcome
PO1: Demonstrate an appropriate level of expertise in literary history, literary theory, and rhetoric
PO2: Demonstrate high-level proficiency in literary research and in the synthesis of research
PO3: Demonstrate critical and analytical skills in the interpretation and evaluation of literary texts
PO4: Reflect a command of written academic English, including the abilities to organise and present material in a cogent fashion, formulate and defend original arguments, employ effectively the language of their discipline and write under time constraints.
PO5: Demonstrate competency in teaching English to non native speakers of English
PO6: Show the expertise in linguistics- phonetics, semiotics, Phonology, morphology
PO7: Undertake the translation project from English language in to the mother tongues
PO8: Undertake independently research projects either survey based or theory based
PSO1: Understand basic concepts of economics and able to explain core economic terms, concepts and theories(Critical Thinking Skills)
PSO2: Analyze economic behavior in practice (Critical Thinking Skills)
PSO3: Demonstrate the ability to employ the “economic way of thinking.” (Critical Thinking Skills)
PSO4: Demonstrate awareness of global, historical and institutional forces (Critical Thinking Skills)
PSO5: Apply economic theories and concepts to contemporary social issues, as well as formulation and analysis of policy (Critical Thinking Skills)
PSO6: Recognize the role of ethical values in economic decisions (Critical Thinking Skills)
PSO7: Apply economic theories and concepts to contemporary social issues, as well as formulation and analysis of policy(Skill)
PSO8: Utilize data to gain insight into a specific economic relationship.(Quantitative Reasoning Skill)
PSO9: Analyze historical and current events from an economic perspective (Analytical Skill)
PSO10: Use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic matters(Critical Thinking Skill)
PSO11: Apply both oral and written communication skills within the discipline (Communication Skill)
PSO12: Demonstrate quantitative reasoning skills(Quantitative Reasoning Skill)
PSO13: Use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic matters (Problem Solving Skill)
PSO1: Express themselves effectively in a variety of forms. (Specialised Knowledge)
PSO2: Identify the salient features of literary texts belonging to British, American, Indian and African literatures. (Specialised Knowledge)
PSO3: Use knowledge of literary traditions in interpretation of literature. (Communication Fluency/Applied Learning)
PSO4: Demonstrate knowledge of the historical and cultural diversity of the English language. (Specialised Knowledge)
PSO5: Possess an awareness of alternatively defined traditions and/or genres, such as women’s literature, postcolonial literature, world literature.
PSO6: Understand texts in their cultural and historical contexts.
PSO7: Demonstrate judicious use of secondary material and appropriate documentation
PSO8: Demonstrate awareness of different critical approaches.
PSO9: Perform competent close readings of texts.
PSO10: Develop working knowledge of the principal works, authors, genres, and periods of British literatures.
PSO1: Assess students with adequate knowledge of Mass Communication and
PSO2: Prepare for communication research, teaching and media profession.
PSO3: Evaluate the emerging communication technology
PSO4: Produce the students to become socially conscious and concerned with media
PSO5: Prepare more opportunities to ambitious rural students to become post graduate in
Mass Communication & Journalism
PSO6: Provision to construct discourses on mass media and their experiments
PSO7: The planned approach to inculcate pioneering academic proficiency
PSO8: Guiding framework to acquire communication skills
PSO1: Demonstrate ethical uses of the sources through the MLA/APA formatted citations
PSO2: Show the ability to distinguish the primary sources from secondary sources
PSO3: Formulate proper arguments with appropriate evidences
PSO4: Show ability to compare, contrast the different processes, modes of thoughts, modes of expression belonging to different times and geographical locations
PSO5: Demonstrate the ability to undertake inependent research projects on archeology, Numismatics, ancient history, modern history, Indian history, world history
PSO6: Articulate the knowledge deciphered from scriptures and other carvings
PSO7: Demonstrate the ability to decipher the scriptures
PSO8: Demonstrate their understanding of different people and cultures in the past environment and of how those cultures changed in the course time
PSO9: Analyse the documents and develop the ability to think critically and historically in academic discourses.
PSO10: Apply, assess and debate the major historical schools of thought, methodology and sources in writing research papers.
PSO3: PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ ««zsÀ ¥ÀæPÁgÀUÀ¼À PÀÄjvÁzÀ ¥ÀÆtð CjªÀÅ ¨É¼É¹PÉÆArgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ
PSO8: PÁªÀå, PÀxÉ, «ªÀıÉð, ºÀgÀmÉ, ZÀÄlÄPÀÄ, ºÁ¸Àå §gÀºÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, £ÀÄravÀæ ªÉÆzÀ¯ÁzÀĪÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß gÀa¸À§®è ¸ÀÈd£À²Ã® ¥Àæw¨sÉAiÀÄ C£ÁªÀgÀt ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀÄîªÀÅzÀÄ
PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÁ ¥ÀwæPÉAiÀÄ «µÀAiÀĪÁgÀÄ ¥sÀ®±ÀÄæw
PSO6: PÁªÀå, PÀxÉ, «ªÀıÉð, ºÀgÀmÉ, ZÀÄlÄPÀÄ, ºÁ¸Àå §gÀºÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, £ÀÄravÀæ ªÉÆzÀ¯ÁzÀĪÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß gÀa¸À§®è ¸ÀÈd£À²Ã® ¥Àæw¨sÉAiÀÄ C£ÁªÀgÀt ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀÄîªÀÅzÀÄ
PSO7: ¸Á»vÀåzÀ ªÀiË®åUÀ¼À£ÀÄß §zÀÄQ£À°è C¼ÀªÀr¹PÉƼÀî§®è ªÁ¸ÀÛªÀ ¥ÀæeÉÕAiÀÄ C£ÁªÀgÀt
PSO1: Reflect on one’s cultural identities and values
PSO2: Recognise and appreciate the real world context of knowledge
PSO3: Promote active citizenship and community engagement
PSO4: Apply appropriate research methodologies to specific problems
PSO5: Develop a detailed understanding of the current state of knowledge in one or more discipline
PSO6: Demonstrate intellectual integrity and academic accountability
PSO6: Demonstrate the ability to ask relevant questions pertaining to Political Science
PSO7: Demonstrate the ability to apply political science knowledge and methodologies within class room setting.
PSO8: Analyse the political movements and their impacts
PSO9:Share scientific and unbiased political opinions during political/constitutional crisis
PSO10: Articulate and take positions and argue for issue based political positions
PSO11: Demonstrate intercultural awareness, integrity and competence
PSO12: Promote active citizenship and community engagement
PSO13: Undertake research, analyse and formulate effective argumentation about the political world in writing and oral presentation, making use of that competence
PSO14:Understand the decisions human beings make in political settings, including those regarding the forms of government available and understand the philosophical underpinnings of political systems, major ideologies, and political process
PSO15: Identify the differences between major political parties in the United States and how the electoral process functions
PSO16: Describe and explain political theory, political systems around the world, and politics in the international arena
PSO1: The Student will be able to develop four skills of language: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
PSO2: The Student will be able to know about the scientific approach of Sanskrit literature
PSO3: The Student will be able to gain knowledge in and about Sanskrit literature.
PSO4: The Student will be able to adopt the values in life which are spread in each and every sentence in Sanskrit.
PSO5: The Student will be able to know about Indian Culture
PSO6: The Student will be able to understand ourselves and for Individual developments.
PSO7: The Student will be able to spread Ancient Indian glory and respect.
PSO8: The Student will be able to lead Ideal life in house as well as in society.
PSO1: The students will be able to develop the skill of language
PSO2: The students will get to know some famous writers through essays and stories.
PSO3: The students will gain knowledge about the famous Hindi ancient poets
PSO4: The students will have idea of one act plays and their importance
PSO1: Demonstrate the knowledge about textile fibres, their properties and identification, and Construct garments and work along with technical specialists and marketing professionals, as assistant sales representatives, marketing assistant, weavers, and embroidery makers.
PSO2: Analysethe fabric defects and work as skilled tailors in textile industry, and garment units, and show keenness to acquire further knowledge about the care of clothing, finishes, removal of stains, and design for different figures.
PSO3: Interpret the relation of good nutrition to normal physical development and sound health and improving nutritional quality of food.
PSO4: Demonstrate planned recipes rich in (a) Protein (b) Carbohydrates (c) Iron (d) Vitamin ‘A’ (e) Thiamine (f) Vitamin ‘C’
PSO5: Identify the Physical growth, Motor skills, Social behaviour, and Intellectual Development of Pre-School Child.
PSO6: Explain the types of flower arrangements for different rooms and occasions.
PSO7: Analyse the family relationship during different stages in the family life cycle.
PSO8: Explain the significance of various creative activities and to develop skills.
PSO9: Develop an understanding of the principles of home management.
PSO10: Show the knowledge inorganising a good nursery school.
PSO1: Understand the basic facts and concepts related to research in psychology
PSO2: Undertake the research projects independently- methodology of research, data compilation, data analysis, and scientific report
PSO3: Identify and describe major theoretical perspectives, historical trends, major specialties, the basic anatomy of human brain and its functions
PSO4: Conduct surveys, reviews on the relevant literature and explain the rationale, procedures, impacts and conclusions
PSO5: Explain the behavior, emotions, mental processes using the latest theories
PSO6: Apply the psychological theories to real life situations
PSO7: Understand the influences of race, sexuality, class, gender on mental constructs and behavior
PSO8: Identify how psychologists study human behavior and how the same knowledge can be used to explain, predict and influence human behaviour
PSO1: Apply knowledge for developing technology to ease the problems related to the society.
PSO2: Understand the physical laws, concerning the motion of bodies, under the influence of system of forces.
PSO3: Understand the relationship between matter and energy
PSO4: Demonstrate the understanding of the core theories & principles of physics, such as mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, & quantum mechanics.
PSO5: Understand the Concepts, terminologies, methodologies of Physics
PSO6: Understand the fundamental theory of nature at small scale & levels of atom & sub-atomic particles
PSO7: Relate the structure of atoms & subatomic particles
PSO8: Understand physical properties of molecules and crystal structure
PSO9: Apply suitable mathematical theories to understand the laws of physics
PSO1: Demonstrate a broad understanding of chemistry that provides scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving skills
PSO2: Undertake professions in teaching, industries and research
PSO3: Conduct independent experiments using modern instruments
PSO4: Understand the importance of the periodic table of the elements and its role in organizing chemical information.
PSO5: Understand the interdisciplinary nature of chemistry and integrate knowledge of mathematics, physics and other disciplines to a wide variety of chemical problems.
PSO6: Undertake research projects independently.
PSO7: Articulate the scientific information and research results in both written and oral formats
PSO8: Demonstrate professionalism through ethical and social principles
PSO1: Understand the morphological and structural organization of Cryptogams and Phanerogams, economics Botany and plant utilization in concern with human life, diversity of national plant wealth, developmental biology of plants and industrial application of microorganism
PSO2: Understand the concept and mechanism of plant physiology
PSO3: Understand the various metabolic pathways in plants.
PSO4: Understand structure and functioning of the diverse ecosystems.
PSO5: Analysis and evaluation of the biodiversity status with due importance to the conservation strategies.
PSO6: Correlation of plant structures in carrying out physiological functions of plants
PSO7: Understand & recall the Molecular and cyto-genetic basis for plant structures & functions
PSO8: Undertake self-employment in the fields such as mushroom Cultivation, organic manure preparation, horticultural plant production, cultivation of crops in poly-house condition, plant tissue culture laboratories etc
PSO1: Develop Reasoning power.
PSO2: Learn to solve improper integrals.
PSO3: Make use of linear equations for solving any differential equations
PSO4: Understand various problems related with planar graphs.
PSO5: Understand the Concepts of Matrices and linear equations.
PSO6: Learn properties of inverse Laplace transforms
PSO1: Demonstrate the knowledge about various statistical techniques and their applications
PSO2: Apply practical and professional skills in data analysis
PSO3: Demonstrate the knowledge of derivation for mathematical statistics problems
PSO4: Able to critically assess a standard business report having graphics, probability statements
PSO5: Able to interpret the statistical tools commonly used in workplaces
PSO6: Apply R-Programming in solving statistical problems
PSO7: Undertake research projects by using research skills- preparation of questionnaire, conducting national sample survey, research projects using sample survey, sampling techniques
PSO8: Demonstrate cognitive skills such as learning and problems solving
PSO1: Understanding to apply the techniques of biotechnology in the field of Agriculture, aquaculture etc
PSO2: Designing and applying appropriate tools and techniques of Biotechnological manipulations
PSO3: Understanding the role of biotechnological tools in solving the problems related to agriculture and health
PSO4: Understanding the procedures involved in pharmaceuticals and the role of Biotechnology in it.
PSO5: Gaining knowledge on the medicinal plant biodiversity along with the medicinal values of various RET medicinal plants and also their conservation.
PSO6: Understanding the applicatory aspects of Biotechnology in the field of cancer biology and Immunology
PSO7: Learning to handle various instruments with biophysical principles.
PSO8: Undertake self employments in the fields such as Biofertilizer production, Phytochemical extraction, micropropagation etc
PSO1: Undertake independently or jointly any enterprise as full- fledged professional
PSO2: Apply the theories and concepts in the workplaces through the techniques of problem solving skills, financial management skills, analytical skills, synchronizing skills, decision making skills, presentation and reporting skills, juxtaposing skills, numerical skills, writing skills, language skills,
PSO3: Employ highly developed conceptual, analytical, quantitative and technical skills
PSO4: Articulate the contributions made by people of diverse perspectives, cultures and backgrounds
PSO6: Evaluate the role of business management, commerce and accountancy in addressing current issues faced by the local and global communities, for example unregulated market, price fluctuation affecting the farmers, unsecured small entrepreneurial ventures, risky investments,
PSO7: Articulate the contributions made by people of diverse perspectives, cultures and backgrounds
PSO8: Work effectively and efficiently in groups to meet a shared goal with people of diverse cultural backgrounds
PSO9: Communicate clearly and convincingly about commercial laws, tax relating issues, ideas, saving and pension schemes to expert and non-expert audiences
PSO10: Undertake need based significant projects concerning public and private sectors,
banking and other financial organizations
PSO11: Recognize and demonstrate higher level of ethical concerns in every walk of life
PSO12: Engage in self directed study and research confidently through the extensive use ICT and collaborations
PSO1: Serve as the Programmers or the Software Engineers with the sound knowledge of practical and theoretical concepts for developing software.
PSO2: Serve as the Computer Engineers with enhanced knowledge of computers and its building blocks.
PSO3: Work as the Hardware Designers/Engineers with the knowledge of Networking Concepts.
PSO4: Work as the System Engineers, System integrators the System Administrators with thorough knowledge of DBMS.
PSO5: Work as the Support Engineers and the Technical Writers
PSO6: Work as Consultant and Management officers for system management.
PSO7: Work as IT Sales and Marketing person.
PSO8: Serve as the IT Officers in Banks and cooperative societies.
PSO9: Work as DTP Operator in small-scale firms and business organisations
PSO10: Serve as the Web Designers with latest web development technologies Improve their computer literacy, their basic understanding of operative systems and a working knowledge of software commonly used in academic and professional environments.
PSO11: Develop criteria to organize and present different type of works in academic and professional environments.
PSO12: Organize information efficiently in the forms of outlines, charts, etc. by using appropriate software.
PSO13: Present ideas effectively and efficiently in Academic and Professional Presentations
PSO14: Use the Systems Analysis Design paradigm to critically analyze a problem.
PSO15: Solve the problems (programming networking database and Web design) in the Information Technology environment and function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal and demonstrate professional behavior.
PSO16: Develop IT-oriented security issues and protocols.
PSO1: Demonstrate the ability and competency in management professions
PSO2: Handle appropriately crucial situations in workplaces with appropriate measures
PSO3: Apply skills and professional competency to maximize the results
PSO4: Articulate and manage challenges successfully
PSO5: Engage productively through the effective use professional tools
PSO6: Define the business processes, their interactions and distinguish their specifics
PSO7: Choose and apply the market research methods as per the business needs
PSO8: Analyze market information and apply it appropriately for the growth
PSO9: Analyze any business, identify the strengths and weaknesses and determine the scope for improvement.
PSO10: Show the operational ability especially the continuously changing business environment
UG admission- 2025-26